Slavery and Underground Railroad Resources


Book - Guide to African American Resources at the Pennsylvania State Archives by Ruth E. Hodge

Manuscript Groups

MG-2 - Business Records Collection, 1681-1963. Ledgers, journals, daybooks, and related records of Pennsylvania turnpike, canal, and railroad companies, iron forges and furnaces, etc. The following volumes contain references to African Americans:

  • Accounts of Iron Forges and Plantations, 1681, 1737-1913
    • Anonymous, 1789-1793
      • Time and Coal Book, Rents, May 7, 1789-June 1, 1793. On page 1, under the heading "Sundry Grains and Threshing," an entry dated July 30, 1791 reads "threshed by John Epply and Black George." Under "Contra Accounts" appears an entry for September 3, 1790 recording "Cash paid Negro Cyrus, Cash paid-Negro George," for March 9 1791: "Cash paid Black George," for May 26, 1792: "Mulatto George paid him when he went to fair," and for May 26, 1792: "Nancy Mulatto-paid her."
      • Cash and Pig Book, July 4, 1789 - June 4, 1793. Under the heading "List of Working Hands " for 1793 are listed "Negro George," "Mulatto Nancy" and "Negro Cyrus."
    • Berkshire Furnace, Berks County
      • Journals, 1767-1826. The Journal for September-October, 1767 contains references to a "Negro Dan," "Negro Perow," "Negro Jack," and "Mulatto Jo."
    • Berkshire Furnace and Charming Forge
      • Ledgers, 1748-1898. For 1753 there are accounts for "Black Tom" and "Mulatto Jo," for 1766-67 references to "Negro Cato," "Mulatto David," and "Mulatto Solomon," for 1785-1787 references to "Negro Robin" and "Negro Ish," and for 1789-1791 references to "Negro Robin," and "Negro Ish." One account shows that "Negro Robin and spouse" owed for a pair of shoes.
    • Elizabeth Furnace and Speedwell Forge, Brickerville, Lancaster County, 1764, 1829-1839.
      • Day Book, 1764, 1829-1836. Documents, store and individual accounts of workmen and slaves employed at Elizabeth Furnace and nearby Speedwell Forge. Among the slaves mentioned are Andrew Jack and Edward Jack. Book also includes mention of "a visit of George Washington, the slave," as well as other furnace and forge workmen and "negro" slaves.
    • Laurel Furnace, Mount Braddock, Fayette County, 1804-1812.
      • Day Book, 1804-1812. Included in this book is a monthly record of employee reimbursement. Among the names listed are "Black Peter" and "Black Ben."
    • Robesonia Iron Company, Robesonia, Berks County, 1898-1912.
      • Ledger, 1898-1913. Employee accounts for Hiester Filbert's Store are found for the following African Americans: Matthew Carter, Henry Roberts, Warick Umbel [sic], Charles Walker, Noah Gordon, Adeson Payne, Lewis Rector, and John Walker. The names were verified as being African Americans by a living descendent, Floyd J. Umbles of Reading, in 1996.

MG-4 - County Records Collection, 1767-1918.

  • Franklin County
    • Tax Records: Assessor's Duplicates and Returns, 1794-1847. Arranged by township, which includes the following municipalities: Antrim, Fannett, Franklin, Greene, Guilford, Hamilton, Letterkenny, Lurgen, Metal, Montgomery, Peters, Quincy, St. Thomas, Southampton, Warren and Washington. Entries list the name of the taxpayer, township of residence, and property owned (slaves, acres, and livestock); the valuation; and the amount of the tax that was paid. The returns for each township are grouped alphabetically according to taxpayer's surname.

MG-6 - Diaries and Journals Collection, 1763-1938. Diaries, travel accounts, memoranda books, weather journals, etc. accessioned as individual items. Among these is:

  • Lydia J. Hunn, Manuscript Diary, 1875. Hunn, a Quaker, was the wife of retired Philadelphia merchant Ezekiel Hunn. She corresponded with many friends and wrote on many subjects. Included in this diary are references to the passage of the 1875 Civil Rights Bill. An entry dated March 2, 1875 states that President U.S. Grant signed the Civil Rights Bill on March 1, 1875. An entry dated June 12, 1875 tells of Hunn's trip to Easton and her visit to "E. Conigill's colored settlement" where there was a meeting house, school, store, and 250 people.

MG-7 - Military Manuscripts Collection, 1758-1931. Miscellaneous private papers concerning military service by Pennsylvanians from the French and Indian War through the Vietnam War. Materials from the Pennsylvania Militia and the Pennsylvania National Guard include correspondence, photographs, and personnel records. The following materials relate to African Americans:

  • #192, Camp Curtin Ledger, 1863, 1864. The ledger lists African Americans as contraband on August 20, 26, and September 3, 1864.

MG-8 - Pennsylvania Collection (Miscellaneous), 1626-1993. Spanning the period from the seventeenth to the twentieth century, these miscellaneous papers pertain to legal, political, military, business, medical, educational, social, civic, and religious subjects. Topics covered include Democratic, Know-Nothing, Republican and Whig Politics; the French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War; the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Pittsburgh and Western Railroad Company, and Delaware and Hudson Canal Company; various forges and furnaces; colonial land policies; slavery; and the Society of Friends. Items referring to African Americans include:

  • # 33. Broomal, John M., Washington DC, letter to M. Wakeman, Esq., December 19, 1866. Expresses views on equality for African Americans and reconstruction in the South.
  • # 221. Proud, Robert, Philadelphia [ca. 1775-1800]. Robert Proud, of Philadelphia, authored "The History of Pennsylvania" (1797-1798). One of three notebooks contains his views on slavery, which he termed "Iniquitous Property," as well as some data on African American mortality rates from 1759-1796.
  • # 281. (Virginia) Assessments, 1778. A list of people assessed for property holdings, acres of land, slaves, and money.
  • # 344. Will of Andrew Hamilton, Philadelphia. August 2, 1741. In his will, Hamilton, a slave-owner, divides his slaves up among his children.
  • # 417. Tredell, Robert, Return of the Inhabitants of Horsham, Bucks County, 1756 (Incomplete). Tax list of people from Bucks County showing number of slaves owned.
  • # 433. Bond, of Luke Morris, to John Penn (Re: Negro Slave), November 10, 1770. Legal contract to insure that Morris would remove his slave, Will, accused of burglary, from the province or pay a penalty of $100.
  • # 704. Map of Gettysburg and Adams County Underground Railroad Routes, undated.
  • # 958. Scrapbook of Peter Richter of Selinsgrove, PA, [ca. 1860-1875]. Contains a newspaper article entitled "Slaves of Rebels Declared Free: a Proclamation."
  • # 1164. Colonel Edward Cook and Other Historical Papers. Contains a 1992 booklet and curriculum guide entitled "Freedom Community, 19th Century Black Pennsylvania" together with miscellaneous posters and photographs. Among the posters are portraits of Richard Allen, Thomas J. Bowens, Thomas Morris Chester, Fanny Jackson Coppin, William Howard Day, Martin Robinson Delaney, James Forton, Sr., Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield, Charlotte Grimke, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Francis Johnson, Absalom Jones, Jarena Lee, Gertrude Bustill Massell, Nathan Francis Massell, Christopher James Perry, Jr., Robert Purvis, William Still, Benjamin Tucker Tanner, and William Whipper.

MG-9 - Pennsylvania Writers Collection, 1899-1970. Notes, manuscripts and related materials pertaining to works of certain Pennsylvania authors, composers, and poets.

  • Burleigh, Harry T., Songs, 1895-1921. Harry T. Burleigh (1866-1949), was one of the nation's foremost popular singers and composers through the mid-twentieth century. Born in Erie in 1866, he was the grandchild of a blind ex-slave from Maryland. Burleigh's father passed away while he was still a young boy and he grew up in poverty with his grandfather. By the end of his life, he had composed and arranged over 250 songs, spoke five languages, and had attained international prominence. The Burleigh Collection features four photographs and thirteen compositions. Nine are original scores and four are published sheets of music, including: "Deep River," ca. 1917., "Ethiopia's Paean of Exaltation," ca. 1921., "The Lord's Prayer," ca. 1920., "A Corn Song," ca. 1920., "Go down, Moses," ca. 1917., "By an' By," ca. 1917., "Oh, Didn't it Rain," ca. 1919., "Balm in Gilead," ca. 1919., "Hard Trials," ca. 1919.
  • Foster, Stephen Collins. Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864) was born in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania and was one of American's foremost composers of folksongs in the nineteenth century. Noted for his negro minstrel songs, he wrote and composed many enduring tunes. Included are the following compositions:
    • Songs, First Editions, c. 1851-1865, 1931.
      • "Farewell My Lilly Dear, " published by Firth, Pond & Co., ca. 1851.
      • "Hard Times Come Again No More, " published by Firth, Pond & Co., ca. 1854 No. 28.
      • "Old Folks at Home," published by Firth, Pond & Co. 1ca. 1851.
    • Songs, Later Editions, 1848-1893, n.d.
      • "Camptown Races," published by F. D. Benteen, ca. 1850.
      • "Farewell My Lilly Dear," published by Firth, Pond & Co., ca. 1851.
      • "Hard times Come Again No More," published by Wm. A. Pond & Co., ca. 1885; by Mrs. Wiley and Mrs. Marien Foster Welch, 1882.
      • "Oh! Susanna," published by C. Holt, ca. 1848
      • "Old Black Joe," published by McKinley Music Co., n.d.
      • "Massa's In De Cold Ground," published by Firth, Pond & Co., ca. 1852 (5th ed.).
      • "Uncle Ned," published by G. Willig, ca. 1848.
      • "Way Down In Ca-i-Ro," published by Pond & Co., ca. 1850.
      • "Nellie Was A Lady: A Beautiful Ethiopian Melody," published Firth, Pond, & Co., ca. 1849 (10th ed.).
      • "Oh Boys, Carry Me Long: A Plantation Melody," published by Firth, Pond & Co., ca. 1851 (20th ed.)
      • "Songs of the Sable Harmonists: Consisting of the Louisiana Belle, Away Down South, Oh! Susanna, Wake Up Jake or the Old Iron City, and Uncle Ned," published O. Willy, ca. 1848.
    • Photographs, MSS From Notebook, Stephen C. Foster, n.d.
      • "Massa's in De Cold Ground," n.d.
      • "Old Black Joe," n.d.
      • "Poor Uncle Tom Goodnight," n.d.
      • "Way Down Upon de Old Plantation," n.d.
      • "Hard Times Come Again No More," n.d.
    • Songs, Compositions and Arrangements, (Foster Hall Rproduction), 1933 Set No. 261
      • "Away Down South"
      • "Better Times are Coming"
      • "De Camptown Races"
      • "Commence Ye Darkies All"
      • "Don't Bet yer Money on de Shanghai"
      • "Hard times come again no more"
      • "Lou'siana Belle"
      • "Massa's in de Cold Ground"
      • "My Budder Gum"
      • "Old Black Joe"
      • "Old Folks at Home"
      • "Old Uncle Ned"
      • "Plantation Jig"
      • "Ring de Banjo"
      • "A Soldier in de Colored Brigade"
      • "Oh! Susanna"
      • "We Are Coming Father Abraham"
      • "Way Down in Ca-i-ro"
      • "The Great Baby Show, or the Abolitionist Show"

MG-11 - MAP Collection, 1681-1973. More than one thousand historical maps are arranged into seven major sub-groups: (1) Colony and Commonwealth, (2) Counties, (3) Townships, (4) Cities and Boroughs, (5) Boundaries, Topography, Geology, Parks, (6) Transportation (Indian trails, roads and turnpikes, rivers and streams, canals, railroads, and airways, (7) Military and Battlefields (French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, Civil War). Many of the maps also indicate the locations of homes and other buildings, forges and furnaces, coal mines, gristmills, sawmills, lumber camps, etc. Although not identified as such, these maps can also be used to verify the locations of farms where African Americans lived as slaves or free persons, forges and iron furnaces that employed African Americans, and churches, businesses, schools, and homes owned by African Americans as well as African American graveyards. Map #327-1 Historical Map Adams County, L.E. Wilt, 1942, identifies routes of the underground railroad.

MG-13 - John Adlum Papers, 1794-1816. John Adlum (1759-1836) was a Pennsylvania surveyor, land speculator and "Father of American Viticulture" (grape growing). One letter, dated February 22, 1820, found in the series General Correspondence, 1794-1836, is from Thomas Barker to his son, Luke W. Barker. Luke asked his father if he had heard from a Dr. T------, who was making employment arrangements for "Negro" slaves. Apparently, Dr. T. did not pay for the previous use of Barker's "Negro."

MG-17 - Samuel Penniman Bates Papers, 1853-1895. Samuel P. Bates (1827-1902) of Meadville, prominent for many years as an educator, was in 1864 appointed state historian and charged with preparing a history of the Pennsylvania Volunteers. He contributed to the volume of historical studies relating to the Civil War with the History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, (1869-1871) and Battle of Chancellorsville, (1883). His papers are mainly research materials and manuscripts for these publications and also include manuscripts for the History of Crawford County, History of Green County, and Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania. Included are a letter book, 1872-73; a letterpress book, 1871-71, containing biographical material on Pennsylvania governors; sermons, 1853-90; and photographs. Also included is a listing of the United States Colored Troops who were trained at Camp William Penn, Chelton Hills, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bates made several references to slavery in his sermons, stating one "should patiently and prayerfully study his word and approach the subject (principles) and bigotry and all those hindrances which hampers and bind us to low...thought." In such sermons he frequently refers to the overthrow of slavery and the "sin of slavery."

MG-19 - Sequestered Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan Papers, 1725-1827. The Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan Papers are the correspondence and business papers of the famous trading house of colonial Philadelphia that began about 1757 as Baynton and Wharton, a partnership of John Baynton and Samuel Wharton. The firm was involved in trade with Europe, the West Indies, other mainland colonies, and settlers in the western regions of the continent. Its papers are rich in information covering the years between the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. There is a particularly heavy focus on the early development of the Illinois country, on the fur trade, and on the supply of provisions for military posts, and they generally shed light on the role played by this firm in western expansion.

  • Peter Baynton Papers, 1725-1745
    • Letter Book, 1729. Includes Peter Baynton's correspondence with James Young, June 28 and July 14, 1729, which refers to various slave transactions, recording both the physical conditions and the deaths of slaves.
  • Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan Papers, General Correspondence, 1757-1787
    • Correspondence of Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan, A-Z, 1763-1783. Includes many letters pertaining to commercial activities with merchants in South Carolina, Alabama, Jamaica, Martinique and Lisbon. For instance, correspondence from Thomas Brignall of Port Royal and St. Peters, Martinique from 1761 through 1762 provide information on slavery in the West Indies. Also included are letters concerning plans for Baynton, Wharton and Morgan to establish a trading house on the island. See: Thomas Brignall to Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan (firm), January 22, 1762; February 16, 1762; March 7, 1762; April 13, 1762; and May 25, 1762.
    • Miscellaneous Correspondence, A-Z, 1759-1799. Includes a record of "Imports and Exports of Merchandise the Produce of South Carolina, 1760-1766." This record enumerates slave sales transacted by the Baynton, Wharton and Morgan firm for these years.
  • Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan Papers, Business Accounts, 1746-1776
    • Baynton, Wharton and Morgan Accounts, 1762-1776, Journals, 1754-1765.
      • Account with the Plantation (Kaskaskia and Ft. Charters), 1768-1770. Plantation Account Book contains two entries that list "3 shirts for Negroes" and "Two Negro Men and Negro Boy."
    • Baynton, Wharton and Morgan Accounts, 1762-1776, Ledgers, 1766-1771.
      • Ledger, 1767-1768. Covers sale of "Negroes" at Kaskaskia (in present day Illinois), December 9, 1767 to October 29, 1768, and also contains a list of "negroe bonds" bearing interest at 10% from December 9, 1767 - May 6, 1768.

MG-28 - James Buchanan Collection, 1815-1863. James Buchanan (1791-1868) of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania was President of the United States, 1857-1861, a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 1814-1816, a United States Representative, 1821-1831, a United States Senator, 1834-1845, and was President Polk's Secretary of State from 1845-1849.

  • This collection contains a letter from then Senator Buchanan to Ovid F. Johnston, Esquire, dated February 2, 1837 regarding a proposal to introduce a bill in Congress appropriating public money for the colonization of American slaves in Africa. In this letter, Buchanan cautioned against raising the proposal made by the colonization society.

MG-32 - Samuel Calvin Papers, 1850-1856. Correspondence of Samuel Calvin (1811-1890), lawyer in Hollidaysburg and member of the United States House of Representatives, 1849-1851. Included in his correspondence file are:

  • Letter dated September 6, 1850 from W. A. McCarthy requesting a copy of an 1850 speech given by the Honorable Daniel Webster on the slavery question.
  • Letter dated September 19, 1856 from I. T. Mathews discussing the political scene at the time and "the whigs and the slavery question," with references to Daniel Webster, Henry Clay and Thaddeus Stevens.

MG-33 - Simon Cameron Collection, 1816, 1835-1875. Simon Cameron, Abraham Lincoln's first Secretary of War, was noted as a nineteenth-century Pennsylvania political boss. He also built a network of railroads in Pennsylvania and united them into the Northern Central Railroad. Cameron died in 1889, and this collection contains a printed facsimile of his last will and testament. Dated October 2, 1886, the will states ". . . Thirteenth, I give to my colored servant John Campbell one thousand dollars, provided he remains with me until the time of my death."

MG-38 - Cope Family Papers, 1793-1937. Correspondence of three generations of an upper middle class Pennsylvania Quaker family having branches in Philadelphia, Chester, Bucks, and Susquehanna counties. William Drinker Cope (b. 1798), son of Thomas P. Cope (1768-1864), kept journals of his travels from 1813 through 1826. In an entry dated September 8, 1813 in Volume l, William tells of his journey to Lancaster to visit his grandfather, Caleb Cope, stating "when I got pretty near his house, I saw a negro as complete a simpleton to appearance as I ever saw." Included also are some newspaper advertisements: "CASH FOR NEGROES . . . ."

MG-53 - Reah Frazer Papers, 1739-1879 (bulk 1821-1856). Correspondence, legal papers, and accounts of Reah Frazer (1804-1856), prominent attorney and for many years a major political figure in Lancaster County. Also included are business and family papers of his father, William Clark Frazer (1776-1838) who also served as a Lancaster attorney and supreme court judge in the Territory of Wisconsin, 1836-38, and his grandfather, William Frazer (1753-1817), Revolutionary War veteran and justice of the peace in Newcastle County, Delaware. Among the many legal documents, accounts and letters are some that provide evidence of the treatment of fugitive and freed African Americans in the Lancaster County area. The personal papers of the three Frazer men also contain accounts and legal papers relating to individual African Americans, 1775-1831, giving insight into their living conditions:

  • Legal Papers of William Frazer, William Clark Frazer and Reah Frazer
    • Accounts, (including notes, bills, receipts, judgments), 1774-1818 (including Negro, 1801, 1814). Among these materials are two items concerning African Americans dated 1801 and 1814.
  • Cases (including Schuylkill Navigation 1847). The case papers contain information for the years 1760, 1803, 1804, 1827, 1829 regarding arrests of African Americans, a runaway slave case, and the selling of African American children.
  • Notes of Arbitration, 1821-1839. This file includes detailed descriptions of both civil and criminal cases, statements of witnesses, references to previous cases, settlements and verdicts. Items relating to African Americans are found in the 1828-1833 and 1838-1839 folders.
  • Notices to Appear in Court. Writs or summons to appear before the courts of Lancaster County. Included is a Capias writ issued by the state of Delaware, New Castle County, to Negro William Anderson in 1789 and a court summons issued to John Ingersom (a free Negro) of New Castle County, Delaware in 1815.

MG-54 - J. Alexander Fulton Papers, 1846-1900 (bulk 1846-1861). Correspondence of J. Alexander Fulton (b. 1822), a Kittanning lawyer, who became a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1853, and was an active figure in state Democratic politics prior to his relocation to Delaware in 1865. Included in the correspondence are letters from John W. Forney, chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee and Governor William Bigler, 1842-1855, discussing their opposition to slavery. Also found is a scrapbook covering the years 1861-1866 that contains a newspaper article on the American Anti-Slavery Society and its final convention.

MG-56 - John White Geary Collection, 1847-1873. John White Geary (1819-1873), a native of Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania, held many military and public service positions and served as Governor of Pennsylvania, 1867-1873. Most of the 32 letters were written to his brother, the Reverend Edward R. Geary, an eminent Presbyterian clergyman who served in the Oregon territory for much of his life. Two letters to Edward discuss African Americans.

  • A letter dated March 5, 1849, from New Grenada, Panama, discusses the town, Chagies: "In many respects the town and its houses resemble a large collection of half decayed hay-stacks. The inhabitants are all black, being negroes, and mestigoes, a mixture of negroes and indians." Another letter dated November 23, 1837, from France, speaks of the elections in Kansas and the "proslavery party" and "constitution with slavery vs. constitution without slavery." In this letter, John Geary expressed his concern about the influence of the southern states on Kansas politics and the subsequent impact on the political situation in Oregon.

MG-63 - Gross Family Papers, 1805-1918. Legal papers, accounts, correspondence, and deeds relating chiefly to the business activities of David Gross of Winfield, Union County. Included is a book advertisement reading: "1856 - Political Discussions - 1887, ...Legislative, Diplomatic, and Popular, upon great questions of national and local interest, including the Anti-Slavery struggle, the issues of the war, the reconstruction period, Chinese Immigration, Civil Service Reform, the great labor question, prohibition...By James G. Blaine, signed by H.A. Dutwiler as agent."

MG-64 - Haldeman-Wright Family Collection, 1789-1899. Correspondence, legal papers, accounts, and memorabilia of the Haldeman and Wright families of Cumberland and Dauphin counties, including the papers of Jacob M. Haldeman, iron manufacturer, investor in real estate, president of the Harrisburg Bank and the Harrisburg Bridge Company, founder of the Harrisburg Car Company, director of the Dauphin Deposit Bank, and founder of Haldemanstown (New Cumberland). References to African Americans are found in the following items:

  • Indenture Agreement, October 31, 1808, between Margaret Bayle and a Negro servant Rachel, stating that Rachel wished to voluntarily go to Maryland with Margaret. Rachel's parents also signed the agreement. Furthermore, the agreement states that Rachel must remain a servant until her twenty-eighth year of age.
  • Bill of Sale, April 18, 1811 , Margaret Bayle sold fourteen-year-old slave to Samuel Jacobs, Esq., for the sum of $200.
  • Bill of Sale, December 11, 1809 , Esther Brisben sold a six-year-old Negro girl named Esther to Jacob Haldeman for $120.
  • Certificate of Registry, October 29, 1806, for a male Negro, Abner, submitted by William McClean, a farmer. Abner was born in August, 1781 and was officially registered March 31, 1789.
  • Ledger Book , which contains the accounts of three African Americans, John Woodward, George Johnson, and George (no last name). The monthly wages, and credit for cash or supplies are shown (pages 43, 47, 57).

MG-66 - Edward Hand Papers, 1777-1788. Lancaster physician Edward Hand (1744-1802) served with distinction in the Revolutionary War. The following are letters or communications relating to African Americans:

  • General Correspondence, 1777-1784. A Letter, June 5, 1778 from Thomas Wilson to Mrs. Hand talks about the status of the G.H. Plantation and that "the Negro Bob wants shirt and trousers," asking the person to whom the communication is being sent "if you send linen my wife will make them". A subsequent communication from Jasper Yeates of Lancaster to Thomas Wilson, included with this letter and dated June 6, 1778 reports that "stuff for the boy's shirt and trousers" will be sent and that "Mrs. Wilson can spare a little...cloth for that purpose."

MG-72 - Hiester Family Papers, 1750-1865. These papers represent three generations of a Pennsylvania German family descending from the pioneer Daniel Hiester (1713-1795), a family which played an important role in the political life of the Commonwealth and particularly in the counties of Berks and Dauphin. Gabriel Hiester (1749-1824), a well-educated farmer of Bern Township, Berks County, was a member of the Constitutional Convention which framed Pennsylvania's State Constitution in 1776. He sat in the General Assembly of Pennsylvania for many terms and served as state senator for Berks and Dauphin counties, 1795-1796, 1805-1812.

  • Among these papers is a copy of a declaration of the theft of services of a Negro slave that was filed with the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, April-June 1769. The case concerned John Lesher and Conrad Reiff of Berks County. John Lesher took a male Negro slave "Joe", who was the property of Conrad Reiff, and illegally employed him for his own personal use from June 1, 1761 until May 1, 1766. Reiff requested a damage payment amounting to sixty pounds.
  • In a letter dated March 16, 1813, Jacob P. Kershner of Hagerstown, Maryland wrote: "Dear Sir, I shall write you these few lines to inform you that father on his arrival at Readingtown, is the bearer of a letter to you and your father which I expect he will do...about the conveyance of the Negro eunuch...These few lines is merely to let you know that he has a letter for you and your father."
  • An undated broadside entitled "Front Street Circus" includes in the listing of activities: "Comic Negro Mr. Boyce, 'Settin on a Rail.'"

MG-81 - McAllister Family Papers, 1775-1850. These papers include numerous items from Col. Richard McAllister (1725-1795), founder of Hanover in York County, and his descendants, many of whom were key figures in York, Lancaster, and Dauphin Counties from the Revolutionary War period into the middle of the nineteenth century. References to African Americans include an "Inventory of the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of Richard McAllister, October 9, 1795," that lists Negroes included in McAllister's estate who were bequeathed to his children on his death and notes on their monetary value. Also present is a Letter of Receipt dated October 15, 1795 by Patrick and Nancy McAllister Hayes for two Negroes, (Poll and Jonathon), left to them by Richard McAllister. Other items include a Double Entry Ledger, 1790-1798, of Capt. Archibald McAllister and the Cash Book, February 12, 1794 - July 28, 1796, which contain entries that document store purchases made by African American workers.

MG-90 - John R. Miller Collection of Cumberland County Government Records, 1768-1914. This collection of Cumberland County government records includes election returns, 1808-1912; lists of voters, 1808-1889; oaths of office, 1784-1914; assessors oaths, 1768-1882; licenses applied for and granted, 1850-1855; letters and papers pertaining to bridges, 1812-43; miscellaneous papers relating to bonds, estates, and tavern licenses, 1769-1837; returns made by owners of slaves, 1780; court proceedings, 1780-1875; lists of grand and reverse juries, 1806-1856; papers relating to the education of paupers, educator's bills and receipts, 1807-1836; tax returns, 1770-1843; tax duplicates, 1783-1798; county commissioners' receipts, 1780-1887; bounty receipts for foxes and wolves, 1774-1844; viewers of road receipts, 1804-1825; treasurer's receipts, 1807-1849; and military records, 1845-1846. Scattered through these are items which pertain to slaveholdings, the administering of family slaves and slave crimes.

  • Negro Slave Name & Age Returns, 1780, 1791, 1828. The returns are arranged by the date of the document and usually give the slave's name, sex, age and owner's name. Occasionally, the slave's job is mentioned and quite often the owner's residence and occupation appears as well.
  • Lists of Pauper Children, 1832-1835. Lists of poor children in Cumberland County. Information given includes the name of the child, age, township, and date of list. Occasionally, children are described as being "col'd." African American children listed for Carlisle, in 1835, are: George Boyer, 5; Ann Campbell, 7; Henry J. Clelence, 7; Samuel Clelence, 9; Catherine Diggs, 9; John Green, 5; Kisigh Hamilton, 6; Alfred Hawkins, 5; Ann Hawkins, 8; Andrew Lancaster, 5; Samuel Lawson, 7; John Powel, 9; Harriett Sanders, 8; Margaret Smithy, 8; Eliza Amy Watson, 7; Homer Watson, 8; Elenore Whiten, 6; Isaac Whiten, 9; Mary Ann Whiten, 8; Nathan Whiten, 6; David Woods, 5 and Mary Jane Woods, 8.
  • Election Records, 1779-1914
    • Voters' Lists, 1808-1903. These lists provide names of qualified voters by township or city ward. African Americans listed include: Upper Allen Township, 1871: William Claborne; Shippensburg, 1871: Daniel Right, Henry Johnston, Isaac Russ, Robert Gray, and David Baer; Carlisle, 1st Ward, 1888: Robert Lane, Robert Stevenson, William Streets, John Alexander, Eli Anderson, Henry Taylor, Thomas Kohn, Abraham Parker, William Scott, James Anderson, and Ben Lindsey; New Cumberland, 1889: J.W. Johnson; Carlisle, 4th Ward, 1889: James Alexander, Elias Hodge, William Hodge, William J. Jackson, Joseph Jordan, Robert Jordan, John Lane, William Peck, Noah Pinkney, H. C. Whiting, and J. W. Whiting. The 1871 and 1888 lists identify "col[ored]" voters, but the 1889 rolls do not indicate race.
  • Abstracts of Wills in Will Book "A", (Photostats), 1750-68. Abstracts of wills of various individuals living in Cumberland County. Included are:
    • Robert Dunning: 4/9/1750 - 7/24/1750, Book A, page 1: "Slaves: Whiteball and Philis."
    • John Harris, Peters Township: 5/29/1759, Book A, page 60: "Negro woman, Jean."
    • Philip Davis: 5/15/1753 - 11/6/1760: Book A, page 71: "Negro Mary, Negro George, Negro Dinah, Negro Will, Negro Kitt, Negro Jean."
    • James Johnston, Antrius Township: 7/25/1764 - 3/5/1765: Book A, page 130: "Negro boy, Jeremire."
    • Nathaniel Wilson, Letterkenny Township: 8/22/1765 - 11/25/1765: Book A, page 138: "Negro slave, Warwick "
    • James Moore, Middletown Township: 12/31/1766: Book A. page 167: "Gaven McKee (will give freedom 21 years)."
    • Robert Elliot, Peters Township: 5/23/1768: Book A. page 190: "...his Negro woman."
  • Treasurer's Accounts, 1768, 1768-1875, 1782-1807, 1904. Warrants signed by the County Commissioners for payment of expenses incurred by county operations. Under the heading "Cumberland County: to Thomas Alexander Gasler" is cited "Negro Julius for burglary to subsistence from 25th, December 1788 to 19th, June 1789 both days included makes 177 days at 6 pence for day" and "Negro Harry on suspicion of murder subsistence from 25th, July 1788 until 24th, January 1789 in all 189 days at 6 pence for day." Also part of the series is the following subseries:
    • Court Proceedings, Costs and Fees, 1780-1875. Documentation of constable fees paid by the County for court proceedings. Under the heading "List of Indictments for Sheriff Cryer" is cited "Republic vs. Negro Abraham: Indictment of Larceny, October 1797, tried & convicted," and "Republic vs. Negro Jack Robison: Indictment of Larceny, convicted on submission."

MG-92 - Sequestered John Mitchell Papers, 1758-1781. John Mitchell was a Philadelphia merchant and Deputy Quartermaster General during the American Revolution. The papers of Mitchell, and his brother and business partner, Randall Mitchell, were sequestered by the Commonwealth, ca. 1785, during an investigation of the Mitchells' activities as a contractor with the Pennsylvania Navy. Included are Deputy Quartermaster General Mitchell's letter book, 1780-81; and business letters, 1762-1777, pertaining to merchandising, prices, and commodities such as chocolate, feathers, rum, coffee, tea, molasses, paper and slaves. Items relevant to African Americans are correspondence of Thomas Hovender, 1774, relating to the sale of his "negroes," and receipts and vouchers, 1736-1770, with entries on African American slaves and workers.

MG-93 - Moore Family Papers, 1749-1934 (bulk 1749-1887). Family correspondence, 1807-1882, legal papers, 1749-1887, and miscellaneous items, 1800-1934, primarily concerning members of the Moore and Parker families of Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

  • Legal Papers. Miscellaneous deeds, wills, and other family legal papers. Included is a slave return from John Moore, a West Pennsboro farmer and a will of William Moore. The slave return lists Jack, a male Negro slave for life, 15 years; Joe, a male Negro slave for life, 15 years; Ann a female Negro, born November, 1785; Tobe; Hannah, a female Negro child, born May 1797; Cosey, born October 31, 1799; and Tom a male Negro slave for life, 21 years. The will of William Moore cites "Bequeath unto my son James My Negro Man Sampson, age about 30 years being a slave for life.

MG-98 - Orbison Family Papers, 1750-1902. These papers are primarily the business records of William Orbison (1777-1857), Huntingdon lawyer, founder of Orbisonia, president of the Huntingdon Bank and also of the Huntingdon Academy; of Ellen Matilda Orbison Harris (1816-1902), daughter of William Orbison, wife of Dr. John Harris (d. 1881), and secretary of the Philadelphia Ladies' Aid Society, an organization devoted to the relief of soldiers during the Civil War; and of William A. Thompson d. [ca. 1805], a Huntingdon attorney associated with William Orbison.

  • Papers of William Orbison, 1777-1857
    • Legal Papers. Miscellaneous legal papers relating to land transactions, court dockets, trials, and wills. Included is item 22, an undated memorandum on Scipio Young and other slaves who belonged to a Mr. Garnett.

MG-104 - Potts Family Papers, 1704-1853. Papers of a family prominent in Pennsylvania's early iron industry, containing correspondence, business papers, and legal records relating to Charming Forge, Hopewell Forge, Mount Joy Forge, Colebrook Furnace, and Warrick Furnace. Notable correspondents include Stephen Chambers, Robert Coleman, Curtis Grubb, Edward Lewis, Richard Sheldon, and Jasper Yeates.

  • General Correspondence, 1772-1852. Letter dated March 30, 1738, from Jasper Yeates, Esquire, to Odwin Burd, Esquire, refers to the "work of slaves to be delivered in May."
  • Accounts, 1732-1845, undated, (include. Negro Slaves). An account page for Mount Joy Forge, dated March 1762, of Thomas Potts and Company, states: "Negros Stephen's Team: 80 lb.; Negros Pomp Hector & Dobb: 300 lbs.; Slaves: 15 lbs."

MG-109 - George W. Schultz Collection, 1875, 1927-1947.

  • This miscellaneous collection of typed excerpts and transcripts from newspapers and letters pertaining to events of the colonial and Revolutionary War period includes items on the development of furnaces and forges. Included is a paper entitled "Crusades and Crooks of War Times - John Brown" that makes references to African Americans.

MG-113 - Lewis Slifer Shimmell Papers, 1873-1931 (bulk 1873-1915). Dr. Lewis Slifer Shimmell (1852-1914) of Harrisburg was an educator and author. The collection contains correspondence, addresses, photographs and published works.

  • An address of February 12, 1909, "Lincoln's Great and World-Wide Work," tells of Abraham Lincoln's belief and desire that all men should be free and that slavery should be abolished. Another address of December 18, 1911, entitled "Abbey's Pennsylvania As Canvas: Apotheosis of Pennsylvania" discusses Thaddeus Stevens and mentions his support of the African American and the abolition of slavery.
  • Shimmell's book A Short History of Pennsylvania, discusses the Friends and their philosophy "that no one should buy slaves except to Free." Also included is information on the Underground Railroad, race riots, and the Convention of 1833 which formed the American Antislavery Society, and the burning of the Society's headquarters, Pennsylvania Hall, in 1838.

MG-115 - Mrs. Lawrence M. C. Smith Collection, 1775-1925 (1823-1874). Items pertaining to Pennsylvania's constitutions including summaries, reports, speeches, and related legislation that were collected by Mrs. Lawrence M. C. Smith, a member of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1955-1963. Included in this collection is a January 10, 1823 issue of the Philadelphia newspaper The National Gazette & Literary Register. Among the advertisements in this paper is an advertisement for "Negro cloths and linseys."

MG-117 - John Spencer Papers, 1828-1861. Letters, newspapers, etc., of John Spencer (1801-1884), a native of Huntingdon County who was an itinerant Methodist minister in the Pittsburgh Conference, 1828-1852, and resident of Oregon after 1852. Among his ministerial notes and papers, 1828-1847, are copies of newspapers containing references to African Americans. They are: the Wellsville Patriot, July 16, 1861, featuring an article: "Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law," and an advertisement in the Pittsburgh Christian, August 20, 1845, announcing the publication of a book entitled Minstrel of Zion, A Book of Religious Songs, Accompanied with Appropriate Music, by W. Hunter and Samuel Wakefield. Also included is an envelope on which the following information is written: "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Subscriptions -1847, to buy & free a slave and her children. Her husband, Mr. J. Hughes, already free, asks for help." The envelope contains a list of individuals who gave John Hughes money and the amount contributed by each one.

MG-121 - John Strohm Papers, 1816-1874. Correspondence of John Strohm (1793-1884), a Lancaster teacher and surveyor who served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 1831-1833.

  • Correspondence. Contains a letter dated January 15, 1836 from Columbia lumber merchant and African American abolitionist Stephen Smith denouncing the "commerce in human flesh," and pleading with Strohm to "uphold the rights of man" and to "secure such laws as will aid in securing and protecting the citizens of this commonwealth from those acts of popular violence from which you are aware I am a common sufferer;" a letter from Isaac Strohm, a relative of John Strohm, August 11, 1839, mentions abolition in Ohio; and a letter from "Passmore," August 4, 1841 contains a poem critical of slavery and territorial expansion.
  • Memorials/Petitions. These are position papers submitted with a petition for proposing amendments to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. The file contains a "Memorial to the Honorable, the Delegates of the People of Pennsylvania in Convention at Philadelphia Assembled, January 6, 1838," that was "signed on behalf of the people of color in the city and county of Philadelphia (by) Charles W. Gardner (and) Fredk. A. Hinton." The two signers of this controversial petition were African American abolitionists involved in the Negro Convention Movement and other African American self-help activities. Also contained in this file is a "memorial to the Convention to withhold from Negroes the right of Suffrage, (Wm.) Meredith, January, 1838," and a "Memorial to the Convention on the Subject of Negro Suffr age - Citizens of Philadelphia, (Wm.) Meredith, January, 1838," both of which are anti-African American in their content.

MG-125 - Edward Shippen Thompson Collection, 1684-1941 (bulk 1746-1904). Born in 1869, Edward Shippen Thompson of Thompsontown, Juniata County, was an avid genealogist and local historian who assembled an impressive collection of family papers and genealogical notes. The collection chiefly consists of materials relating to the Thompson family, founders of Thompsontown. For more than a century this family remained prominent in the commercial and social life of that community and important portions of the papers also deal with the marriage-connected Burd family of Dauphin County, Shippen family of Lancaster County, and Patterson family of Lancaster and Juniata Counties. The collection includes the following letter and newspaper advertisement that refer to African Americans:

  • Burd and Shippen Families
    • A letter to Edward Shippen Thompson from Elsie Burd Peale, of November 11, 1828, refers to the negro "Phyllis" and a letter of April 29, 1854 concerns the death and burial of "Phyllis".
    • The following advertisement was taken from a newspaper and used as a backing for a cover of The Freeman's Journal and Philadelphia Daily Advertisement, No. 1076, September 5, 1807: "Eight Dollars Reward - Ran away...from Hopewell, Huntingdon County, New Jersey, a dark mulatto boy,...calls himself Eben Chambers..."

MG-137 - Jasper Yeates Family Papers, 1726-1830 (1761-1812). Correspondence, accounts, and legal papers of Jasper Yeates (1745-1817), Lancaster attorney, chairman of Lancaster County Committee of Correspondence, 1775, captain of the Lancaster County Associators, 1776, a Commissioner for Indian Affairs, 1776, and associate justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, 1791-1817. Also found are materials relating to Jasper's father, Philadelphia merchant John Yeates.

  • Legal Papers
    • Accounts, 1725-1804, and undated. Included is a document dated July 19, 1774 signed by Calvin Cooper concerning the "trial of capital offenses committed by negroes in the province of Lancaster County" and "of a mulatto slave named Ester who mothered a bastard child."

MG-139 - Frank W. Melvin Papers, 1708-1961 (bulk 1820-61). Papers of Frank W. Melvin (1884-1961), a Philadelphia lawyer who held many important legal and historical positions in Pennsylvania. He served on the Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania 300th Anniversary Commission, 1937-1938, was Chairman of the Pennsylvania Historical Commision, 1935-1939 and Chairman of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1956-1961. This collection contains correspondence, reports, minutes, copies of legislation, invitations, programs, newspaper clippings, booklets, pamphlets, photographs, and maps. The following booklets pertain to African Americans.

  • Gustavus Hesselius, 1682-1755, tells of the life of this Pennsylvania artist and craftsman, stating that he built the first pipe organ in America. It further states that he willed his daughter Lydia "my Negroe Woman Pegg," and "my Negroe man Tom." His son, John, married a wealthy widow and spent the rest of his days on an "extensive plantation 'Bellefield,' on the Severn River near Annapolis, where he boasted many more slaves than his father's "Pegg" and "Tom."
  • The Horse-Shoe Trail, identifies the following places that have an African American association: Hershey Industrial School, Hopewell Park and Hopewell Furnace, Joanna Furnace, Elizabeth Furnace, Cornwall Furnace, Governor Dick Hill, and the Swatara Creek area. For additional references to African Americans at these furnaces see MG-2, Business Records Collection.

MG-142 - John R. Haudenshield Papers, 1901-1962. Chiefly papers of John R. Haudenshield of Carnegie (1888-1959), member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from Allegheny County, 1939-40, 1943-49, and member of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1951-56.

  • The Settler, a Quarterly Magazine of History and Biography, published by Bradford County Historical Society, Towanda, April 1953, included "The Underground Railroad and Its Stations in Bradford County," by Mrs. George A. Dayton.

MG-143 - Sarah R. Meseroll Collection, 1733-1956, [undated]. Received from the estate of Sarah R. Meseroll of Washington, D.C., this collection contains papers of the Preston family, chiefly of Buckingham and Plumstead Townships in Bucks County, with a branch located in Stockport in Wayne County. The collection contains correspondence, legal papers invoices and receipts, essays, poetry, books, lecture notes, and newspapers from several cities. Of interest in this collection are the following anti-slavery newspapers and magazines:

  • New York Tribune, May 2, 1865, article entitled "End of Truce - Negotiations in Progress - meeting of the Colored People of Raleigh."
  • New York Daily Tribune, May 5, 1865, article on "Colored Troops in Richmond."
  • Sunday Times-Advertiser, Trenton, New Jersey, July 25, 1915, article entitled "Crosswicks was once an important station on the 'Underground Railway' through which fugitive slaves were permitted to make their escape."

MG-153 - Marlin E. Olmsted Papers, 1874-1913. Scrapbooks of Marlin E. Olmsted (1847-1913), a Harrisburg lawyer who served as a Republican member in the United States House of Representatives, 1897-1912. Included in these scrapbooks are numerous newspaper articles referring to slavery in Pennsylvania.

  • The North American, September 9, 1911, "Christiana Recalls Riot, One of Causes of Civil War" (subtitled "Lancaster County Commemorates Battle of Fugitive Slaves and Masters - Governor Tener Comments on Coatesville Lynching").
  • The North American, September 12, 1911, "The Christiana Riot and the Treason Trials of 1851, Following the Enactment of the Fugitive Slave Law, commemorated in an Historic Manner at Christiana Saturday."

MG-164 - Hiram Gilbert Andrews Collection, 1890-1964. Hiram Gilbert Andrews (1877-1968), editorial director of the Johnstown Democrat from 1928 through 1941, was a prominent spokesman for the Democratic Party in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 1932 to 1963, serving at various times as minority whip, minority floor leader, and Speaker of the House. Among the books in this collection is William M. Hall's Reminiscences and Sketches which includes a chapter entitled "Slave-catching in Bedford County."

MG-168 - Robert E. Pattison Papers, 1855-1904. Papers of Robert E. Pattison (1850-1904), Philadelphia lawyer and Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, 1883-1887 and 1891-1895. Pattison was named chairman of the United States Pacific Railway Commission in 1887 and was president of the Chestnut Street National Bank in Philadelphia from 1887-1891.

  • General Correspondence, 1882-1886, 1904. Contains a letter dated May 5, 1904, to Pattison from his cousin Thomas R. Stewart. Stewart writes about the genealogy of the family and his recollection of spending time at the family home, "Union Hill," with Pattison's grandfather. He states, "I was at his father's after his negroes all ran away, except for one colored man".

MG-169 - Herman Blum Collection, 1681-1971. Herman Blum (1885-1973), chairman of the Board of Craftex Mills, Inc., of Pennsylvania and a trustee of the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science was a member of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1963-1971; Pennsylvania member of the United States Civil War Centennial Commission; and an avid collector of historical books and manuscripts.

  • Printed Material, 1682, 1684, 1757, 1784, 1833, 1850, 1891, and 1932. A collection of miscellaneous newspapers and magazine clippings printed in London, England and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Included are two advertisements and an article with reference to African Americans. They are:
    • October 6, 1784 issue of The Pennsylvania Journal and the Weekly Advertiser, contains advertisements and articles referring to slaves.
    • FOR SALE. "A Negro woman with a male child."..."A Negro boy, excellent for the sea-service, or waiting on a gentleman."
    • Three Hundred Dollars Reward. "Negro GEORGE ran away from Elk Forge, near Head of Elk, Cecil County, Maryland, on the 2nd of August, 1784"..."Negro CATO ran away from the same place, the 24th of May 1783"..."Negro DICK ran away from the same place, the 23rd of April 1781...", [point of contact] THOMAS MAY.
    • July 5, 1757 edition of The London Chronicle: or, Universal Evening Post, contains an "Extract of a letter from Capt. Baille, to his owners, dated River Bonny in Africa, Jan. 31: We arrived here the 6th of December, and found the 'Hector' with about 100 slaves on board...."

MG-170 - Pennsylvania Historical Association Papers, 1932-1965. Founded in 1933, the Pennsylvania Historical Association is an organization of professional and amateur historians dedicated to promoting research and teaching of Pennsylvania history.

  • Correspondence, 1949-1960. This series contains many letters to and from persons who authored articles for various Association publications, some of which addressed African American history in Pennsylvania. Representative correspondence includes: a letter from Ernest C. Miller, referring to the publishing of the original letters of John Brown; a letter dated November 30, 1950, from J. Cutler Andrews to Donald H. Kent, Associate Editor of Pennsylvania History, mentioning Thomas E. Drake's Quakers and Slavery in America; letters from Ira V. Brown referring to authored articles and books such as "Pennsylvania and the Rights of the Negro, 1865-1887"; a letter of December 14, 1960, to Larry Gara referring to his article on William Still and the Underground Railroad; a letter of December 8, 1960, to Horace Montgomery referring to his article "A Union Officer's Recollections of the Negro as a Soldier: Major John McMurray, Sixth United States Colored Regiment"; and a letter dated June 2, 1959, listing a "Negro Bob, death warrant issued September 22, 1795, offenses not known (probably murder)" and date of execution not known.

MG-171 - Samuel W. Pennypacker Papers, 1802-1816, 1851-1916. Pennsylvania Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker (1843-1916) served on the Board of Public Education in Philadelphia, 1885-1889, as a judge of the Common Pleas Court No. 2 in Philadelphia, and was elected governor in 1903. During his gubernatorial administration, the State Archives was established as an administrative unit within the State Library. He was an active member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, a noted genealogist and amateur historian.

  • Governor's Papers, 1902-1907
    • Executive Correspondence, 1902-1907. Series contains the following folders or subseries:
      • Includes a letter dated November 5, 1902 from Robert J. Nelson of Reading, president of the Afro-American Republic League of Pennsylvania, congratulating Pennybacker for his gubernatorial victory "on behalf of 55,000 colored voters in Pennsylvania.
      • Legislation, 1903-1906, Appropriations, 1905 . includes letters to Governor Pennypacker which were received from churches, schools, and other organizations seeking state funding.
      • A letter dated April 14, 1905 from Thomas J. Gatewood (a former slave of Judge Pennypacker in old Virginia) in support of the Home for the Aged and Infirm Colored Women of Pittsburgh.

MG-180 - Millicent Barton Rex Collection, 1762-1949 (bulk 1814-1880). Papers used by Millicent Barton Rex, historian, in preparing lectures, essays, and articles on the life and career of James White (1802-1873), a physician in Hartstown, Crawford County. The collection contains correspondence, commissions, licenses to practice medicine, legal papers, land papers, photographs, etc., and accounts of James White; correspondence and photographs of A. McLeon White; and miscellaneous White family materials. Also included are letters of inquiry, notes, and manuscripts of essays and articles, 1942-49, by Millicent Barton Rex.

  • James White, General Correspondence, 1814, 1823, 1833-59, 1880. A letter to Wilson King from C. Canning Smith of Memphis, Tennessee, dated August 27, 1864, describing a Confederate raid on Memphis, reporting that "one of the rebels caught a young Negro boy and had him pinned to the earth by driving a bayonet through each eye; another boy (black), seven years old, was shot dead by another rebel soldier." Observing that Confederate soldiers killed several blacks, Smith questioned the commanding general's failure to restrain his troops.
  • Millicent Barton Rex, Notes. Western Pennsylvania County Histories contains a reference to Samuel Marshall, one of the first settlers of Butler County, whose home was an asylum for the needy and oppressed and a prominent station on the Underground Railroad. Marshall opposed the United States Constitution because he felt it sanctioned and protected slavery.

MG-185 - Harmony Society Papers, 1742-1951. Founded by George Rapp, the leader of a group of German Separatists who had emigrated from Wurtemberg, Germany, 1803-1904, the Harmony Society was formally established as a "Christian communist" community at Harmony, Butler County, Pennsylvania in 1805. Following the War of 1812, Rapp and his followers moved to a site near the mouth of the Wabash River in the Territory of Indiana where they constructed a new town, which also was called Harmony. In 1824-25, the Indiana property was sold to the Scottish reformer, Robert Owen, who renamed it New Harmony, and the Harmonists returned to Pennsylvania where they established the most lasting of their communities, the town of Economy, Beaver County, about twenty miles north of Pittsburgh. The death of George Rapp in 1847, the coming of the Industrial Revolution, and rather strict adherence to the practice of celibacy were factors involved in the decline in the association's fortunes and membership in the latter half of the nineteenth century. In 1905, on its 100th anniversary, the Harmony Society was dissolved.

  • Legal File, Indentures, 1809-1889. Included in the records is an indenture dated May 18, 1807, which states that a "Negro woman of the age of sixteen years being a slave named Henny belonging to John Waller and by him brought into this territory from the State of...shall serve him for a period of seventy years." The agreement was signed and dated October 2, 1817 in Knox County, Indiana.

MG-200 - Poster Collection, 1854-1971, undated. [Digital Images] Nearly 500 posters, most relating to political issues such as campaigns and elections, or to the Civil War, World War I, or World War II. Included in this collection are:

  • No. 8. Political - Freedman's Bureau (anti), "Geary for Climer opposed," ca. 1863.
  • No. 9. Political - Lincoln (anti), "Elect Lincoln and the Black Republic Ticket," undated.
  • No. 12. Political - McClellan Campaign, "Defeat Negro Equality," ca. 1864.
  • No. 15. Political - Stevens, Thaddeus (anti), Mass Convention, Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 6, 1866, "Anti-Negro Suffrage," 1866.
  • No. 38. Freedom - "The World Cannot Live Half Slave Half Free" (quotes of Pres. Wilson and the Kaiser), State Council of Defense, undated.
  • No. 275. WW I - Freedom, Office of Facts and Figures, "This World Cannot Exist Half Slave and Half Free," Artist: John Falter, 1942.
  • No. 515. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Black History Conference posters, 1981-1995.

MG-203 - Cornwall Furnace Collection, 1768-1940. Erected by Peter Grubb in 1742, Cornwall Furnace came under the control of Robert Coleman in 1798 and ownership remained in the Coleman family until 1932 when the property was donated to the Commonwealth. The collection consists primarily of account books, 1768-1892, pertaining to Cornwall Furnace and several other furnaces and forges, including Charming Forge, Colebrook Furnace, Hellem (Helmstead) Forge, Hopewell Forge, Speedwell Forge, and Spring Forge. A number of these volumes include references to African American slaves and workers. Placed inside the account books are loose pages of typed notes on the African American slaves and workers written by the late historian of Pennsylvania's early iron industry, Herbert S. Beck, [ca. 1940].

  • Account Books, 1768-1892
    • Coal (Cole) Books, 1768, Hopewell Forge. According to Herbert S. Beck, contains credits to colliers (charcoal burners) from April 25 to December 8, 1768 that includes an entry reading "Three credits go to Negro Bob, a slave."
    • Individual Accounts, 1779-1780, Hopewell Forge. Accounts are shown for the following: Molatta Abb for July and December 1779 and February and April 1780 and for Molatta Sue in September, October, November, and December, 1779 and February through September, 1780.
    • Account Book, April 12 - July 19, 1790. Notes by Herbert Beck state: "In account book dated April 12 - July 19, 1790, the 'Negro accounts' at store include negro Jack, Negro Harry, Negro Cato, Negro Tommy, Negro Oston, Negro Samson and Gov. Dick. The account of May 30 is this: 'Negro acct pr shows Govr Dick.' This shows that the collier, (who) prior to 1780 (was) a slave, was called Governor Dick in 1790. It is the first documentary mention of this man for whose cabin located, at its base, Governor Dick's Hill was named."
    • Misc. Accounts, 1791, Pallas Stewart. Herbert Beck writes: "this book, which curiously found its way to the Cornwall Furnace, is a smart boy's schooling book on legal forms, book-keeping accounts, etc." It contains a passage entitled "Liberation of a Slave" dated 1782, that Beck has described as "a superb sample of Spencerian handwriting."
    • Cash Book, 1795, Union Forge. Beck's notes state: "Cornwall Furnace purchased 2 ton, 2 cwt of anconies, which, curiously enough, were made by 'Cato.'" Cato was often listed as working at both Cornwall Furnace and Hopewell Forge. In an entry dated Jan. 13, 1795, Negro Bob is listed as receiving a number of gallons of liquor for the use of the slaves. Beck goes on to state that "The Union Forge was built in 1782 by Curtis Grubb and these slaves were owned by Grubb. . . The slaves working there were Grubb's Dec. 25, 1794. Negro account page . . . Bob, Toney, Diana, Jack - Christmas . . . apparently these were Christmas presents." Beck also gives further information on Governor Dick and Governor Dick's Hill.

MG-214 - Warren J. Harder Collection, [ca. 1828-1968]. Warren John Harder (1905-1968), a lifelong resident of Harrisburg, was a news correspondent, commercial photographer and amateur local historian. His collection includes correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, photographs, and lantern slides. Among the items found in the series labeled "Various Negatives" and the sub-series labeled "Civil War" are photographic negatives which depict scenes from the antebellum era. These include scenes labeled "Slave Auction Room," "'Contraband' (African Americans) Coming North for Protection of Union Lines," "Capture of Slave Ship by British War Vessels, 1860," "'Sunny North,' 702 Negroes Aboard," and "Congress Passes Resolution to Abolish Slavery." Among the series labeled Lantern Slides are a group of lantern slides labeled "Southern Scenes" that were taken around the turn of the century in the Deep South. Other pertinent slides are a scene of a slave ship at Mozambique Channel, Africa, and of a slave auction. Among the sub-series entitled Newspaper Clippings in the series Reference Materials are an advertisement dated July 19, 1828 for a runaway slave named Jenny McClintock of Carlisle and an undated advertisement announcing "A magnificent and original production of Uncle Tom's Cabin, a $20,000 production...2 brass bands...white and colored band, and Colored Lady Bugle and Drum Corps." The collection contains some photocopy pages of George H. Morgan's Annals of Harrisburg, written around 1858 and revised in 1906.

MG-227 - Solomon Fox Collection, 1862-1879. Civil War letters and miscellaneous items relating to Solomon Fox, a native of Berks County who served as a private in Company G, 93rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. This collection includes a letter Fox wrote to his wife on March 16, 1862, from Camp Edward, Virginia, telling of African Americans coming in large numbers to seek the protection of the "Yanky" soldiers.

MG-247 - Algernon Sydney Logan and Robert Restalrig Logan Papers, [ ca. 1680-1945]. This collection consists of manuscript and printed material pertaining to the Logan family including James Logan, first provincial secretary of William Penn, his father Patrick Logan, and descendents Algernon Sydney Logan (1849-1925) and Robert Restalrig Logan. Included are three volumes of printed and manuscript copies of Indian treaties and other material relating to Indian affairs covering the period 1722-1762, copies of John Dickenson correspondence, 1753-1776; and one volume of minutes and related items of the Indiana Company, 1776-1789.

  • James Logan Items, 1722-1762. Contains printed and hand written copies of treaties made with the Indians. Of particular interest is a treaty made with the Indians of the five nations: "Maquose, Oneida, Onnondages, Cayouges, and Simmekaes." Included in a collection are handwritten copies, this treaty was signed in September 1722 by Virginia Governor Alexander Spotswood and contained a provision requesting the aid of the five nations in seizing runaway slaves. Governor Spotswood promised the Indians "one good gun and a blanket" for the capture and return of each runaway slave. For their part, the Indians of the five nations avowed to the Governor that "if any runaway Negroe or Slave shall happen to fall into our hands we will carry them to Col. Mason's on the Potowmach River for the reward promised."
  • Algernon Sydney Logan Items, 1776-1934. Contains a handwritten transcript entitled "Records of the Families of Logan and Norris" (1815) by Deborah Norris Logan. The book contains genealogical information, obituary notices, personal accounts, a copied manuscript entitled "An historical account of the ancient and honorable Family of Logan of Edinburgh," poems, sonnets, and a copy of an article that appeared in the American Magazine for 1790. The article describes an incident that occurred on the island of Jamaica in 1692 when an earthquake destroyed Fort Royal and also killed a slave attempting to rescue his master, a merchant from Philadelphia. Later, "a cradle was seen floating on the water with a female Negro child alive, and a large silver dirk the property of the merchant. Upon examination, the child appeared to be the daughter of the Negro man who had lost his life in attempting to save his master. Both the child and the dirk were sent to the elder son of the merchant who lived in Philadelphia." The master was Thomas Norris and the dirk belonged to the Norris family.

MG-252 - Stephen Girard Collection, 1786-1856 (bulk 1828-1842). Stephen Girard was a Philadelphia merchant, financier, and philanthropist, who engaged in foreign trade and owned eighteen sea-going vessels. He also became involved in real estate, insurance and banking. His will, a copy of which is included in the collection, stipulated large sums of money for charities and for the establishment of Girard College. Though challenged by the heirs, the will was upheld by the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case of Vidal et al v. the City of Philadelphia, a classic in American legal history in clarifying of the laws regarding charities. The will contains several references to African Americans, including mention of his "black woman" Hannah to whom he gave an annual sum of two hundred dollars for the remainder of her life. He also specified that part of his real and personal estate near Washita, Louisiana, including thirty slaves, be given to his friend Judge Henry Bree.

MG-253 - Jacob J. Bierer Papers, [1795-1907]. Jacob J. Bierer, a native of Westmoreland County, served in the Civil War as a captain of Company C, 11th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers from November 1861 to April 1864. He subsequently served several terms as school director of Latrobe Borough and was chief burgess of Latrobe in 1869, 1862 and 1882. He was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives as a Democrat in 1883 and again in 1891 and was commissioned as a notary public in 1886 and 1910. The collection includes correspondence, legal papers, photographs, and other items pertaining primarily to Bierer's Civil War service.

  • Two letters in the Correspondence folder contain unfavorable opinions of slavery, the Freedmen's Bureau and "Negroes." These are a letter from Michael Schall, Jr. to Michael Schall, Sr. dated February 21, 1831 and a letter from John Bachman of Charleston, North Carolina, to J. J. Bierer dated February 12, 1862.
  • Also found in the collection are several Newspapers that provide information about slavery and situations involving African Americans. Some of these are: The Greensburgh Gazette dated May 31, 1822 that contains a reward advertisement for a servant mulatto boy named Frank, Greensburgh Democrat dated February 7, 1863 containing articles entitled "Negroes in Fort Lafayette," "The Effect of the Proclamation," "Niggers to be Made Soldiers," "Kentucky and Emancipation," "The Negro Tax," "Treaty with Liberia," and a copy of the Republican & Democrat dated November 30, 1864, containing an article entitled "A Hill in Labor"... that discusses slavery as the cause of Civil War and an item headed "Election news"... that states that the Abolition candidates received 255,081 votes against the Democratic candidates who garnered 242,123 votes.

MG-262 - General Microfilm Collection, [ca. 1620-1975]. This collection consists of digitized microfilm of Pennsylvania records and manuscripts primarily held by other institutions. Over the last fifty years the State Archives created this collection by making special arrangements with individual donors to microfilm letters, diaries, business records, etc. Because of its diverse sources and themes, this collection complements many of the State Archives' own manuscripts and records. The majority of this material was gathered by the Division of Research and Publications, now called the Division of History, as source materials for conducting research and writing books and articles on Pennsylvania history. Through such special arrangements, letters, diaries, and business records, relating to Pennsylvania were microfilmed from materials deposited at other institutions in the Commonwealth and throughout the nation. In April 1977, the administration and preservation of microfilm holdings were transferred from the Division of History to the Division of Archives and Manuscripts within the Bureau of Archives and History. [For a more detailed description of this collection a copy of the Guide to the Microfilm Collections in the Pennsylvania State Archives by Roland M. Baumann and Diane S. Wallace may be consulted. Though this volume is no longer in print, copy is available at the Archives and at the State Library.]

  • Newspaper Collections. The State Archives has a small collection of digitized newspapers that include commemorative editions and daily and weekly editions from eight counties, German language editions, and other ethnic newspapers. Newspaper editions that include articles on African Americans are:
    • Cumberland County
      • Americana Volunteer. The October 22, 1902 issue of the Americana Volunteer printed an article on the death of J. N. Choate, one of Carlisle's successful photographers. The funeral announcement gave the names of the active and honorary pallbearers. Among the active pall bearers were African Americans Charles Whiting, Amos Johnson, William Chapman, and Diston Barnes.
      • Abstracts of Obituaries in the Carlisle Evening Sentinel, 1906-1915. By 1906, the Carlisle Evening Sentinel appears to have instituted a policy of collecting obituary information relating to the inhabitants of Cumberland County. Some examples of African Americans for which such obituaries are available are: Agy, William, "Colonel," a Dickinson College janitor, February 2, 1911, aged about 50, local preacher. Funeral, February 3, 1911; Arter, Fannie, Mrs. (black), in Shippensburg, March 17, 1908, widow of J. Hugh Arter, was born a slave in Jefferson County, Virginia; Bell, Daniel, Underground Railroad figure (black), was born in Carlisle, February 14, 1832, moved at age 39 to Harrisburg, date of death there not given, widower about 2-1/2 years, daughters named; Brown, Jucetta (black), Mechanicsburg, March 11, 1907, age not given but lived there all her life, interment in Garret Cemetery; Butler, Mrs. (black), of Newville, December 26, 1910, interment in Newville cemetery; McCard, Maria Randolph, Mrs. (black), Carlisle, January 11, 1913, aged 95, formerly Mrs. Randolph, mother of pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, other children named; Taylor, Elizabeth Beals, Mrs. (black), in Chicago, formerly of Carlisle, September 14, 1909, aged 34, daughter of Isaac Beals, no mention of children, burial in Union Cemetery.
    • Juniata County
      • Juniata Journal. The September 1, 1835 issue of the Juniata Journal contains the following articles: "The Abolitionists;" "Religion versus Abolition;" "The Burnt Papers;" "Another Slave Atrocity;" and an untitled article that states "we understand that a gentleman of this city, received yesterday from New York, a large box of slaves being whipped.." The article "The Burnt Papers," was reprinted from the Emancipator, an Abolitionist's newspaper.
  • Historical Records
    • Simon Cameron Papers, 1824-ca. 1919. A prominent Harrisburg financier, Simon Cameron also served as a United States Senator and subsequently as the first Secretary of War under Abraham Lincoln. The collection consists of correspondence and business papers in the possession of the Dauphin County Historical Society that include thirteen letters or drafts written by Mr. Cameron. Among these is a letter dated April 23, 1862 to Mr. Cameron from Thomas Morris Chester, an African American native of Harrisburg who served as a Civil War correspondent and became friends with Simon Cameron. T. Morris Chester writes "that the thought of sending slaves in the District of Columbia back to Liberia is not a good idea." He states "it would be unwise and inhumane in the government at Washington to send them to Liberia. I desire them to be immigrants to our adopted country...."
    • Sol Feinstone Collection of the American Revolution, 1739-1859. Originally assembled by Sol Feinsteine, a businessman and collector, this collection includes 1,742 letters and documents relating to the American Revolution. Among these items are the following documents relating to the institution of slavery:
      • A document dated August 5, 1776 signed by Cornell Stevenson of Burlington, County, New Jersey, setting his negro slave Pompey free.
      • Receipt dated January 10, 1737 to John Fisher from Ebenezer Stearns for the purchase of a negro named Jack for eighty pounds.
      • Receipt dated January 7, 1716 to John Fisher from John Howe, for the purchase of a negro boy in Boston named Prince for forty-two pounds.
      • A document dated September 21, 1791 at Accomack County, Virginia and signed by John Custer and Tully Wise stating that Tomthy, a Negro man, had forged a document claiming that he was free.
    • Albert Gallatin Papers, 1761-1849. Albert Gallatin served as a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature and the United States Congress, as a foreign diplomat, and as United States Secretary of the Treasury. The papers include genealogical and biographical items, political papers, correspondence, pamphlets and miscellaneous family papers. Included is a copy of Albert Gallatin's membership certificate in the Pennsylvania Abolition Society.
    • Hershey Family Papers. Papers of a prominent Lancaster County family and their descendents including correspondence (1832-1853) relating to economic events, political conditions and religious trends in both Erie and Lancaster counties, account books, a family history, pamphlets, and an incomplete newspaper file (1851-1863) of the Conneautville Courier of Crawford County. Included are the following materials related to slavery, abolition, and the Civil War:
      • The text of a February 5, 1851 lecture on slavery delivered by a Professor Williams of the Methodist Church.
      • Several articles on the Fugitive Slave Law dated February 19, 1851 are present including "The Great Compromise Measure" that presents the story of a "colored" woman known by the name of Tamar Williams who resided at the corner of Fifth Street and Germantown Road. It was alleged that her real name was Mahala and that she was a fugitive slave belonging to William T. Parnell of Worcester County, Maryland. The story relates that she had escaped from a southern plantation in the year 1820 and subsequently married and bore five children. Mahala's husband also had been arrested as a fugitive slave and there is also an article on an Indiana fugitive slave case.
      • A February 26, 1851 issue of the Courier contains an article on the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and an article on a fugitive slave named Frederick Williams that states "A mob of 300 negroes stormed the Court Room (in Boston), and in despite of the officers, carried off the fugitive in triumph. The fugitive's whereabouts is not yet known, but it is supposed he is on his way to Canada via Burlington."
      • An April 2, 1851 article entitled "Selling Slaves in Pennsylvania" addresses the issue of the Fugitive Slave Law and the possible development of a new market in slaves captured by slave agents in Pennsylvania for return to the South.
      • The May 7, 1851 article "Virginny Neber Tires" refers to man who was a member of one of the first families in Virginia who entered "Douglas's" shop for a shave. "As the gentlemen was being lathered, a Bostonian, a warm free-soiler, asked Douglas, what would you do if your old master attempted to carry you back into slavery? Shoot him down, was Douglas's reply. The Virginian jumped into the middle of the floor with lather, towel and all, ..."
      • A January 4, 1854 article entitled "Verdict Against Mrs. Stowe" recounts the case of Harriet Beecher Stowe vs. F.W. Thomas, a German book publisher in Philadelphia. Harriet Stowe charged F.W. Thomas with "an infringement of the plaintiff's copy right of Uncle Tom's Cabin, by publishing a German translation.
    • Pennsylvania Abolitionist Society Papers, 1775-1916. This collection, owned by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, includes minutes and manuscripts of The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Kept in Bondage. Organized one year before the War of Independence, the society was lead by Quakers, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Jews. Temporarily suspended during the war, it was vigorously reactivated in 1787 and adopted the title of "The Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully held in Bondage." This was the first formal abolitionist society founded in the United States of America.
    • Pennsylvania History, General, Papers Relating to Pennsylvania, 1681-1913. Papers include accounts, correspondence, deeds, legal papers, military records, minutes, printed items and other materials relating to business matters, military affairs, politics and many other subjects. Items relevant to African Americans are: the case of "Negro Cato," the slave of Matthias Slough of the Borough of Lancaster, who was no longer in good health; an indictment for larceny of "Negro Isaac," a slave owned by Matthias Slough, who was taken to the Public Whipping Post to receive twenty-one lashes on his bare back and paid a fine of twenty pounds; a lading bill for a negro boy valued at thirty pounds; an act addressing the trials of "negroes" who committed murder, manslaughter, rape, burglary and any other illegal acts as specified by William Penn's Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania published by the Order of the General Assembly which includes "an Act" for the better regulating of Negroes in this Province.
    • Thaddeus Stevens Papers, 1814-1868. These papers consist of the private and public correspondence, speeches, legal and business papers, and congressional records of United States Congressman Thaddeus Stevens, an outspoken advocate for the abolition of slavery. The originals are scattered across the United States and this digitized microfilm edition is comprised of the following four series:
      • General Correspondence and Miscellaneous Documents. Included information on the following persons or subjects: Abolition Society of Pennsylvania, American Anti-Slavery Society, Frederick Douglass, Ku Klux Klan, Lucretia Mott, New York Tribune, Pennsylvania Equal Rights League, John Peck, Thaddeus Stevens, Thaddeus Stevens, Jr., Lucy Stone; Charles Sumner.
      • Speeches and Resolutions. The following subjects are included in this segment: copies of the 13th and 14th Amendments, materials on various abolition societies, Black Cavalry Units and Black military history, African Americans in Pennsylvania, Black railroad passengers, Black refugee aid, Black soldiers, Black suffrage in Pennsylvania, Black apprenticeships, court testimony by African Americans, African American migration to Pennsylvania, the legacy of John Brown, the Brownsville Female Academy, the Christiana Riot Trial, civil rights and trial by jury, civil service, Civil War veterans, Emancipation, equal rights legislation, freed slaves, Freedman's Bureau, fugitive slave arrests, Pennsylvania's fugitive slave laws, the federal Fugitive Slave Law, African Americans and higher education in Pennsylvania, Indian slaveholding, military hospitals, "Negro" soldiers, Re-admission of States, the rights of seceded states, secret societies, and the questions of abolition, extension of slavery, protection of slavery, and restrictions on slavery in Washington, D.C., in the territories, and in Utah.
      • Legal Arguments and Legal and Business Papers. Included on this reel are summaries from a few cases argued by Stevens dealing with slavery and slave ownership. They are: Butler and others vs. Delaplaine; Scott vs. Waugh; and Kauffman vs. Oliver. Also included is the summation of John M. Read of the 1851 Christiana trial (United States vs. Hanway), in which Stevens and three other lawyers successfully defended Caster Hanway, two other whites, and thirty-eight African Americans from charges of treason for helping fugitive slaves escape.
      • Congressional Committee Minutes. In Benjamin J. Kendrick's The Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction, 39th Congress, 1865-1867, (New York, 1914), is the full text of resolutions and bills that the Committee considered.
  • Printed Materials
    • Theses and Dissertations
      • "The Evolution of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, 1683-1838, with Special Emphasis Upon the Constitution of 1838," by Russell Henry Kistler, (Lehigh University, 1943). This thesis discusses Pennsylvania politics, the state constitution that defined the status of the "negro" and the philosophy of abolitionist congressman Thaddeus Stevens. According to Kistler, the African American population of Bucks County had increased to a point that "elections in that county were generally closely contested and the blacks had enough votes to 'swing' the election, therefore, the legitimate voters were...defeated by NEGRO SLAVES."
      • "The Triumph of Militant Republicanism: A Study of Pennsylvania and Presidential Politics, 1860-1872," by Erwin S. Bradley. Discusses the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Missouri Compromise, Dred Scott Decision, Lancaster and the Christiana Riot, Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, negro suffrage/negro voting, and many of the Pennsylvania politicians during this time period; Henry D. Foster, John C. Fremont, Thomas L. Kane, Thaddeus Stevens, Simon Cameron, David Wilmot, Andrew Curtin.

MG-264 - INTERNATIONAL UTILITIES POLITICAL MEMORABILIA Collection, 1789-1972. The International Utilities (I.U.) of Philadelphia is a business conglomerate with diversified services in distribution, agriculture, utilities and other areas. The memorabilia relate to successful and unsuccessful United States presidential candidates, their vice-presidential running mates, and their election campaigns. Also included are materials pertaining to such national political issues as the tariff, sectionalism, slavery, the Civil War, reconstruction, western expansion, progressivism, and civil rights.

  • Cartoons, 1860-1884, 1972
    • Miscellaneous, 1860-1972. A small collection of political cartoons from various presidential campaigns. Items pertaining to African Americans from the Lincoln Campaign are "The True Issue or 'That's What's The Matter.'" (quote from cartoon "No peace without abolition") and "The Rail Candidate" (quote from cartoon "Dis Nigger strong and willin but its awful hard work to carry Old Massa Abe on nothing but dis ere rail!"). Items from the Grant Campaign are "The Irrepressible Conflict or The Republican Barge in Danger," "The Man of Words, the Man of Deeds, Which Do You Think the County Needs" (the cartoon shows a Negro man being lynched in front of a building titled "Colored Orphan Asylum"), "Re-Construction, or 'A White Man's Government,'" "Freedom of Suffrage to the Blacks Means Freedom of Suffrage to the Whites."
  • Newspapers, 1836-1968
    • Bedford Gazette, October 7, 1836 , contains several articles regarding the "poll tax" that was implemented to prevent the poor, the uneducated, and non-land owners from voting. Also, this issue contains a brief piece entitled "Negroism."
    • Bedford Gazette, December 2, 1836 , contains two advertisements for runaway slaves. The first advertisement offers six cents reward for an eight year old child and the other is a six hundred dollar reward for four negroes who escaped from jail.
    • The Boston Evening Atlas, November 7, 1860 , provides the results of Abraham Lincoln's election as president in 1860. Also present is a brief excerpt entitled "The Negro Suffrage Movement".
    • The New York Herald, November 13, 1864, contains an article entitled "The Next Congress - The Vote on the Constitutional Amendment Abolishing Slavery," that predicted the downfall of the amendment and explains why it was unlikely to pass.
    • The New York Tribune, October 22, 1860, contains numerous articles that discuss the issue of slavery. They are: "The question of Slavery in the Territories," "Who opposed the Compromise and Why?," "What do we mean by the Slave Power?," and "The extinction of Popular Sovereignty."
  • Pamphlets, 1796-1912, & [ca. 1932]. Pamphlets from various presidential campaigns for both Democratic and Republican Parties. Topics covered include the Missouri Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, free labor, sectionalism, and slavery. Items are unarranged.
    • 1856 Democratic Party
      • "The Democratic Party as it Was and as it Is!" A Speech of the Hon. Timothy C. Day, of Ohio delivered in the House of Representatives on April 23, 1856.
      • "Hon. James Buchanan. Remarks of Hon. J. Glancy Jones, of Pennsylvania, delivered in the House of Representatives," May 13, 1856.
      • A pamphlet comparing the positions of John C. Fremont and James Buchanan on issues of sectionalism and the Constitution in 1856.
    • 1856 Republican Party
      • "Speech of Hon. John M. Read, in favor of Free Kansas, Free White Labor, and of Fremont and Dayton, at the Eighth Ward Mass Meeting, Held in the Assembly Buildings, on Tuesday Evening, Sept. 30, 1865," Philadelphia, 1856.
      • "The Dangers of Extending Slavery," and "The Content and the Crisis," two speeches delivered by William H. Seward, Washington, D.C., 1856.
      • "Immigrant White Free Labor, or Imported Black African Slave Labor," a speech delivered by William H. Seward, at Oswego, New York on November 3, 1856, Washington D.C., 1856.
      • "Important Facts drawn From Authentic Sources, Proving Beyond a Doubt That The Approaching Presidential Election is Forever To Decide The Question Between Freedom and Slavery," 1856.
      • "Southern Slavery Reduces Northern Wages." 1856.
    • 1860 Democratic Party
      • "Union or Disunion, Speech of the Hon. John M. Botts, at Holcombe Hall in Lynchburg, Virginia, on Thursday Evening, October 18."
      • "Non-Interference by Congress with Slavery in the Territories. Speech of Hon. S. A. Douglas, in the Senate, May 15 and 16, 1860."
    • 1860 Republican Party
      • "Free Homes For Free Men," a speech delivered by the Hon. G. A. Grow of Pennsylvania in the House of Representatives, February 29, 1860.
      • "The Issues: The Dred Scott Decision: The parties," a speech delivered by the Hon. Israel Washburn, Jr., of Maine, in the House of Representatives, May 19, 1860.
      • "Freedom v. Slavery," a speech delivered by John Hutchins of Ohio in the United States. House of Representatives, May 2, 1860.
      • "Political Record of Stephen A. Douglas on the Slavery Question," a tract Issued by the Illinois Republican State Central Committee.

MG-275 - Miscellaneous Manuscripts of the Revolutionary War Era, 1771-1791 & undated. Arranged chronologically, this collection was created by the State Archives from miscellaneous correspondence, extracts, receipts, petitions and certificates pertaining to the Revolutionary War era. Included among the manuscripts is a decree from the Admiralty Court of Pennsylvania between George Geddin of Pennsylvania and the sloop Sall concerning "Five Negroes," October 16, 1779. After being captured by the Brigantine of War Holken the Admiralty Court decreed that the Sall was to free five Negroes from its cargo and surrender its tackle, furnishings and cargo to the Holken.

MG-294 - French Azilum Collection, 1781-1934 and undated. French Azilum near Towanda, Pennsylvania, was established as a refuge for the former Queen Marie Antoinette and other aristocrats during the French Revolution. Formerly a historic site administered by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, it is now in the possession of the Bradford County Historical Society. Two newspapers in the collection contain references to African Americans. The November 21, 1814 issue of the Albany Gazette published 1814 census data that included slaves for the New York towns of Whitestown, Utica, Troy, and Johnstown. The Charleston, South Carolina Gazette and Daily Gazette and Daily Advertiser, dated June 16, 1802, advertised "Negroes" for sale, persons for hire, and almost two pages of notices of runaway slaves that provide descriptions of the runaways.

MG-296 - Thomas Kramer Collection, 1780-1889 (bulk 1835-1882). Thomas Kramer was a justice of the peace in Palmyra, Lebanon County, from 1844 to 1880. The collection consists primarily of legal papers as well as some genealogical materials pertaining to the Kramer and Segner families.

  • Included in the collection is a handwritten manuscript entitled "A History of Pennsylvania from Its First Settlements by the Swedes and the Dutch Down to the Year 1872" by John F. Wolfinger of Milton, Pennsylvania. This manuscript contains several references to African Americans. In an appendix to chapter 3, the "rebellion of blacks" in the West Indies, Haiti and St. Dominique is noted. Chapter 10 mentions William Penn's "black servant." References to "blacks" as a group of people among the general population are found in chapters 13, 21, 22 and 24. Chapter 30 discusses the role of Pennsylvania in the Civil War as well as slavery, the Missouri Compromise, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.


MG-341 - Florence Amelia Linderma Papers, 1840-1948. Florence Amelia Linderman was born July 17, 1893 in Fleetwood, Berks County, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Daniel Boone Linderman and Amelia Shiery. The Linderman family claims kinship with the Daniel Boone family through Florence's grandmother. Consisting primarily of family genealogical materials, this collection contains facsimile copies of three letters written by Abraham Lincoln to A. H. Stephens of North Carolina. In one of the letters, dated December 22, 1860, Lincoln outlined the Republican Party's position on not interfering with slavery in the states where it already existed. Also included in the collection are a number of postcards and greeting cards. A circa 1907 "Thanksgiving Greeting" depicts a turkey and two African American children.


MG-343 - Carl W. Gatter Architectural Research Books, 1981. Carl W. Gatter was an architect who conducted research for a possible reconstruction of the Slate Roof House, William Penn's Philadelphia residence from 1700-1701. Erected between 1698 and 1700 by Samuel Carpenter, it was the first example of an H-Plan house in America. The birthplace of William Penn's son, John, in 1700, it was here that William Penn granted Pennsylvanians the Charter of Privileges in 1701. The seat of Pennsylvania government from 1701-1704, the home was long occupied by William Penn's secretary, James Logan, and was also owned and occupied by William Trent, the founder of Trenton, New Jersey, from 1704-1709 when it was sold to Isaac Norris. Thereafter, the ownership remained in the Norris family until 1869. A Mrs. Graydon leased the building for use as a boarding house during much of the 18th century. Her boarders included George Washington, Benedict Arnold, Baron von Steuben, Silas Deane, and John Adams. The house also served as the headquarters of British General Sir Henry Clinton during the British occupation of Philadelphia, 1777-78. The papers are comprised of sectional drawings and photographs of exterior and interior elevations of the building, and of drawings and photographs showing hearths, tiles, furnishings, and walks; maps; archaeological reports; and historical background on the home's various owners and occupants. Also present are newspaper clippings concerning possible reconstruction of the house as a historic shrine and plans for erecting a marker. The information on African Americans found in this collection is described below:


  • Workbooks: Slate Roof House, 1700-1701, by Carl W. Gatter, 1981
    • Book III--Isaac Norris. In an unidentified biography of Isaac Norris there is a published letter from John Dickinson in which he refers to selling slaves and "taking care to get them good masters." A little further in the letter, Dickinson "expects seventy or eighty pounds at least for women and children on an average." Only a brief excerpt from the letter is provided by Mr. Gatter and the location of the original is unknown. Also present are letters copied from something called the "North Carolina Papers" concerning the ratification of the Constitution in which slavery is discussed. These copies bear the stamp of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
    • Book III--James Logan. In a paragraph dealing with the pending French and Indian War, the author notes that Logan found shipping Delaware tobacco at this time "the greatest cheat as well as slavery in trade." The origin of the quotation is not cited in the collection.
    • Book III--William Penn. A biography of William Penn provides a great deal of information on Hannah Penn. In a description of their summer move to Pennsbury Manor, the author lists a "negress" among the household staff. Later in the same book, a letter to James [Logan] is included which describes how Hannah was coping with living in Pennsylvania, mentioning a "black Jack" and suggests he help with the fleet in Philadelphia. Again, the original sources are not cited.
    • Book III--Benjamin Rush. In a letter to John Adams, Rush expressed his opinions on the issue of slavery, quoting Lord Howe on the slavery of mankind. It is unknown were the pages are from.
    • Book III--R. T. Paine. In a letter to Thomas Lynch, Jr. from Thomas Lynch, a reference is made to "Negro Houses" in a discussion of liquor. The letter is dated Dec. 28, 1775 but there is no other information provided as to where this letter came from.
    • Book III--John Penn. In a biography of John Penn is a copy of several pages from the Philadelphia Directory and Register for 1821, one of which is entitled "Directions to the Reader." According to these directions, a person of colour is denoted with a cross (x). Several African American men and women are listed along with their names, addresses and occupations.
    • Book VI--History. In a copy of Philadelphia As It Is, in 1852, is a brief history of the public buildings, places of amusement, and maps of Philadelphia and surrounding area. The "Old London Coffee-House" described as once being used as an auction house where "negro men, women, and children were bought and sold as slaves." A copy of several pages from the Encyclopedia of Philadelphia is also in this section. The beginning paragraph of "Slaves and Slavery in Philadelphia" is on the same page as some information on the Slate Roof House and so was included in the collection.


MG-346 - Cornwall Furnace and Hopewell Forge Account Books, 1752-66. Peter Grubb developed Cornwall Furnace and Hopewell Forge several miles apart on Hammer Creek in Lebanon County, Pa. Around 1739, construction began at Cornwall, which was to supply the Hopewell Forge with pig iron. Cornwall Furnace was a large blast furnace and had a monopoly on the smelting of iron ore in the area for its first fifty years of operation. By 1790, both facilities were under the control of iron magnate Robert Coleman, who spent 12 years purchasing the works from Grubb's heirs, giving him full ownership in 1803. Cornwall Furnace remained in operation until disbanded in 1883; the site was donated to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1932. The journals and ledgers in this collection date from the era of Peter Grubb's ownership.


  • Hopewell Forge
    • Journals, 1753-1764
    • Journal, 1757. Includes several entries for "Negro John." (October 15, 1757: items charged were 10 buttons, tape, 1 yd flannel).
    • Journal, 1759. In the Sundry Accounts is listed "the purchase of 1 Negro Man, 80.00 and 1 Negro Woman, 50.00."
    • Journal, 1762. Mentions a credit to "Negroe Jack (Barbados)" and "Negroe Tom" for overcharging on washing, April 10, 1762).


MG-350 - American Association of University Women, Pennsylvania Division Records, 1942-1981. The American Association of University Women - Pennsylvania Division (AAUW-PA) was organized on October 26, 1924 to promote the advancement of women and encourage their intellectual growth and commitment to social responsibility. Most records document club activities and major networking projects.


  • Division Records, Division Board Member Portfolios
    • President, 1961-1974. Contains a copy of the Women in History Project publication Our Hidden Heritage: Pennsylvania Women in History, edited by Janice H. McElroy that features fifteen women including abolitionists Lucretia Coffin Mott, Hannah Longshore, Anna Dickenson, Angelina and Sara Grimke, and Hannah Gibbons. Also mentioned is Martha Schofield who moved into the South after the Civil War to help feed, clothe, and educate freed slaves. Some of the African American women featured are Marian Anderson, Anna Lucille Carter, Fanny Marion Jackson Coppin, Ella Frazier, Ida Jones, and The Rev. Bessie S. Wheeler.


MG-358 - Mrs. James Lewis Hook Autograph Collection, 1752-1810. Mrs. James Lewis Hook was a collector of autographs of signers of the Declaration of Independence. The collection contains letters, accounts, legal papers and other documents acquired for their autograph value. Item #15 is a letter dated May 20, 1782 from George Reade to the Prothonotary of Bedford County, Virginia, regarding the return of "Negro Hamble."


MG-366 - Graeme Park Collection, 1742-1918. Graeme Park, the only surviving residence of a colonial Pennsylvania governor, is a historic site operated by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. The buildings of Graeme Park were constructed by William Keith who served as Deputy Governor from 1721-1722 and were originally intended as a distillery before the property was sold to Dr. Thomas Graeme in 1739 who renovated the mansion to serve as his country estate. Elizabeth Graeme Ferguson, Graeme's only surviving child, inherited the estate and subsequently divided the property into lots. In 1920, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh Strawbridge acquired the land upon which the main house stands and restored the mansion to its original condition. In 1958, the Strawbridges gave the property to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


  • The collection contains two issues of the Pennsylvania Packet or, the General Advertiser containing advertisements for the sale and return of runaway slaves. The issue dated August 29, 1787 has an advertisement for the sale of a "negro man," and the December 7, 1782 issue has an advertisement placed by Benjamin Rittenhouse seeking the return of a runaway "Mulatto Wench named Chloe."


MG-389 - James A. Beaver Collection, 1790-1915 & undated. James Addams Beaver served as Republican governor of Pennsylvania from 1887 to 1891. Born in 1837 in Millerstown, Perry County, Beaver served as a Second Lieutenant in Company H of the Second Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers during the Civil War and rose to the rank of Brigadier General by 1864. He served as Major General of the Pennsylvania National Guard from 1871-1887 when he was elected Governor. As Governor, Beaver was an advocate of upgrading housing conditions for the poor and orphans. Among the items in the collection is a manuscript entitled "Reminiscences from Memory of Events and Incidents on Scouts and Marches with Troops of the U.S. Army before the Civil War in 1861, in Arizona and New Mexico Territories", that was sent to Governor Beaver from, J.C. McKee, a Surgeon and a Lieutenant Colonel. In the paper, McKee refers to his "colored" servant. Also, Union County Star and Lewisburg Chronicle dated September 24, 1862 includes a citation that a "General B. F. Butler has freed more slaves than all the Abolitionists in the land as a 'military measure.'" The same issue also contains an article entitled "Proclamation of the President," reporting President Abraham Lincoln's recommendation to congress with regard to slavery.


MG-409 - Oral History Collection Tapes in the Oral History Collection are divided into twenty projects of interviewing carried out in various Pennsylvania cities by staff members of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. These interviews shed light on the daily lives of African Americans, European immigrants, Hispanics, and Jews in the Commonwealth. Indexes of the contents as well as transcripts are available for many of these tapes. Three of the projects focus exclusively on the lives of African Americans. These are the Harrisburg, Chester, and West Chester projects.


  • Harrisburg Project
    • Primarily recollections of long time residents of Harrisburg. Included are interviews with African American women who migrated from the South and lived in an uptown neighborhood. African American Interviewees were: Mildred Barber, her autobiography, "I Remember Mama", 7/7/75; Mary Jane Beasley, 7/23/76; Mae Breckenmaker, 5/11/77; Viola Davenport, 8/3/76; Amelia Davis, 1/14/76 and 2/24/76; Rev. George Davis, 2/13/76 and 2/17/76; Margaret Duff, 2/3/76; Hattie Hargrove, 7/27/76; Frederick Jackson, "The Black Chain Gang," 1/132/76; Lilly Jackson, "Slavery in Virginia", 1/19/77; Sarah Jones, 12/16/75, 1/27/76, 3/27/76; James Henry Lee, 3/16/76; /Georgia London, 7/30,76; Mary Elizabeth Moffitt, 8/5/76; Robert Quann, "Blacks in Harrisburg", 2/27/77 and 4/3/77; Florence Roebuck, "Blacksmithing and Growing Up in Harrisburg", 3/7/77.


MG-420 - John W. Harper Collection, 1716-1888. A native of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, John W. Harper was an avid genealogist who collected taufschein, surveys, deeds, patents and other documents pertaining to his ancestors and for Centre County, Pennsylvania as a whole. Item #44 of the collection is a March 2, 1795 servitude indenture whereby "Negress Dinah" apprenticed herself to Nicholas Young of Philadelphia County for the term of eight years, seven months and ten days. In return for her service, Dinah was to be taught the "Mystery of Housewifery" and given five quarters of schooling. Upon the conclusion of her servitude, she was to receive changes of clothing.


MG-439 - Edward K. Barnsley Papers, 1801-1986 (bulk 1932-1986)


  • Edward K. Barnsley was a lawyer from Newton, Bucks County and head of the Furnishing Committee of the Pennsbury Manor Reconstruction. The papers relate to Barnsley's early association with Pennsbury Manor from its restoration and inception as a historic site in the 1930's. Included in the series Newsclippings, 1908-1972, is an undated newsclipping titled "Penn as a Slave-holder" that was taken from a Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. It quotes Hannah Callowhill, the second wife of William Penn as saying: "The young blacks must be disposed to prevent their increasing charge...."