Elevator Safety Board

The board holds hearings on elevator code variances and appeals. It decides cases and recommends regulations to the Labor Secretary. These cover elevator construction, maintenance, inspection, and safe operation.

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Industrial Board

Board conducts hearings on safety regulation variances and appeals. It decides cases, approves changes, and interprets regulations. The board establishes and oversees technical advisory groups.

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Prevailing Wage Appeals Board

Conducts hearings and determines appeals or grievances arising out of administration of the Prevailing Wage Act.

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Labor/Management Cooperation Office

Plans and develops systems and programs to facilitate improved Labor-Management Relations in the public and private sectors to enhance economic development in the Commonwealth.

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Bureau of Mediation

The Bureau mediates labor disputes in the private and public sectors. It operates under the Taft-Hartley Act, The Police and Fire Arbitration Act, Act 111 of 1968, and The Pennsylvania Employes’ Relations Act, Act 195 of 1970. It also provides educational programs for management, union officials, and others. The goal is to enhance labor relations in the Commonwealth. The Bureau has three regional offices in Philadelphia, Hazleton, and Pittsburgh.

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Bureau of Labor Law Compliance

Creates and enforces policies to meet labor laws. Sets wage rates, inspects workplaces, and issues documents. Also, runs education programs. If needed, begins legal action against uncorrected violations.

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Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety (BOIS)

The department creates and enforces safety laws for workers and the public. It issues regulations, conducts inspections, grants permits and licenses, and handles complaints. It also assists the Accessibility Advisory Board, PA Industrial Board, and Asbestos Control Advisory Committee.

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Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board

The Commonwealth Labor Relations Board oversees collective bargaining laws and resolves disputes. It conducts hearings, elections, and appoints fact finders for representation issues. The Board arbitrates conflicts for employees without strike rights under PERA. It also defends its decisions in court appeals and enforcement matters.

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