Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office

Statewide Historic Preservation Planning in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania’s statewide historic preservation plan and the process to develop the plan satisfies PA SHPO’s preservation planning obligations as set forth under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended and the Pennsylvania History Code.

Cover of Historic Preservation: Keystone of Community 2025-2035

Statewide Historic Preservation Planning in Pennsylvania

Statewide historic preservation plans are a guide for planning and decision making. They are intended to encourage broad participation in planning for historic and cultural resources, identify the challenges unique to each state, outline realistic goals to meet those challenges, inspire communities, agencies, organizations, and individuals to action, and encourage planning for historic places while balancing historic preservation with other interests.

While the State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs) take the lead in developing the plan, the plan itself is the result of collaboration. In Pennsylvania, PA SHPO directs the commonwealth’s statewide historic preservation planning process. 

Pennsylvania’s statewide historic preservation plan and the process to develop the plan satisfies PA SHPO’s preservation planning obligations as set forth under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended and the Pennsylvania History Code.

Historic Preservation: The Keystone of Community, Pennsylvania's Statewide Historic Preservation Plan, 2025-2035

Historic Preservation: The Keystone of Community is Pennsylvania's statewide historic preservation plan for 2025 to 2035.

The plan lays out a framework through its goals and objectives for Pennsylvania to continue making progress through historic preservation. This plan is written to help organizations, individuals, agencies, and governments learn about Pennsylvania’s historic resources and archaeological sites and become better stewards of our shared history and historic places. These audiences are encouraged to adopt and implement the plan—in whole or in part—to reach their goals and objectives.

The plan includes:

  • Brief introduction to statewide historic preservation planning, 
  • Overview of PHMC and PA SHPO as the Commonwealth's official history and historic preservation agency,
  • Summary of Pennsylvania's history and development,
  • Chronology of Pennsylvania's preservation achievements,
  • Review of progress under previous statewide historic preservation plan,
  • Discussion of SOAR statewide planning process for Historic Preservation: The Keystone of Community
  • Presentation of SOAR action agenda, including Areas of Importance and goals, objectives, and actions to make progress, and
  • Photographs of 50 PA Places every Pennsylvanian should know.


Vision: Pennsylvania's embrace historic places as opportunities to foster connections, shape unique communities, and provide sustainable solutions for the future. Vision for Preservation in Historic Preservation: The Keystone of Community

Goals & Objectives

The goals and objectives for the next ten years are:

GOAL 1: Real and perceived barriers to historic preservation are reduced or eliminated through data-driven and thoughtful investments in relationships, programs, funding, and policies.

A. Engage Pennsylvanians to accomplish the goals and objectives of this plan.
B. Increase access to historic preservation programs, funding, and policies.
C. Support and expand historic preservation networks at the local, regional, and state level.
D. Eliminate gaps, outdated concepts, and ineffective language in preservation planning in municipal, county, and regional agencies.

GOAL 2: Historic preservation and historic places are valued as integral to community identity, sense of place, economic development, and sustainable growth in Pennsylvania communities.

A. Create opportunities for historic preservation to be central to promoting the overall health of a community.
B. Integrate historic preservation considerations into practices and policies.
C. Encourage property owners to be good stewards and responsibly manage change to their properties following preservation best practices.
D. Increase the use of historic preservation as a tool for economic and community development by connecting sense of place and the reuse of historic places.

GOAL 3: Pennsylvanians create more meaningful preservation outcomes by leveraging knowledge and opportunities offered by historic preservation and historic places.

A. Expand the public’s knowledge of history, archaeology, and historic preservation through coordinated education and training programs.
B. Communicate clearly and strategically about historic preservation, historic places, and their benefits.
C. Assist in the development and delivery of historic preservation tools and programs.
D. Improve access to the preservation trades.

Actions for each goal and objectives are included in the plan. 

Supporting Materials

The following materials are supporting documents referenced in the statewide plan:

Pennsylvania was divided into nine regions to assist with plan engagement, outreach, and data analysis. Summaries for each region provide a breakdown of demographic data, assessment of cultural resources, and regional survey results. 

Map of Pennsylvania divided into nine section and showing county names and boundaries.

Information and Resources


For more information about Pennsylvania’s statewide historic preservation plan or the planning process, please contact Shelby Splain, Education and Special Initiatives Coordinator at