Activities and Education Portal

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's Activities and Education Portal is an online resource where youth, parents, teachers, and informal educators can find fun, educational, and skill building videos, and numerous activity sheets, coloring pages, Newsletters, and publications by topic. 

Group shot of two PFBC educators and a fishing class full of students by a lake

Aquatic Habitat, Watersheds and Pollution

Aquatic Habitat, Watersheds and Pollution

Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

Boating and Water Safety

Boating and Water Safety



Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing

Kayak Fishing

Kayak Fishing


Smallmouth Bass in net with lure in mouth

PA Fishes

PA Fishes

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians

About the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

About the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

Each page includes the following: 

  • Activities/Crafts
  • PLAY Newsletters
  • Videos/Links

Publications found on this online resource are not available in print, but are saved in PDF format for easy printing at your home/school!

You can request some of our other educational materials with our order form.