Statewide Average Weekly Wage (SAWW)

Calendar Year and State Fiscal Year SAWW

Pennsylvania's calendar year SAWW is based on data from January 1 to December 31. The state fiscal year SAWW is based on data from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. For example, fiscal year 2010 runs from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. The fiscal year SAWW is used to calculate workers' compensation benefits for the following calendar year.

The SAWW is calculated from the monthly employment and quarterly wage data reported by employers covered under the state Unemployment Compensation Law. The monthly employment numbers are summed to get an employment total and the quarterly wages are summed to get total annual wages. The employment total is divided by twelve to get the average monthly employment. The total annual wage is divided by the average monthly employment to yield the statewide annual average wage. Lastly, the statewide annual average wage is divided by fifty-two to get the statewide average weekly wage.

The new fiscal year SAWW will be available each December and the new calendar year SAWW each September.

Pennsylvania Average Weekly Wage by State Fiscal Year Excel PDF

Pennsylvania Average Weekly Wage by Calendar Year Excel PDF

Three-Year SAWW for Unemployment Compensation Purposes

Under current Pennsylvania law, the SAWW for unemployment compensation (UC) purposes is based on the most recent three fiscal years. Calculation of this three-year average weekly wage is similar to the calculation of the fiscal year SAWW, except that thirty-six months of data are used instead of twelve months.

The maximum weekly benefit rate calculation and severance pay deductions from UC are based on the three-year SAWW.

The new three-year SAWW, based on fiscal years, will be available each December.

Pennsylvania Three-Year Average Weekly Wage for Unemployment Compensation Calculations Excel PDF

Three-Year SAWW for Act 1 Index

The SAWW for the most recent three calendar years is used to calculate the Act 1 index, which is used to determine the maximum tax increases for taxes levied by school districts, under the Taxpayer Relief Act (Special Session Act 1 of 2006). Calculation of this three-year average weekly wage is similar to the calculation of the calendar year SAWW, except that thirty-six months of data are used instead of twelve months.

The new three-year SAWW, based on calendar years, will be available each September.

Pennsylvania Three-Year Average Weekly Wage for Act 1 Index Calculation Excel PDF

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