e-Learning Videos

The Center for Workforce Information & Analysis (CWIA) has recorded a series of E-Learning videos to introduce users to the various labor market information (LMI) products and services we offer. Awareness and knowledge of the tools and services we provide will help users make informed policy, business and career decisions. Videos may be viewed in your web browser by selecting a video of interest below. Please check back from time to time for additional LMI videos.

The Pennsylvania New Hire Reporting Program is administered by the Center for Workforce Information & Analysis (CWIA) within the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry on behalf of the Bureau of Child Support Enforcement (BCSE) within the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. The purpose of the program is to aid in the collection of child support from non-custodial parents by matching new hire records received from employers to child support case files.

New Hire data are reported by employers through the Pennsylvania CareerLink® system (as part of the Commonwealth Workforce Development System, or CWDS), validated for format and completeness, and then matched against files containing the names of non-custodial parents who owe child support. When a match occurs, a notice is immediately sent by Human Services to the child support obligor's employer, notifying the employer to withhold child support. This process allows for the expedition of child support payments in a significantly reduced amount of time compared to previous detection methods. In addition to using new hire information for enhancing child support collections, the data are also used by the Department of Labor & Industry for detecting fraud in the unemployment compensation, and workers' compensation programs; this saves taxpayers millions of dollars each year.

To learn more about new hire reporting, please select a video of interest below.