Elementary and Secondary Education

Home Education and Private Tutoring

In 1988, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 169 (Senate Bill 154), amending the Pennsylvania School Code. It amended section 1327, Compulsory School Attendance, to define a properly qualified private tutor and to allow a parent, guardian, or person having legal custody of a child to home school their children as an option for complying with compulsory school attendance. It added section 1327.1, Home Education Program, to specify the rights and responsibilities of the parents and the school district where the family resides.

Act 67 of 2005 (Senate Bill 361) amended section 1327.1 to allow children enrolled in a home education program to participate in any activity that is subject to the provisions of section 511, School Athletics, Publications, and Organizations, given certain criteria are met for these extracurricular activities.

In 2014, Act 196 (House Bill 1013) was passed, amending section 1327.1 in regard to a number of provisions. Among others, these changes included paths to a high school diploma with all the rights and privileges afforded by the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth agency and that the evaluation of a home education program by a qualified evaluator is the required proof that an appropriate education has taken place, whether from a mid-year request by the superintendent or the evidence due at the end of the school year.

The current version of sections 1327 and 1327.1 are available online and discussed in the Home Education and Private Tutoring Guide.

This Home Education and Private Tutoring webpage contains information relevant to parents and guardians, evaluators, private tutors, school districts, businesses and institutions of higher learning. Although some topics are targeted specifically to one of these audiences, all topics contain information that may be relevant to others.

Act 55 0f 2022 was passed and school districts must allow home educated students to participate in any cocurricular activity that merges extracurricular activities with a required academic course, academic courses (equaling up to at least one quarter of the school day for full-time students), and career and technical education (CTE) programs effective the 2023-24 school year. Section 1327.1(f.2) (1)-(5) of the School Code requires school districts to develop policies and procedures to permit a child who is enrolled in a home education program to participate in any cocurricular activity or CTE program. The board of school directors may adopt further policies to implement the participation of home education students in cocurricular activities, academic courses, and CTE programs. School districts should establish policies and procedures for home education students including procedures addressing enrollment and attendance of students from home education programs into classes and CTE programs. 

Sample Affidavits and Unsword Declarations

Home education program supervisors should review the board policy of their local school district to determine which forms and information should be filed with the district. The sample affidavits shown below may be used by the supervisor of the home education program for children at the elementary school level (kindergarten through sixth grade) or at the secondary school level (seventh through twelfth grade). These affidavits must be notarized.  Alternatively, the unsworn declarations shown below may also be used by a home school supervisor.  They are similar to the affidavits, however, unsworn declarations do not need to be notarized but instead, are governed under perjury statutes.

School District Report

Who Must Report?

Local school districts are responsible for tracking home school students and for providing data using the Home Education and Private Tutoring Data Collection tool. 

Who Does Not Need to Report?

  • Charter Schools
  • Intermediate Units
  • Cyber Charter Schools
  • Career and Technical Centers

Accuracy Certification Statement Form

The Accuracy Certification Statement (ACS) is reviewed in the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP) and can be found in Reports in the School Services Office folder. This is an LEA-level report, formatted to show the data for a district’s administrative unit number (AUN).  

The form should be reviewed to ensure that data are accurate and the form is electronically signed prior to submitting. The ACS must be reviewed and electronically signed by the superintendent and the point of contact listed on the Profile page of the report, then submitted via the FRCPP by November 1 annually. 


If you have any questions regarding: 

  • Receiving access to the FRCPP: please contact the Local Security Administrator (LSA) at your school district.
  • Technical issues with the FRCPP: please email RA-EDFRCPP@pa.gov.  Please be sure the Chief School Administrator info is correct in the Educational Names and Addresses (EdNA) database at www.EdNA.pa.gov
  • Content of the Home Education and Private Tutoring Report: please contact the School Services Office at RA-Home-Education@pa.gov.

Diplomas and Diploma-Granting Organizations

Some organizations apply to PDE for recognition as state approved diploma-granting organizations, using the Home Education Association Application for Recognition. These organizations are listed at the Diploma-Granting Organizations for Home Education Programs (State Approved) link. Additionally, supervisor-issued homeschool diplomas are recognized by the state. This form for a supervisor-issued diploma (PDE 6008), and the others, are provided below.

The accompanying table lists the diploma-granting organizations that currently are authorized by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to grant state-recognized home education diplomas for PA residents only. They may not grant a home education diploma to anyone who is not a resident of PA. Additionally, they may grant diplomas only to those students who have submitted a home education affidavit and evaluation to their superintendent of schools for their graduation year.

These organizations reapply every three years and new organizations are added, so this list may change from year-to-year.

​PDE Approved Home Ed Diploma-Granting Organizations​Contact
​Motivated Young Scholars
Veronica Manley 
Director of Youth and Family Services
5646 Cedar Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19143
(215) 921-6263 
​Erie County Homeschoolers
(Erie County Homeschoolers Diploma Association)
​Edi Thomas
(570) 967-0951
9129 State Road, Cranesville, PA 16410
​Mason Dixon Homeschoolers Association​Stephanie Vickers
(717) 749-5767
32 West Main Street #5, Waynesboro, PA 17268
Mason Dixon Homeschoolers email addresses
Support Group: office@masondixonhomeschoolers.org
Diploma Program: diploma@masondixonhomeschoolers.org
Mason Dixon Homeschoolers websites
Support Group: www.masondixonhomeschoolers.org
Diploma Program: www.masondixonhomeschoolers.org/dp
​Pennsylvania Homeschoolers Accreditation Agency​Dr. Howard B. Richman
(724) 783-6512
105 Richman Lane, Kittanning, PA 16201
​Susquehanna Valley Homeschool Diploma Program, Inc.Amy Reese, president
(570) 956-8416
Sandy Elliott, information
(717) 580-5206
5714 Potteiger Ave, Harrisburg, PA 17112
Aleithia Learning Community​Peter Mountz
(484) 798-4165
55 Bertolet School Road, Spring City, PA 19475
Note – organization’s application was renewed after having expired. Organization granted diplomas from 5/18/99 to 5/18/02 and then began to grant diplomas again effective 10/04/11.
​Valley Forge Baptist Home Education Association
​Karen Melchior
(610) 948-8100
616 S. Trappe Road, Collegeville, PA 19426

If the student graduated within the dates of operation, they still would have a valid diploma.

​PDE Approved Home Ed Diploma-Granting Organizations
(Expired Authorization - but could assign diplomas for the dates indicated)
Bridgeway Academy (a division of Essential Learning Institute)
​Jessica L. Parnell
(800) 863-1474
334 Second Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032
No longer granting diplomas effective 10/20/2019
Buxmont Christian Educational Institute Inc
Terry L. Johns
(215) 723-7226
146 W. Broad Street, Telford, PA 18969
No longer granting diplomas effective 10/20/2019
The Lancaster Center for Classical Studies (The Classical Foundation of Lancaster)​
Peter or Laurie Brown
(717) 397-3223
910 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603
11/19/2018; reinstated effective 3/12/21; terminated 3/12/24
Teen Travel Foundation of Western PA
(866) 463-9081
322 Mall Blvd. #165, Monroeville, PA 15146
Upattinas School and Resource Center
Kim Coffin
(610) 458-5138
429 Greenridge Road, Glenmoore, PA 19343
​12/04/00 through 4/15/17

Becoming a Diploma Provider

An organization serving homeschooling families may apply to PDE for recognition to grant home education diplomas by completing the Home Education Association Application for Recognition on the Home Education and Private Tutoring homepage. 

Support Groups and Resources

Various organizations provide support for homeschoolers. The information contained herein has been provided by the organization, based on categories provided at the bottom of this file. Inclusion in this list does not imply evaluation, review or approval of any kind by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).

While PDE does not list individuals as resources, an organization may download the Application for Listing as a Support Group from the Home Education and Private Tutoring homepage and return it for inclusion of their group on the website.

County and regional support groups for parents of homeschoolers are particularly welcomed to the list because they link together homeschool families in the same geographical area to share ideas, resources and activities.

Achievement Testing - An organization which arranges for students to take nationally normed standardized achievement tests.

Advocacy - An organization which provides legal information and/or assistance.

Association - An organization which parents or families join for a fee.

Conference - Organizes an annual or more frequent meeting of organizations and/or parents regarding homeschooling issues.

Curriculum Fair - Organizes an annual or more frequent fair of organizations or companies that provide materials for instruction.

Diplomas - Organization which is properly registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Education to issue secondary school graduation credentials for post-secondary school admittance, PHEAA grants and loans, and supervision of a home education program.

Email - An address on the Internet.

Evaluators - An organization which provides a listing of evaluators.

Information - An organization which provides information on other organizations, materials or research on the subject of home education free of charge.

Materials - An organization which sells or provides without charge curriculum materials or other materials used in instruction.

Newsletters - An organization which provides a periodic newsletter or magazine for homeschooling families, with or without charge.

On-line Courses - An organization which provides courses in limited subject areas or age groups via the Internet. The courses or age groups will be identified.

Support Group - An organization which provides parent support meetings, family programs, field trips, kids clubs, social activities.

Website - Electronically retrievable information available through the Internet free of charge.

If your organization would like to advertise on this page, complete the Application for Listing as a Support Group on the Home Education and Private Tutoring homepage and return it to ra-home-education@pa.gov.

Chester County

Classical Conversations (CC) (www.classicalconversations.com)
367 Hibernia Road
Coatesville, PA 19320-1287
Melissa Alton, 610-384-1306, malton@classicalconversations.com | Lori Herson, 610-384-4780
Achievement testing, Association, Conference, Email, Evaluators, Newsletters, Support Group, Website

Regional - Allegheny, Butler, and Beaver Counties

Family Instructors of the North Suburbs (FINS) (sites.google.com/site/pittsburghfins/)
1549 Crestview Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Barb Beideman, 412-358-0394
Alicia Hunt, 724-316-9267
Email: Pittsburghfins@gmail.com
Association, Conference, Email, Evaluators, Information, Support Group, Website

Regional – Allegheny (Pts) and Westmoreland Counties

The McKeesport Area Homeschoolers
404 Owens Avenue
Liberty Borough, PA 16930
Barbara Page, 412-461-6788, pageclan@msn.com
Association, Email, Website

Westmoreland-Fayette Council of the Boy Scouts of America
2 Garden Center Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601
Hugh Hubble, 724-837-1630 x316, Hugh.Hubble@scouting.org
Association/Support Group

Regional - Berks, Bucks, Chester, and Montgomery Counties

Valley Forge Baptist Home Education Association (VFBHEA)
616 S. Trappe Road
Collegeville, PA 19426
Karen Melchior, 610-948-8100, kmelchior@vfba.org
Lois Rall, 610-948-8100
Fax: 610-948-6423
Association, Newsletters, Support Group, Diplomas, Email, Website

​Big Blue Swim School Paoli and Big Blue Swim School Fairless Hills​ (BBSS) (https://bigblueswimschool.com/locations/pennsylvania/paoli)
82 E Lancaster Ave
Paoli, PA 19301
Erica Kowal, 267-496-4657, ekowal@bigblueswimschool.com

Regional - Cumberland and Dauphin County

​​USA Ninja Challenge (www.ninjacamphill.com)
1909 State Street
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Justin Schreibeis, 717-980-5984, camphill@usaninjachallenge.com
Association, email, webpage, in person classes

Regional - Franklin County

Pennsylvania Home Education Network 
952 Peach Street
Ellwood City, PA 16117
Association, Email, Evaluators, Information, Newsletter, Support Group, Website

Regional - Monroe, Northampton, Pike and surrounding counties

Northeast Pennsylvania Homeschoolers (NEPA)
PO Box 884
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Judy or Paul Van Hook, 717-476-9321, nepahomeschoolers@yahoo.com
Curriculum Fair, Email, Evaluators, Information

Regional – Philadelphia and surrounding area

Classical Conversations of Northeast Philadelphia (www.classicalconversations.com)
CC NE Philly
525 Welsh Road
Philadelphia, PA 19115
Andrea Whyte, 267-296-6572, Gather2LearnLLC@gmail.com
Serving Philadelphia, Bucks, and Montgomery county home school families
Association, info, emails, webpage, materials, support group and newsletters

Homeschool Happenings in Montgomery County
500 Donegal Court
Royersford, PA 19468
Beth Chiang 240-357-7123

Support group, evaluator, curriculum, info, webpage

Regional - Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery and Chester Counties

Cupola Academy (https://cupolaacademy.org/)
1554 Paoli Pike #234
West Chester, PA 19380
Michael Hilbert, 610-255-7188
Julia Bergson-Shilcock, 610-255-7188
Email: Info@cupolaacademy.org
Achievement Tests, Association, Conference, Evaluators, Support Group, Newsletters

Motivated Young Scholars, Inc. (MYS) 
5911 Larchwood Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Veronica Manley, 484-243-0332, Motivatedyoungscholars@gmail.com
Verna Aggie, 267-223-9872
Advocacy, Association, Conference, Curriculum, Diplomas, Evaluators, Support Group, Newsletters, Materials, Information

Open Connections (OC) (www.openconnections.org)
1616 Delchester Road
Newton Square, PA  19073
Sarah Becker, 610-459-3366
Rick Sleutaris, 610-459-3366
Email: info@openconnections.org
Achievement Tests, Association, Conference, Evaluators, Support Group, Newsletters

Regional - York County and surrounding areas

York Homeschool Association (YHSA) (https://www.homeschool-life.com/1183/)
211 Pauline Drive Box #407
York, PA 17402
Dawn Meeks, Coordinator, coordinator@yhsa.org
Maureen Garver, Membership, garverclan@yahoo.com 
Association and Support Group Information, Materials, Newsletter,  Groups, Activities, and Curriculum Fair (April)

Regional - York, Adams, Cumberland and Dauphin Counties

New Horizons Homeschool Group (NHHG) (www.nhhgpa.com)
P.O. Box 518
Dillsburg, PA 17019
Contact Person – Sarah Weiser
Cindy Petrides, Director
Email: info@nhhgpa.com
Support Group, Email, and Website

Aleithia Learning Community (www.aleithia.org)
55 Bertolet School Road
Spring City, PA 19475
Peter D. Mountz, Headmaster, 484-798-4165, mountzALC@gmail.com
484-901-5211 (business voicemail)
Association, On-line Courses, Materials

Bowman's Orton-Gillingham "Plus" (Bowman Educational Service) (www.bowmanogplus.com)
Cumberland, Maryland
Stephanie Pratt, 301-707-9305, stephpratt3@gmail.com​
E-mail, On-line Courses, Website

Catholic Homeschoolers of Pennsylvania (www.catholichomeschoolpa.org)
101 South College Street
Myerstown, PA 17067
Larry and Ellen Kramer, 717-866-5425, kramer101@comcast.netinfo@catholichomeschoolpa.org
Fax: 717-866-5425
Association, Conference & Curriculum Fair, Email, Evaluators, Information, Newsletter, Website

Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania (CHAP) (www.chaponline.com)
610 Lansvale St
Marysville, PA 17053
Angela Davis 717-838-0980, staff@chaponline.com
Advocacy, Conference, Curriculum Fair, Email, Evaluators, Information, Newsletter,  Support Groups, Website

Creative Healing (CH)(​creativehealingphilly.com)
1811 Bethlehem Pike Flourtown, PA 19031​
Katie K May, 215-948-3546
Tracy Catlin, 215-948-3546
Support Groups

Edu Prime LLC (www.eduprimellc.org)
100 East Penn Square Suite : 400
Philadelphia, PA  19101
Paul Musumba, 215-525-2866, pmusumba@eduprimellc.org
Achievement Testing, Conference, Curriculum Fair, Email, Evaluators, Information, Newsletter, Online Courses, Support Group, Website

Erie County Homeschoolers Diploma Association (www.echsdiploma.org)
9151 State Road
Cranesville, PA 16410
Janet Preston, 814-774-8598
Association, Diplomas

Excel High School (EHS) (https://www.excelhighschool.com)
601 Carlson Pkwy Suite 1250
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Primary contact – Rod Clarkson, 952-465-3700
Alt contact: Charlie Buehler, 952-465-3700
FAX: 952-465-3700
Email: rclarkson@excelhighschool.com
Online Courses

Homeschool Spanish Academy (HSA) (www.spanish.academy)
P.O. Box #2234
Spring, TX 77386
Ron Fortin, 210-645-5278, ron@spanish.academy
Customer Service, 1 (855) 997-4652, info@spanish.academy

Keystone Christian Institute ​
120 Kilingerman Road
Telford, PA 18969
Christa Hageman, 215-721-1868, PAhomeschool@undermothersheart.com
Information, Website, Email, Handbell Choir (Music Classes), Statewide and classes for Bucks, Berks, Montgomery, and Philadelphia county homeschoolers

Lancaster Center for Classical Studies
910 Marietta Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603
Peter Brown

Mason-Dixon Homeschoolers Association, Inc. (www.masondixonhomeschoolers.org)
32 West Main Street #5
Waynesboro, PA 17268
717-925-0585 (call or text)​
Valerie Eby, MDHSA Support Group Administrator
Mason Dixon Homeschoolers email addresses
Support Group: office@masondixonhomeschoolers.org
Diploma Program: diploma@masondixonhomeschoolers.org
Mason Dixon Homeschoolers websites
Support Group: www.masondixonhomeschoolers.org
Diploma Program: www.masondixonhomeschoolers.org/dp
Association, Diplomas, Evaluators, Information, Newsletters, Support

Music and Motion (MuMo) (www.mumo.us)
127 York Street
Hanover, Pa 17331
Gretchen Walter, 717-476-5053, mumoemail@gmail.com
Music enrichment online courses plus classes available in Hanover, PA

Pennsylvania Home Education Network 
952 Peach Street
Ellwood City, PA 16117
Association, Email, Evaluators, Information, Newsletter, Support Group, Website

Pennsylvania Homeschoolers AP Online (www.aphomeschoolers.com)
105 Richman Lane
Kittanning PA 16201-9311
Howard and Susan Richman, 724-783-6512, richmans@pahomeschoolers.com
Fax: 724-783-6512
Email, On-line courses (Advanced Placement), Website

Pennsylvania Homeschoolers Accreditation Agency (www.phaa.org)
105 Richman Lane
Kittanning, PA 16201-9311
Dr. Howard B. Richman, 724-783-6512, director@phaa.org
Fax: 724-783-6512
Association, Conference (High School at Home), Diplomas, Email, Evaluators, Materials, Newsletter, Website

Susquehanna Valley Homeschool Diploma Programs, Inc. (http://svhomeschool.org/)
Amy Reese, president, (570) 956-8416
Sandy Elliott, information, (717) 580-5206
5714 Potteiger Ave, Harrisburg, PA 17112
Association, Conferences, Diplomas, Evaluators

The Camel Project (www.thecamelproject.org)
P.O. Box 4544
Reading, PA 19606
Pam Gockley 610-763-2283, pamgockley@thecamelproject.org
Association and Support group – peer to peer circles; bullying and personal development; curriculum fairs, support group, email

The Classroom Door (TCD) (https://theclassroomdoor.com)
790 Oak Lane
Suite 400
Miami Lakes, FL 33016
Nikki Geula, 917-748-3379, admin@theclassroomdoor.com
Daria Coppock, 917-826-4460
On-line Courses 

The Virtual Classroom (www.thevirtualclassroom.org/)
8401 Spring Road, Suite 2
New Bloomfield, PA 17068
Alicia Burchell,  (717) 559-3112, tutorme@thevirtualclassroom.org

Online Courses, Support Group

They Read More Usborne Books 
6419 N. Fairhill Street
Philadelphia, PA 19126
Tracey D. Sims-Brooks, 888-229-0185, theyreadmore@gmail.com
Curriculum Fair

Keystone National High School KNHS or Keystone (The Keystone School) (keystoneschoolonline.com)
920 Central Road
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Gary Myers, Provost, 800-255-4937
Jennifer Unger, Director, 800-255-4937, Info@keystonehighschool.com
Fax: 570-300-2346
On-line Courses, Support Group, Website

Optima Academy Online (https://www.optimaacademy.online/)
3369 Pine Ridge Road
Suite 204
Naples Fl 34109
Fallon McLaughlin, 239-673-2686
Zahira Buchanan, 239-963-8699, m 
On-line Courses. Materials

Alternative Education Resource Organization
417 Roslyn Rd
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
Jerry Mints, 516-621-2195, Jerryaero@aol.com
Fax: 516-625-3257
Association, Email, Evaluators, Information, Materials, Website

American School (www.americanschool.org)
2200 East 170th Street
Lansing, IL 60438
Jeff Cox, 708-418-2800
Valerie Riley, 708-418-2800
Email: publicrelations@americanschool.org
Fax: 708-418-2831
Email, Materials, Newsletters, Online Courses, Website

Best Home School Resources (www.besthomeschoolresources.com)
Rebecca Lambert
Email: rebecca@besthomeschoolresources.com
Info, materials, and webpage

Curriculum Services 
26801 Pine Ave
Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Kathleen L. Sprafka
Fax: 941-992-6473
Email, Materials

Debra Bell/Aim Academy (www.debrabell.com)
Email: info@debrabell.com
Achievement Testing, Online Courses, Newsletter, Conference, Information, Materials

ECS Issue Site - Homeschooling (www​.ecs.org/​)

Enhancing Your Strengths EYS (https://www.enhancingyourstrengths.com/)
11410 Strand Dr #401
Rockville, MD 20852
Stephanie Gerstenblith, 202-487-7386
Brooke Curley, 202-487-7386​
Email: stephanie@enhancingyourstrengths.com​
On-line courses, Support group, Other: tutoring services

Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) (www.hslda.org)​
1 Patrick Henry Circle
Purcellville, VA 20132 William A. Estrada, Esq., Senior Counsel, 540-338-5600
 Jane White, Legal Assistant
Email: pennslyvania@HSLDA.org
Fax: 540-338-2733
Advocacy, Association, Email, Information, Newsletters, Website

National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network (NATHHAN) (www.nathhan.com)
5383 Alpine Road, SE
Olalla, WA 98539
Tim Bushnell, 253-857-4257, Nathanews@aol.com
Fax: 253-857-7764
Association, Email, Information, Materials, Newsletters, Support Group, Website

National Home Education Research Institute (www.nheri.org)
12221 Van Brady Road
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-7924
William A. Lloyd, 301-372-2889
Brian D. Ray, 503-364-1490
Email: mail@nheri.org
Fax: 301-372-0086
Information, Website

National School Is Dead; Learn in Freedom! (www.learninfreedom.org)
Karl M. Bunday, webmaster@learninfreedom.org
Email, Information, Website