Using PVAAS as a School Counselor

The power in PVAAS comes from using key PVAAS reports to inform the work you do as a school cou​​​​nselor

This page offers resources specific to a school counselor’s purpose in using PVAAS.​

​These resources provide information to assist you in getting started with using PVAAS data in your role as a school counselor.

Resources for School Counselors

​These resources provide information to assist you as a school counselor in using PVAAS data to collaborate with colleagues and participate in multi-disciplinary team meetings.

Resources for School Counselors

​These resources provide information to assist you as a school counselor in using PVAAS to provide college and career guidance to students and families.

Resources for School Counselors

Videos for School Counselors

​These resources provide information to assist you as a school counselor in using PVAAS to determine course offerings, develop and design school schedules, and support individual course selections for students.

Resources for School Counselors

Videos for School Counselors

​Support and Assistance

For answers to questions regarding statewide support or professional learning, please contact the PVAAS Statewide Team via phone: 717-606-1911 or email: pdepvaas@iu13.org.