Each student transcript must be provided as a single PDF document and must include the following information (note: no other document formats will be accepted):

  • School name (the Board-approved school name) and full address of the school/branch location attended
  • Student's first and last name
  • Student's DOB (date of birth month, day, and year)
  • Student's home address
  • Student ID number (it is recommended that student social security numbers not be used)
  • Enrolled program (the Board-approved program name)
  • Program start date (the date the student began attending)
  • List of courses attempted and/or completed
  • Grades for each course attempted/completed (including 'I' for incomplete and 'W' for withdrawn courses)
  • Clock hours and/or credits for each course attempted/completed
  • Student's last date of attendance
  • Student status (active, leave of absence, graduated, withdrawn, terminated)
  • Student status change date
  • Earned award (if student has graduated - certificate or diploma program award) 

In accordance with 24 P.S. §6504 (b.1) the Board has entered into an agreement with a third-party to establish a central repository for Private Licensed Schools' student transcripts.  The central repository contract for the State Board of Private Licensed Schools is with Verif-y.

3675 Market St, 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104 
Website: www.verif-y.com 
Technical Support: support@verif-y.com ​

Closed School Records

Student transcripts for all previously closed schools should have at this time been provided to the central repository for storage and servicing.  While some records are still being formatted and ingested, there should no longer be closed school records being serviced by open schools.

Schools who have provided closed school transcripts to the central repository will be notified when they may dispose of closed school transcripts in their possession.

Open School Records 

Records repository agreements currently on file with the Board will remain in effect until the Private Licensed School enters into an agreement with the central repository.

Beginning in December 2023, the central repository began entering into agreements with open schools. 

Schools will initially contract with the central repository at the time of renewal, beginning with those schools who renewals took place September 1, 2023.  The agreements will be for a term of two years, until the school's next biennial license renewal.

At the time of the initial contract, all schools will submit to the central repository student academic transcripts for the academic years July 1, 2021–June 30, 2022, and July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023.

Beginning July 1, 2024, all licensed/registered schools will be required to annually upload the prior academic year's transcripts no later than September 30 of the same year. The first academic year to be uploaded will be July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. It will be necessary to upload these records prior to September 30, 2024.

Open schools with transcripts prior to July 1, 2021, will work in collaboration with the Division, upon solicitation, to upload all historical records to the central repository upon request.

A $250 biennial fee will be paid by the school to the central repository at the time of entering into the central repository agreement. Fee collection to maintain the central repository is to be evaluated every two years.

New School Applicants 

New school applicants will not be required to enter into an agreement with the central repository until the presented applications receive 'approved pending' status. 

Waiting for the applications to receive the 'approved pending' status will allow the new school to take full advantage of the initial year at no cost and will place the new school in position to renew the central repository agreement at the time of licensure/registration renewal. 

The initial central repository agreement is for a period of one year and is offered at no cost.

New School Applicants will pay the initial biennial fee at the time of their first renewal, which occurs one year after initial licensure.