Board of Appeals

New Online Petition Center


The Board of Appeals has launched a new Online Petition Center. This new platform will greatly improve the online experience for taxpayers who are filing an appeal or submitting a request for refund. The new Online Petition Center will also involve a transition to the Keystone Login account management system, meaning users will need to sign up for a new username and password to access the new system.

Benefits of the New Online Petition Center

  • Improved interface that will be more user friendly and work intuitively to adapt to the specific taxpayer and tax type.
  • A "tracker" feature that will allow taxpayers the option to check the status of their petition after submission.
    • This option will confirm the appeal has been received and offer updates during the process, such as when the appeal has been assigned to a hearing officer.
  • Simpler terminology to streamline the process and guide taxpayers.
  • Improved security and accessibility features that will help prevent simple errors and validate addresses.
  • Option to pause a petition, save your progress, and return to complete the process.
    • This option will be available for 30 days after a petition is started.

Keystone Login

Keystone Login accounts are utilized across multiple government agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction. One major goal of this effort is to create a simpler user experience and alleviate the need for people to keep track of account information (username and password) for several applications.

The move to Keystone Login will allow for multi-factor authentication, utilize the most current online security best practices, while also reducing costs to the taxpayers of the Commonwealth.

*** Additional Note ***

After the transition is complete you will not have access to e-Petitions submitted using the existing application.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to improve our online services