Appealing a UC Board of Review Decision to the Commonwealth Court


If a party disagrees with the UC Board of Review’s decision, the party has the right to file an appeal to the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. An appeal to the Commonwealth Court may be filed within 30 days of the mailing date of the Board’s decision. The UC Board of Review has nothing to do with the filing or processing of further appeals to the Court, nor does it represent either the claimant or the employer before the Court. Petitions may be filed in person or by mail. If mailing, you may wish to use a U.S. Postal Service Certificate of Mailing, Form 3817. You may obtain the form at the post office or on the USPS website, but a USPS employee must complete it at the post office.

Prior to filing a petition for review with the Commonwealth Court, a party may wish to consult an attorney. If a claimant qualifies, free legal assistance may be available from local legal services organizations, local bar associations or law school clinics.


Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Judicial Center
601 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 2100
P.O. Box 69185
Harrisburg, Pa. 17106-9185


Mail a Copy of the Petition by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested to:

Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General Secretary
16th Floor, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, Pa. 17120

Unemployment Compensation Board of Review
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, 10th Floor
Harrisburg, Pa. 17121

Mail a copy of the Petition by First-Class Mail to:

If Claimant Appealing to Court: To the Employer


If Employer Appealing to Court: To the Claimant

If you have any questions regarding the filing of a petition for review with the Commonwealth Court, you may call:


Requesting the UC Board of Review to Reconsider its Decision

A party aggrieved by a Board decision may submit a request to the Board to reconsider the decision. The request must be submitted no later than 15 days after the decision mailing date. Reconsideration will be granted only under very limited circumstances, for “good cause.” The Board, in most cases, cannot revisit its previous credibility determinations. Also, the Board will not accept additional evidence, unless the party could not have presented the evidence at an earlier stage.

The submission of a request for reconsideration to the Board does not extend the time limit for filing a petition for review with Commonwealth Court.

The information provided on this site does not constitute a determination of eligibility to receive unemployment compensation.