Coal Miner Records

Registers of Mine Accidents for the Anthracite Districts, 1899-1972 {#45.14}
Mine accident registers providing documentation on mining accidents for the Anthracite coal fields. Information provided within each report includes name of the inspector, name of mine, name of the injured miner, mine district number, date of the accident, cause of accident, whether fatal, whether the accident occurred inside or outside the mine, citizenship status, nationality, job classification, marital status, and the number of children. An index of accident victims is present.  [Finding Aid] [Index] [Digital Images]

Registers of Mine Accidents for the Bituminous Districts, 1899-1972 {#45.15}
Mine accident registers providing documentation on mining accidents for the Bituminous coal fields. Information provided within each report includes name of the inspector, name of mine, name of the injured miner, mine district number, date of the accident, cause of accident, whether fatal, whether the accident occurred inside or outside the mine, citizenship status, nationality, job classification, marital status, and the number of children. An index of accident victims is present. [Finding Aid] [Index] [Digital Images]

Anthracite and Bituminous Fatal Mining Accident Reports, 1936-1974 {#43.74}
Reports, sketches, correspondence, and other files relative to fatalities at mining facilities in both the anthracite and bituminous coal regions, excluding the years 1936-1937, 1964-1968 for anthracite and 1950-1951 for bituminous. The reports are very detailed, presenting a wide variety of information concerning all aspects of fatal incidents that occurred both inside and outside of Pennsylvania collieries.
[Finding Aid] [Digital Images]

Index Stubs and Cards to Miners' Certificates (Bituminous), 1937-1988 {#66.7}
This group of certificate stubs and cards is grouped into four separate batches as follows: Miners' Certificate Cards and Stubs, which date from 1937 and 1938; Machine Runner and Cutting, Loading, and Drilling Machine Operators Certificate Stubs, dating from 1938 through the late 1950s, possibly the early 1960s; Miners' Certificate Stubs which date from the late 1930s; and Miners' Certificate Stubs dating from 1939 through roughly 1965. The bulk of the stubs and cards date from 1937 through 1955, and all provide excellent genealogical data on rank-and-file miners and other mine workers who labored in the bituminous fields of western Pennsylvania.  [Finding Aid] [Digital Images]

Register of Mine Accidents, Anthracite, Bituminous and Non-coal, 1973-1989 {#43.53}
A fatal and non-fatal accident register for both the Anthracite and Bituminous coal fields. The non-fatal register includes: date of accident, mine where accident occurred, operator, county of occurrence, name of injured, age, marriage status, where accident occurred (inside or outside of mine), occupation, length of mining experience, description of accident, time of accident, citizenship status. The fatal register includes all the above information and whether the cause was a chargeable offense or natural, date of death, and length of experience in occupation engaged in when injured. [Finding Aid]


Anthracite Museum Complex Collection, 1896-1964 (Manuscript Group 369) [Finding Aid]

Environmental Protection, Department of (Record Group 66)
[Finding Aid]

Environmental Resources, Department of (Record Group 43)
[Finding Aid]

Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company Records, 1792-1978 (Manuscript Group 311) [Finding Aid]

Mines and Mineral Industries, Department of (Record Group 45)
[Finding Aid]

Susquehanna Coal Company Records, 1901-1915 (Manuscript Group 463)
[Finding Aid]