Most Likely Emergencies in PA

Flu and Pandemic

As we learned from COVID-19, pandemics can cause mass illness and upset day-to-day life. Let's prepare the best we can.

People walk down a street wearing medical masks.


A pandemic is a disease outbreak that spans several countries and affects a large number of people. Pandemics are most often caused by viruses that can easily spread from person to person. The flu is one virus we see spread every year, and it can be serious for many individuals. These days, we often see flu and COVID-19 spreading among individuals in the fall and winter.

Flu season is unpredictable and can vary each year, but usually occurs in the fall and winter and peaks between December and February. 

— Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

How Illness Spreads

Viruses can be spread from person to person, from a non-living object to a person, and by people who are infected but don’t have any symptoms.


Take Action Now

While we can't prevent the flu from coming every year or stop a new pandemic from forming, we can prepare to protect ourselves and our loved ones as best as possible.

Gather Supplies

During pandemic-level illnesses, we might have to stay home for several days, weeks, or even months. Gather things like nonperishable food, prescriptions, bottled water, and cleaning supplies now.

If we all do this over time, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to get the supplies they need.

Check Your Health Insurance

Time to update your health insurance plan? Consider what it would cover in the event of a pandemic or if you otherwise couldn't leave home.

Would you have telemedicine options available to you, if needed?


Think Virtual

Prepare for the possibility of schools, workplaces, and community centers being closed. Check into virtual options for school, work, and social activities.


Talk With Your Family

Talk with your loved ones about what you will do and what you'll need if there is a pandemic. Consider how a pandemic could affect plans for other emergencies.


A new virus can emerge from anywhere, and can quickly spread around the world. It is hard to predict when or where the next new pandemic will emerge.

Together, we can prepare for and protect ourselves from illness.

Prevent Illness

Practice protective actions to slow the spread of illness and protect yourself and your loved ones from getting sick.

Stay Home

Stay home when sick, except to get medical care.

Cover Up!

Cover coughs and sneezes.

Talk To Your Doc

Follow guidance from your health care provider.

Wash Hands

Wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Related Links

Websites with more information about flu and pandemic.