State-Certified Workplace Safety Committee Program

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Fewer Injuries More Savings

How can I start saving now?

First, establish a workplace safety committee that meets the requirements listed below. Then, after six months of operation, complete a committee certification application and submit it to the PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation for approval.

What are the basic requirements?

Committees must have a minimum of two employer and two employee representatives, meet monthly and be in operation for at least six full months prior to applying.

ALL committee members must be trained annually by qualified trainers on the following four topics: hazard detection and inspections; incident and illness prevention and investigation; safety committee structure and operation; substance abuse and opioid painkiller use.

Committees must record and maintain membership lists, meeting agendas, attendance lists and meeting minutes. Go to and select Workers’ Compensation, then Health and Safety Division for more information about the program and requirements. From that page, you can also file your application electronically by clicking Online Filing Using HandS.

What happens when I get approved?

You’ll receive written notification from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation to provide to your insurance carrier. The 5 percent discount will be calculated and applied at the next policy renewal date following certification.

What happens if my application is turned down?

You'll be notified by email that your applicaton is being disapproved, and we'll provide technical assistance to make corrections. If all the corrections are made, certification approval will be granted.

Do I have to repeat this whole process to qualify for the discount in the future?

No. In the years following initial certification, a renewal application will be sent to your HandS user account approximately 90 days in advance of your annual workers' compensation policy renewal date. Updating information, submitting and signing the form is all that's required. By signing the form, you are attesting that the committee continues to operate and meet all certification requirements.

How long can I receive the 5 percent discount?

If you continue to follow the state’s workplace safety committee requirements and regulations, you are eligible for the 5 percent discount.

Still not sure?

Receiving the 5 percent discount is just the beginning.The National Safety Council estimates that for every $1 of direct costs (medical and workers’ compensation) of a lost-time injury, between $4 and $8 is spent on indirect costs – things like lost or spoiled production, damaged equipment, worker retraining, incident investigation, etc.

So, for every injury you prevent, you could save time, business costs and manpower. That 5 percent discount is an additional boost to your bottom line.

Besides, you wouldn’t want your competitors to be the only ones doing a good job of improving safety, preventing incidents, and saving money they can then spend on expansion, advertising, hiring and customer incentives, would you? We didn’t think so.

Call 717-772-1635 today to request your packet and start saving!

Through 2022, more than 13,000 Pennsylvania employers have saved more than $888 million.

That’s because they set up state-certified workplace safety committees, which SAVE each of them 5 percent on their workers’ compensation insurance premiums.

That’s $888 million that companies are using to buy new equipment, hire more workers, expand their businesses, and even pay bonuses to employees – money they used to spend on insurance premiums!

Derstine’s Inc., located in Sellersville, Pa., is a family-owned food service company that also specializes in international imports, exports, and government contract services. They have compiled more than 750,000 incident-free man hours. ” Brendan Triplett, Vice President of Derstine’s, says, “The work done by our Workplace Safety Committee, in prioritizing the safety of our team, has made us an example for others in our industry and the tip of the spear in safety initiatives. Our focus on safety, and the GASE (Governor’s Award for Safety Excellence) award, positioned us for our continued success with our induction into the OSHA SHARP. Communication, teamwork, and investing in the development of a culture of safety has set us up for many years of continued success.”

Getting Started Checklist

Ask! Email the Safety account at and request a certified Workplace Safety Committee Start Information Packet.

Assess! Examine incident trends and rates for your industry, as well as the rates and types of incidents and illnesses your workplace is experiencing.

Assemble! Assemble your committee members to establish safety goals and procedures for your workplace.

Act! Once you've determined the safety needs and goals of your workplace, implement them into your business practices.


For more information, contact:
Health & Safety Division
Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry
651 Boas Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17121
Phone: 717.772.1635 or 717.882.1917

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program