The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission works to improve habitat in a variety of ways. The Commission's Division of Habitat Management assists sportsmen and conservation groups on projects to improve fish habitat in local lakes and streams; coordinates the removal of dams and other blockages to natural fish movement; and provides technical guidance on designing riparian buffers.
The public can contact the Division of Habitat Management by emailing

Lake Habitat
The Lake Habitat Section aims to bring about positive change by improving the structure in lakes and impoundments.
Lake Habitat
Stream Habitat
The placement of artificial habitat structures can often enhance stream reaches that lack naturally occurring habitat features.
Stream Habitat
Habitat Management Programs
Two PFBC programs dedicated to various partners to manage habitat improvement projects in commonwealth lakes and impoundments.
Habitat Management Programs
Riparian Buffer Guidelines
Establishment and/or preservation of vegetated buffer zones along waters of the Commonwealth
Riparian Buffer Guidelines