Fire Safety

Make A Plan

House fires become life-threatening in two minutes and can engulf a residence in as few as five minutes. That's why it's important to have a plan.

Illustration of a house floorplan with arrows from the exits pointing to a tree labeled "meet by big tree."

It Doesn't Have to Be Complicated.

In fact, it's best to keep your evacuation plan simple so everyone can remember it in an emergency.

Be Sure To:

  • Review escape routes for each room.

  • Try to find two ways out of every room.

  • Make sure windows aren't nailed or painted shut.

  • Make sure doors and windows aren't blocked.

  • Check that security gratings on windows have fire-safety openings.

  • Learn how to turn off your water, gas, and electricity at the main switches.

  • Consider getting escape ladders if there is more than one level to your home.

  • Teach family members to stay low to the floor when escaping fire.