Welcome to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s online telephone directory. Below is an alphabetical listing for various agencies within the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of Pennsylvania state government. The 2024 Commonwealth Telephone Directory is available as a PDF. Based on our annually printed directory, this online version provides you with the added benefits of quarterly updates. Updates are accepted by the Bureau of Publications’ Editor ONLY through your Agency's Commonwealth Telephone Directory Coordinators on specified dates. If you are a new coordinator, please review the step-by-step instructions for modifying your agency’s directory listing.
2024 Commonwealth Telephone Directory Usage Instructions
State Agencies and Institutions
The Commonwealth Telephone Directory is available and may be ordered by state agencies using PA Publisher. For assistance purchasing the Commonwealth Telephone Directory, contact the Bureau of Publications at (717) 704-1029 or see Administrative Circular 20-12 for details on how to purchase a copy. The telephone number provided above is not a help desk or switchboard. If you have a question regarding an individual's telephone number, please refer to the departmental listings below.
Private Organizations and Individuals
Copies of the current Commonwealth Telephone Directory may be ordered through the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission's online bookstore at www.ShopPAheritage.com. Copies may also be purchased from the State Museum Store, 300 North Street, Harrisburg 17120-0024. The State Museum is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10 am - 4 pm and Sunday 1 pm - 4 pm.
Online Commonwealth Telephone Directory
The online directory is a quarterly updated version of the printed directory.