Professional Members:

Brown-Haywood, Felicia
02/09/22-02/09/25 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term

D'Amato-Dow, Jennifer
02/09/22-02/09/25 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Iezzi, Linda
4/9/24-4/9/27 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Jenkins, Sandra
4/9/24-4/9/27 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

O'Neill, Tammy (Chair)
02/09/22-02/09/25 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term

Weakland, Nicole  (Vice Chair)
4/9/24-4/9/27 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term
(vocational education teacher)

Whisler, Teresa
02/09/22-02/09/25 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Vacant, Position Open

Public Members:

Lee, Alexandria
4/9/24-4/9/27 USQ for Six Months

Vacant, Position Open

Vacant, Position Open



Kelly, Heather(Consumer Protection)
Deputy Attorney General

Claggett, Arion R. 
Acting Commissioner of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs

USQ=Until Successor Qualifies

QUORUM REQUIREMENTS - Seven members of the board. 

8 Professional Members 
3 Public Members 
1 Consumer Protection 
1 Commissioner