​Using PVAAS as a School Leader

The power in PVAAS comes from using key PVAAS reports to inform the work you do every day as a school leader.

This page offers resources specific to a school leader’s purpose in using PVAAS – including the work of supporting the professional practice of teachers, informing continuous improvement plans, evaluating academic programs, planning professional learning, and designing school schedules and course offerings.​​​​

​These resources provide information to assist you in getting started wth using PVAAS data in your role as a school leader.

Resources for School Leaders

Videos for School Leaders

​These resources provide information to assist you as a school leader in using PVAAS to inform your work regarding continuous improvement practices at the school, classroom, and teacher levels.

Resources for School Leaders

Videos for School Leaders

​These resources provide information to assist you as a school leader in using PVAAS data to plan professional learning within your school and across grade levels and departments.

Resources for School Leaders

Videos for School Leaders
Videos coming in later 2024!

​These resources provide information to assist you as a school leader in using PVAAS to determine course offerings, develop and design school schedules, and support individual course selections for students.

Resources for School Leaders

Videos for School Leaders

Support and Assistance

For answers to questions regarding statewide support or professional learning, please contact the PVAAS Statewide Team via phone: 717-606-1911 or email: pdepvaas@iu13.org.