Philadelphia City Revolutionary War Militia

1st Battalion, 1777

Commanding Officers:

  • Col. William Bradford
  • Lt. Col. Joh Keppele
  • Major James Reed
  • Major Samuel McLane

1st Battalion, 1780

Commanding Officers:

  • Lt. Col. James Read
  • Major Alexander Boyd
  • Adjutant William Matlack
Township (if known)CompanyCompany
Middle Ward (West side of Third Street to East Third Street)1st Company:
  • Capt. Ezekiel Letts
1st Company:
  • Capt. Lazarus Stow (resigned)
  • Capt. David Tew
Middle Ward2nd Company:
  • Capt. Charles Syng
2nd Company:
  • Capt. John Davis
Middle Ward (West side of 2nd Street, Market Street to Chestnut, East and West of Strawberry Alley)3rd Company:
  • Capt. William Smith (resigned)
  • Capt. George Taylor (chosen 21 August 1779)
3rd Company:
  • Capt. John Linton
Walnut Ward, Chestnut Ward4th Company:
  • Capt. John Byrne
4th Company:
  • Capt. Richard Humphrey (resigned)
  • Capt. Barnabas McShane
Middle Ward5th Company:
  • Capt. Robert Smith
5th Company:
  • Capt. Ezekiel Letts (resigned)
  • Capt. Tench Francis
Chestnut Ward, Middle Ward6th Company:
  • Capt. Thomas Bradford (resigned)
6th Company:
  • Capt. Samuel McLane
Middle Ward7th Company:
  • Capt. John Linton
7th Company:
  • Capt. George Taylor
South Ward, Middle Ward8th Company:
  • Capt. James Read (promoted)
  • Capt. Samuel McLanr (App. Major 3 August 1777)
8th Company:
  • Capt. John Reynolds

2nd Battalion, 1777

Commanding Officers:

  • Col. Sharp Delaney
  • Lt. Col. Paul Cox
  • Major Elias Boise

2nd Battalion, 1780

Commanding Officers:

  • Lt. Col. Benjamin Eyre
  • Major Richard Salter
  • Major William Bowers
Township (if known)CompanyCompany
Dock Ward, Northern Liberties1st Company:
  • Capt. Robert Duncan (resigned)
  • Capt. Edward Paschall
1st Company:
  • Capt. Isaac Cooper
Dock Ward, Northern Liberties2nd Company:
  • Capt. John Downey (died)
  • Capt. Davis Bevan
2nd Company:
  • Capt. George Nice
Dock Ward, Northern Liberties3rd Company:
  • Capt. John McCullock (promoted to Artillery)
  • Capt. Philip Pancake
3rd Company:
  • Capt. John Kling
Dock Ward, Northern Liberties4th Company:
  • Capt. John Snowden (resigned)
  • Capt. Jona. Wainright (died)
  • Capt. Derick Peterson
4th Company:
  • Capt. John Hewson
Dock Ward, Northern Liberties5th Company:
  • Capt.George Goodwin (resigned)
  • Capt. James Hood
5th Company:
  • Capt. William Bowers (promoted)
  • Capt. Jacob Bender
Dock Ward, Northern Liberties6th Company:
  • Capt. William McCullock
  • Capt. William Semple
6th Company:
  • Capt. John Bergman
Dock Ward, Northern Liberties7th Company:
  • Capt. William Young
7th Company:
  • Capt. Philip Wagener
Dock Ward, Northern Liberties8th Company:
  • Capt. John Imlay
8th Company:
  • Capt. George Forepaugh

3rd Battalion, 1777

Commanding Officers:

  • Col. Jacob Morgan (resigned)
  • Lt. Col. William Will
  • Lt. Col. William Holliday
  • Major Joseph Kerr

3rd Battalion, 1780

Commanding Officers:

  • Lt. Col. William Will
  • Major Joseph Kerr
Township (if known)CompanyCompany
West Mulberry1st Company:
  • Capt. George Easterly
1st Company:
  • Capt. Alexander Quarrier
West Mulberry2nd Company:
  • Capt. Peter Mehrlin (resigned)
  • Capt. George Smith
2nd Company:
  • Capt. Michael Gilbert
West Mulberry3rd Company:
  • Capt. Conrad Rush
3rd Company:
  • Capt. George Easterly
East Mulberry (Race above 5th Street, Upper Cherry Alley)4th Company:
  • Capt. Elijah Weed (resigned)
  • Capt. Jacob Bender
4th Company:
  • Capt. Andrew Burkhart
East Mulberry5th Company:
  • Capt. Williamson Tolbert (resigned)
  • Capt. James Pickering
5th Company:
  • Capt. John Geyer
West and East Mulberry6th Company:
  • Capt. George Reinhardt
6th Company:
  • Capt. Conrad Rush
East Mulberry7th Company:
  • Capt. Jacob Weidman (resigned)
  • Capt. Jacob Geiger
7th Company:
  • Capt. James Pickering
  • Capt. Jacob Geiger
East Mulberry8th Company:
  • Capt. Jacob Linnington (resigned)
  • Capt. John Peters, Jr.
8th Company:
  • Capt. John Peters, Jr.
  • Capt. Jacob Geiger

4th Battalion, 1777

Commanding Officers:

  • Col. John Bayard
  • Lt. Col. Jonathan B. Smith
  • Major Alexander Boyd

4th Battalion, 1780

Commanding Officers:

  • Lt. Col. Paul Cox
  • Lt. Col. Joseph Dean
  • Major Philip Pancake
Township (if known)CompanyCompany
Southern District of Upper Delaware, Dock Ward1st Company:
  • Capt. Isaac Austin
1st Company:
  • Capt. William McDowell
High Street, Dock Ward2nd Company:
  • Capt. Lazarus Pine
2nd Company:
  • Capt. John Flinn (left the state)
  • Capt. Charles Wilson Peale
North, Dock Ward3rd Company:
  • Capt. Adam Foulk
3rd Company:
  • Capt. John McCalla, Jr.
High Street4th Company:
  • Capt. Charles Wilson Peale
4th Company:
  • Capt. James Rosbothem
North5th Company:
  • Capt. Lambert Wilmore
5th Company:
  • Capt. Jacob Martin
North side of Market Street to South side of Arch
to Schuylkill exclusive of West side of 6th)
6th Company:
  • Capt. Christian Shaffer
6th Company:
  • Capt. James Hood
Lower Delaware, Dock Ward7th Company:
  • Capt. Samuel Massey (resigned)
  • Capt. Jeremiah Fisher (resigned)
  • Capt. John McCartney
7th Company:
  • Capt. William Semple
Upper Delaware, Dock Ward8th Company:
  • Capt. Anthony Wilkinson (lost at sea in 1779)
8th Company:
  • Capt. John Cornish

5th Battalion, 1777

Commanding Officers:

  • Col. Christopher Coperthwaite
  • Lt. Col. Christr. Kucher (resigned)
  • Lt. Col. John Rice
  • Major John Brown (resigned)
  • Major Benjamin Eyre

5th Battalion, 1780

Commanding Officers:

  • Lt. Col. John Smee
  • Major David Reese
Township (if known)CompanyCompany
Northern Liberties, Upper Delaware1st Company:
  • Capt. George Forepaugh
1st Company:
  • Capt. Thomas Willis
Northern Liberties, High Street2nd Company:
  • Capt. George Nice
2nd Company:
  • Capt. Elijah Weed (resigned)
  • Capt. Benjamin Freeman
Northern Liberties, High Street3rd Company:
  • Capt. Anthony Leghner
3rd Company:
  • Capt. John Barker
Northern Liberties, Southern District of Delaware4th Company:
  • Capt. James Bruster (resigned)
  • Capt. Saml. Salter (chosen 28 Sept. 1778)
  • Capt.Richard Salter
4th Company:
  • Capt. Isaac Austin
Northern Liberties, North side of Market Street
to South side of Arch to Schuylkill exclusive of West side of 6th
5th Company:
  • Capt. Philip Wagener
5th Company:
  • Capt. Christian Shaffer
Northern Liberties6th Company:
  • Capt. William Bowers
6th Company:
  • Capt. Adam Foulk
Northern Liberties7th Company:
  • Capt. John Bergman
  • Capt. Andrew Bower
7th Company:
  • Capt. Nathaniel Twinning
Northern Liberties, Lower Delaware8th Company:
  • Capt. Isaac Cooper
8th Company:
  • Capt. John McCartney

6th Battalion, 1777

Commanding Officers:

  • Col. Robert Knox
  • Lt. Col. Robert Allison
  • Major Thomas Caster

6th Battalion, 1780

Commanding Officers:

  • Lt. Col. Robert Knox
  • Major Thomas Casdrop
Township (if known)CompanyCompany
Southwark1st Company:
  • Capt. John Smith
1st Company:
  • Capt. Silas Engles
Moyomensing, Southwark2nd Company:
  • Capt. Jacob Link
2nd Company:
  • Capt. Joseph Falkner
Southwark, Moyomensing3rd Company:
  • Capt. Ephraim Falkner
3rd Company:
  • Capt. George Sheibler
Southwark4th Company:
  • Capt. Joseph Rhoades
4th Company:
  • Capt. James Brown
Southwark5th Company:
  • Capt. Joseph Mash
  • Capt. Warwick Coates, Jr.
5th Company:
  • Capt. Philip Ryan
Southwark6th Company:
  • Capt. Philip Ryan
6th Company:
  • Capt. Warwick Coates, Jr.
Passyunk7th Company:
  • Capt. Christian Grover
7th Company:
  • Capt. Jacob Link
Southwark8th Company:
  • Capt. Joshua Humphrey (resigned 19 April 1779)
  • Capt. John Turner
8th Company:
  • Jonathan Grice

Artillery Battalion, 1777

Artillery Battalion, 1779

(Called into service)

Artillery Battalion, 1780

Township (if known)CompanyCompanyCompany
 1st Company:
  • Capt. John McCullock
1st Company:
  • Capt. John McGinley
1st Company:
  • Capt. Joseph Watkins
 2nd Company:
  • Capt. Samuel Massey
2nd Company:
  • Capt. John McCullock
2nd Company:
  • Capt. John Ogborn
 3rd Company:
  • Capt. Peter Brown
3rd Company:
  • Capt. Peter Brown
3rd Company:
  • Capt. Andrew Summers
 4th Company:
  • Capt. William Prowell
4th Company:
  • Capt. James Lang
4th Company:
  • Capt. James Pearson
(Composed principally of mechanics.)5th Company:
  • Capt. Andrew Summers
5th Company:
  • Capt. Andrew Summers
5th Company:
  • Capt. William Linard
 6th Company:
  • Capt. John Ruper
6th Company:
  • Capt. - unknown
6th Company:
  • Capt. Anthony Cuthbert
   7th Company:
  • Capt. James Lang
   8th Company:
  • Capt. John Connelly