LIBC Forms
Welcome to the department's Workers' Compensation LIBC Forms. The form hyperlinks are designed to provide a resource, but not supersede any statuary or regulatory requirements relating to form filing. When a copy of a form is required by law, to be provided to another party, a true and correct copy of such information must be provided to that party consistent with the act, regulations and/or any applicable department-issued policy statement or written guidance.
The workers' compensation forms are for your immediate use. However, the Bureau of Workers' Compensation and the Workers' Compensation Office of Adjudication require their use on the effective/revision dates noted. Previous versions of these forms submitted after the revision date will not be accepted and will be returned to the filing party.
Bureau of Workers' Compensation Forms
Workers' Compensation Office of Adjudication Forms
Workers' Compensation Appeal Board Forms
Special Funds are required to make Supersedeas Fund Reimbursement (SFR) payments via Direct Deposit
The bureau is required to make SFR payments via direct deposit through a registered vendor with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Vendor Data Management Unit (VDMU).
View the instructions and get started today!
Questions? Email us at
WC Payment Authorization Form
Pursuant to Act 126 of 2024 relating to direct deposit of wage loss benefits, the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation developed the Payment Authorization Form (LIBC-215) for use by all insurers and self-insured employers to initiate or stop payment of wage-loss benefits via direct deposit.
WC Claims Forms
Detailed filing instructions may be found under Claims Information.
Answers to Petitions
We encourage you to submit answers to petitions through WCAIS. You may also submit them directly to the workers' compensation judge assigned to the case.