July 2024
Lancaster County
Removing Barriers to Restore Habitat
Creating and enhancing habitat for fish and other aquatic life and improving stream health is a never-ending job. Fortunately, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has great partners who eagerly take on the work, too. Our partner and grant recipient, Lancaster County Conservation District (LCCD), spent a few days in May removing a dam and stream crossing and improving the land (planting a riparian buffer) around this unnamed tributary to Muddy Run in Lancaster County.
The dam and stream crossing made it difficult for aquatic organisms to pass, and they contributed to erosion problems in the stream.
The project was funded by our York and Lancaster Counties Habitat Improvement Grant Program. The program is supported by the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station and the Muddy Run Pumped Storage Facility projects providing $150,000 annually for projects such as dam removals, stream habitat improvement projects, and agricultural pasture and barnyard best management practices in York and Lancaster Counties.
This project will also include installing livestock exclusion fencing later this year.
Check out this time lapse video LCCD captured while working on the project.
Remove a Dam Improve a Stream
The PFBC and partner, Lancaster County Conservation District (LCCD), joined forces in May to remove a dam and stream crossing and improve the land, planting a riparian buffer, on this unnamed tributary to Muddy Run in Lancaster County.