Deloitte will be conducting both On-Site Monitoring (OSM) and Virtual Monitoring (VM) of subrecipients of ESSER I, ESSER II, and/or ARP ESSER grants. The goal of these activities is not to conduct an audit, but rather to conduct a review of the ESSER grant programs, related processes/procedures, and to ensure compliance with Federal grant program rules and regulations. This review can help to prepare for and respond to future audits or reviews, and provides opportunity to ask technical questions and discuss any compliance or performance-related concerns you may have. If selected for an OSM visit, the Deloitte monitoring team will travel to you to conduct their monitoring review.
Please review the following to prepare for your upcoming monitoring.
The Interim Revision process is required only if your LEA has significant program and / or budget changes to your approved ESSER and ARP ESSER applications.
Instructions to complete Interim Revisions:
Frequently Asked Questions
All Monitorings
On-Site Monitoring
Virtual Monitoring
PDE ESSER Technical Assistance Training
ARP ESSER Closeout (PDF)
Compliance (PDF)
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Monitoring: Beyond The Top 10 Observations (PDF)
Equipment and Property Management (PDF) | Equipment and Property Management Town Hall (YouTube)
Federal Programs Coordinators Webinar (YouTube)
Financial Management (PDF)
General/Entity Level Standards (PDF) | General/Entity Level Standards Webinar (YouTube)
Interest Earned from Federal Grants (PDF) | Interest Earned Town Hall (YouTube)
Internal Controls (PDF)
Late Liquidation (PDF)
Obligation Considerations (PDF)
Procurement (PDF) | Procurement Webinar (YouTube)
Finishing Strong: American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER) Program and Closeout (PDF)
Program Closeout (PDF)
Program Closeout (1/22/25) (PDF)
Salaries and Benefits (PDF) | Salaries and Benefits Town Hall (YouTube)
The (Pro) Cure to Federal Procurement Compliance (PDF)
Time and Effort (PDF)
What to Expect in Monitoring Cycle 24-25 (PDF)
Monitoring Cycle 24-25 Overview and Expectations (YouTube)