The PA FASD Task Force was first convened in 2006. The Task Force is comprised of representatives from numerous stakeholder groups including physicians, state agency representatives, service providers, and parents and family members.

The initial product of the FASD Task Force, The Pennsylvania Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Action Plan, released in 2008, provided “a plan of action to address the very serious issue of birth defects caused by prenatal alcohol exposure.” Declaring that “it is vital for the Commonwealth to take steps toward prevention and intervention of FASD,” the Action Plan identified goals and objectives in five major areas:

  • Awareness: Increase awareness of FASD and its symptoms.
  • Data: Collect, interpret, and disseminate information on FASD.
  • Education: Increase the knowledge of FASD within the professional community and the general population.
  • Funding: Ensure adequate funding for prevention as well as services for diagnosis and intervention for children, adults and families affected by FASD.
  • System: Align and improve systems of care by making FASD a statewide priority.

The FASD Task Force was reactivated in 2015, with a broader mission: To help establish a system of care for FASD in PA that raises awareness of FASD, prevents FASD, and provides services and supports to individuals of all ages impacted by FASD and their families. Current Task Force goals include:

  • Creation of a dedicated, consumer-led entity to promote prevention and support affected individuals and families.
  • Broadly-based workforce training on FASD identification and interventions.
  • Establishment of eligibility for Early Intervention services for children with an established or suspected FASD.