Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board Information

Each State historic preservation program is required by the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, to maintain an adequate and qualified State Review Board. In Pennsylvania, this is known as the Historic Preservation Board.

Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board Information

Each State historic preservation program is required by the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, to maintain an adequate and qualified State Review Board. In Pennsylvania, this is known as the Historic Preservation Board.

Duties of the Historic Preservation Board

  1. Review National Register nominations and nomination appeals;
  2. Review and provide advice about the State's Comprehensive Statewide Historic Preservation Plan and the State's Annual Historic Preservation Fund Grant;
  3. Provide general advice and guidance to the State Historic Preservation Officer (PHMC Executive Director); and,
  4. Perform other duties as may be appropriate.

Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board

  • Is a primarily professional body that provides professional advice on historic preservation matters. "Primarily professional" means that a majority of the members must meet minimum professional requirements established in regulation by the National Park Service; and represent certain professional disciplines established by the Act.
  • Must be able to objectively carry out their duties. This is the reason for the National Park Service's requirements that all State Review Boards establish and abide by rules of conduct that avoid conflict of interest.

2025 Meeting Schedule

February 4

The Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board's meeting for February 4, 2025 will be held via Microsoft Teams teleconference.  The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM.

The meeting is open to the public.  Please contact Elizabeth Rairigh at or (717) 705-4035 with questions about how to access this meeting. (TDD users: Pennsylvania Telecommunications Center 7-1-1).

June 3

The Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board's meeting for June 3, 2025 will be held in Johnstown, PA.  The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM.

The meeting is open to the public.  

October 7

The Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board's meeting for October 7, 2025 will be held in Harrisburg, PA.  The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM.

The meeting is open to the public.

Historic Preservation Board Members

Ben Ford, Ph.D., Chair
Indiana, Indiana County
Jennifer Robinson, Vice Chair
Johnette Davies
Preservation Planner
Katherine Wyrosdick
Planning Consultant
Cumberland County
Angelique Bamberg
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County
John M. Evans, AIA
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County
Matthew Falcone
Preservationist and Community Advocate
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County
Brian Black, PhD.
Distinguished Professor of History and Environmental Studies 
Penn State Altoona
Hollidaysburg, Blair County
Martina Bacarella, AIA, NCARB 
Architect, Preservationist
Scranton, Lackawanna County

Jonathan Libbon
Cultural Resource Management Consultant
Bethel Park, Allegheny County
Brittany McDonald-Pierce, PhD
Executive Director
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County
Melinda Meyer
Public Historian & Community Advocate
Erie County
Katherine Dowdell, AIA
Preservation Architect