Commonwealth Media Services
Commonwealth Media Services (CMS) is a full-service multimedia and marketing provider for Commonwealth agencies. We transform ideas into creative, compelling content for agency websites, social media, and broadcast news outlets. We can also help you maximize your outreach efforts through marketing and advertising campaigns.
Call us at (717) 787-9766 to discuss your needs or use our Media and Marketing Services Request Form.
*CMS is only available for use by Commonwealth agencies.
Whether it’s a video for your website, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, let CMS create and enhance your agency’s vision. We’ll work with you to develop a production treatment plan that meets your needs. From storyboarding and scripting, to animation and narration, we can help you visually communicate simplistic to even the most complex concepts. In a nutshell, we are digital storytellers.
CMS has your events covered! With video, audio and photo services, CMS can record and edit public events and news conferences for distribution via satellite and the Pennsylvania Internet News Service (PINS). We facilitate the technical audio-visual setup for governor and agency events, provide a full range of video, audio and photo services, media training, events management, and media program distribution. CMS also maintains the Capitol Media Center for use by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government.
Our CMS photographers understand that a picture is worth a thousand words. We believe our photos have the ability to bring your message to life. We understand a photograph has the ability to convey emotion, mood, narrative, ideas, and messages – all of which are important elements of storytelling for your event and even in a portrait. Let us help you tell your agency story.

333 Market Street
Second Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
(717) 787-9766
(717) 783-5139 fax
Capitol Media Center
State Capitol
Room 01 East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17126
(717) 787-4121
Members of the Executive, Legislative, or Judicial branch may request use of the Capitol Media Center for any non-campaign event, press conference, or interview only. Outside groups may only use the facility if a sponsoring agency or official attends and participates in the event, press conference, or interview. CMS reserves the right to review requests that include receptions with food and/or beverage service on a case-by-case basis. Receptions may not be approved and may be referred to the DGS Special Events office for consideration.