Certified Local Government Grant Program
The CLG Grant Program provides financial support to participating communities to develop the tools, products, programs, and services they need to administer their local preservation programs effectively and in accordance with the CLG Guidelines and Procedures.
There are three types of grants available to CLGs:
- Project Grants (up to $25,000) – for studies, plans, programs, and tools that help a community build capacity and implement effective preservation programs that generally take 12 – 18 months to complete. Project Grants are available once a year.
- Mini-Grants (up to $7,500) – for studies, plans, programs, and tools that are shorter in duration or time sensitive. Mini-Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Scholarships – for participating in conferences, seminars, and online trainings, for hosting trainings in your community, and for membership fees and publications that provide information for decision-makers. Scholarships are available on a rolling basis.
Resources for Current Grantees
- Consultant Selection Guidelines(opens in a new tab)
- Status Report Form (blank)(opens in a new tab)
- Funding Acknowledgement Statement(opens in a new tab)
- Reimbursement Invoice (blank)(opens in a new tab)
- Reimbursement Invoice Instructions(opens in a new tab)
- Grant Documentation Guidelines(opens in a new tab)