
Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) Frequently Asked Questions

​If you are unable to resolve this issue by way of the "Forgot Username" or "Forgot​​ Password" options, please contact the Keystone Login Help Desk: 877-328-0995.  

Your PPID is issued by logging into the TIMS portal and setting up a profile.   After your profile is set up, your PPID is located on your TIMS personal profile page.

​AFTER you pay and submit your application in TIMS, you will be provided the link to print your application cover sheet. An application in "incomplete" status is a started application, not a submitted application. The cover sheet provides complete instruction on submitting your documents to PDE. Completed forms may be uploaded directly to the application. Do NOT upload documents under an incorrect heading. Documents that cannot be uploaded or submitted electronically must be submitted to PDE through the mail with the application cover sheet.

​Yes.  Your application remains as incomplete until you complete the application, choose your method of payment, and hit submit.  You will then be provided a link to the application cover sheet that includes complete instructions on submitting your documents to PDE.

​Yes, if an upload option appears you can submit certain documents electronically.  Do not upload documents under an incorrect heading. If you do not see an upload option, you must submit your documents through the mail with the application cover sheet.

​The link to print your application cover sheet is provided AFTER you choose your method of payment and submit your application in TIMS.  If you already submitted your application, the cover sheet can be found on your TIMS dashboard under “Applications in Process.”

​“Other” is a category on your cover sheet that you can use if you have any supplemental documentation to submit to PDE that is not typically requested.  In most cases, there is nothing to submit if this is the only category indicated on the cover sheet.

  • Incomplete: You started an application but have not yet submitted it.

  • Submitted for IHE/LEA Verification: You submitted your application and it is now waiting for an electronic verification of your preparation program (IHE) or work experience from your employer (LEA).

  • Pending Documentation: PDE is waiting for the required documents listed on the coversheet.

  • Awaiting Evaluation: The TIMS system has determined your application is complete and is now waiting for staff in our office to review your application by the "awaiting evaluation" date.  PDE posts the estimated application processing time at the TIMS log-in screen.  Applications with a "yes" answer to a good moral character question will take longer. 

  • Pending Additional Documentation: The PDE evaluation has occurred and you now need to submit additional information in order to complete the evaluation.  Please check your email to look for the specific requirements outlined by your evaluator.

  • Pending Test Score: The PDE evaluation has occurred and you need to complete a test(s) in order to be issued a PA certificate.

​Name changes are submitted through TIMS by clicking on the button on your TIMS dashboard “Application for Change in Profile.”

Pennsylvania certificates are issued online only. A certified educator may print a copy of their certificate from their TIMS dashboard. However, a printed copy is not an official record. The validity and active status of a Pennsylvania certificate may only be officially verified by accessing the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS).  All prospective employers should verify in TIMS the validity and active status of any Pennsylvania certificate presented for employment.

​An educator who is not currently employed by a Pennsylvania public school entity may request a voluntary inactive certification status by submitting an application online via TIMS.  You may also request removal of voluntary inactive status via TIMS.

TIMS Testing

​TIMS is designed to only indicate the passing score for the tests.  The decision to accept a score based on your Grade Point Average (GPA) is a PDE policy and determined at the time of the evaluation.