​Information for Commonwealth Agencies

For Auto Auction information or providers wanting to participate in the Commonwealth's Automotive Services program, please visit the public information page.   

If you are a Commonwealth Agency looking for the List of Approved Vendors, please click on the "Vehicle Maintenance & Accidents" section below and then click "Service Vendors". 


  • Management Directive 615.16 - Commonwealth Fleet Policy establishes provisions for the acquisition, assignment, operation, use, disposition, and maintenance of motor vehicles, which are purchased, monitored or maintained by or under the supervision of the Department of General Services (DGS) and subsequently utilized by agencies to conduct official Commonwealth business. 
  • Management Manual 615.3 Commonwealth Fleet Procedures Manual provides guidelines and procedures for operators of Commonwealth fleet vehicles. The authority for this manual is derived from Management Directive 615.16.  
  • Commonwealth Procurement Handbook, Part II, Chapter 18 is used by Commonwealth agencies to purchase passenger and non-passenger vehicles that require a certificate of title and license and are necessary for the proper conduct of Commonwealth business in accordance with Management Directive 615.16.  


GSVM Forms 

STD Forms 


Other Forms

  • Claims Division FAX Cover Sheet.pdf - This form can be used as a tool to assist our vendors in providing all pertinent information when faxing estimates for approval. PLEASE NOTE: It is not to be used as the actual estimate, only as a fax cover sheet identifying the information necessary for Customer Service to accurately retrieve the work order information. 
  • Customer Service FAX Cover Sheet.pdf - This form can be used as a tool to assist our vendors in providing all pertinent information when faxing estimates for approval. PLEASE NOTE: It is not to be used as the actual estimate, only as a fax cover sheet identifying the information necessary for Customer Service to accurately retrieve the work order information.
  • Enterprise Reservation Form - This form is only to be used after both 1) receiving notice via Enterprise’s online reservation system that no vehicles are available near your location, and 2) receiving confirmation that no agency pool vehicles are available.

Ground Travel 

The Ground Travel Worksheet​ is a tool for Commonwealth travelers to identify the least expensive form of automotive transportation. 

  • When booking a rental vehicle, if you receive a notification that Enterprise is sold out and no rentals are available near your location, please then verify that you do not have an agency pool vehicle available to use.  If neither option is available contact the DGS rental office for assistance at 717-346-3821 or RA-BVM_RENTAL@pa.gov   

NOTE:  Internet Explorer is the supported browser.  If using Google Chrome or other browser, the document must be downloaded in order to modify the document. 

Effective September 3, 2019, when using the GTW to book an Enterprise's rental, you will be taken to Enterprise's new rental site.


Click on link below to read about changes in the mileage reimbursement rates for the use of a personally owned vehicle:

How-To and Frequently Asked Questions 

Vehicle Maintenance & Accidents

The Commonwealth Garage services non-diesel vehicle under 10,000 lbs.  For scheduling maintenance IN the Harrisburg area for your agency assigned fleet vehicle at the Commonwealth Garage, call 717-787-3933 Monday - Friday between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm. 

The Customer Service Division assists Commonwealth drivers with scheduling routine maintenance and service for their vehicles not performed at the Commonwealth Garage. 

BVM has changed how we list approved vendors.  When you click on "Service Vendors", a new tab will open up.  You can now filter the criteria based on your needs (Example: by county, vendor name or tire contract etc.)


Accident Reporting 
All accidents involving Commonwealth fleet vehicles, regardless of cost, must be reported to the Claims Division within one business day. If a Commonwealth fleet vehicle is rendered inoperable as the result of an accident, the operator should call (877) 347-9966 immediately for instructions to obtain towing services and alternate transportation.  This number is monitored 24/7.  Operators should leave a message if the number is not answered.  A customer service representative will return your call as soon as possible.  

Accident Reporting Checklist
If involved in an accident, the operator of a Commonwealth-owned vehicle should: 

  1. Immediately report accident to the police by dialing 9-1-1
  2. Report the accident to the Claims Division at (877) 347-9966, Option #5
  3. TYPE and Submit form STD-541 Automobile Accident or Loss Notice within one business day to your Automotive Liaison (AL) for their signature.  The form must be signed by the vehicle operator or his/her supervisor and automotive liaison for it to be accepted.  Once the STD-541 is fully signed, it must be sent to the Claims Division via email RA-GSBVMCLAIMSDIV@pa.gov or fax (717) 425-7877.
  4. Submit at least five (5) digital, color photos of the Commonwealth vehicle – 1 each FULL-VIEW of the FRONT, REAR, DRIVER SIDE, PASSENGER SIDE, and any close ups of the damage if difficult to see.
  5. Obtain a minimum of two (2) estimates from approved body repair vendors and submit them to the Claims Division via fax or email within ten (10) days of the accident.
  6. Ensure that repairs approved by the Claims Division are completed within 30 days from the receipt of the estimate.
  7. Submit signed invoice to BVM – Claims for payment, keep a copy for your records 

Automotive Liaison Information

Automotive Liaisons act as the primary contact between agencies and the Bureau of Vehicle Management.  Automotive Liaisons may use the resources provided here to assist managing their agency's fleet.   

NOTE:  Please email the GS, M5 Administrators resource account at RA-m5administrators@pa.gov for the following reasons: 

  • M5 Password Lockout
  • New M5 User Request
  • M5 Error Messages (please take screenshot)
  • Automotive, Executive or Fiscal Liaison Changes


Utilization Report 

Requests should be emailed to Bill Confair, Chief of Operations, at biconfair@pa.gov.  

Automotive Liaison Resources

FLEETFOCUS M5 – Updates 



Operations & Maintenance (Back to top of page): 

Q.  When do i call the dgs garage to have service done?
A.  Anytime you are in the harrisburg area.  We service all gasoline         powered vehicles under 10,000 gvw.

Q.  How do i contact the dgs garage for service?
A.  Call the service desk at 717-787-3933.  They will set you up with our next available appointment. 

Q.  Does the dgs garage perform recalls and warranty work?
A.  We are currently only set up to perform gm recalls and warranty work.  Please call to verify if we are able to perform the specific gm recall or warranty work you are looking to have done. 

Q.  Where do i come to pick up newly assigned commonwealth vehicles?  If my current vehicle is being replaced, where do i turn it in for the exchange?
A.  All new vehicle pick-ups and returns are conducted at the dgs garage – 2221 forster street, harrisburg, pa  17103.  Contact our operations office at 717-705-9301 to set up a time for the exchange.  They will instruct you on what all is needed to complete this process. 

Q.  If i am broken down in the harrisburg area and need a tow, who do i call?  
A.  Bvm has a rollback that can be utilized by contacting 717-724-6996.  We can tow most light duty cars, vans, and trucks. 

Q.  What hours are the dgs garage open?

A.  We are open from 7:30am – 4:00pm, monday thru friday.

Q.  Can i get fuel at the dgs garage after hours? 
A.  Yes, the fuel site can be accessed 24/7.  The gates are open monday thru friday from 6:00am – 6:00pm.  On weekends or between the hours of 6:00pm – 6:00am, the fuel site can be accessed by utilizing the fuel card reader at the gate or the call box also located at the gate entrance/exit.  Instructions are posted at both the entrance and exit.  We offer 87 octane and b5 biodiesel. 

Q.  How do i reserve an enterprise vehicle for commonwealth use? 
A.  By using the ground travel worksheet (gtw), it can be accessed on the dgs webpage.  The gtw will allow you to enter your trip information letting you know what the cheapest mode of transportation is for your business needs.

Q.  Does enterprise provide ez-pass transponders for rental vehicles?
A.  No, it is up to the agency to provide the driver with an ez-pass transponder.  If the driver does not have an ez-pass transponder and uses the turnpike, enterprise will invoice the driver.  The driver will be responsible to pay the invoice and reimbursement from the agency or give the invoice to their agency to pay.  It is up to each agency how they want to handle this.  

vehicle & administration (back to top of page>)

q.  Where do i find my card number and/or equipment number on my wex card? 
A. The card number is a five digit number under the word card no. 0000-0.   The equipment number is the last line on the card which is a nine digit number followed by a 6 digit number (do not include the last 6 digits) ex:  004020000 989898 

q.  Who should i call when i am at a fueling station and cannot get fuel? 
A.  Call 1-866-747-4440 which is on the back of the card.   They will authorize you to get fuel for one time.  Then reach out to your automotive liaison to report the problem to them so they can work to have it resolved as soon as possible. 

Q.  Who should i contact when my wex card is damage or lost? 
A.  Call your automotive liaison and report it to him/her. 

Q.  Can i use the wex card to have my vehicle serviced?
A.  No, it cannot be used to have your vehicle serviced, it can only be used for fuel, car washes, windshield wipers, windshield washer fluid and 1 quart of oil.

Q.  Where do i send the gsvm-87 and gsvm-88 forms to? 
A.  Send them to the proper resource account:  ra-bvmr-r@pa.gov

q.  Who should i call when i am at a fueling station and cannot get fuel?
A.  When a driver calls the 1-866-747-4440 number on the back of the card and if the service station will not accept the mastercard number that wex gave them, wex customer service will inform them to call their automotive liaison.  If they are unable to reach their automotive liaison, call 717-787-3419.

customer & service division (back to top of page): 

q.  When do i need a work order for vehicle service? 
A.  A work order must be obtained for any vehicle service performed by a vendor, including any warranty repairs.

Q.  When do i not need a work order for vehicle service?
A.  A work order does not need to be obtained if the vehicle is being serviced at the dgs garage, an internal agency garage facility or if it is strictly recall only repairs at a dealership.

Q. How do i obtain a work order? 
A. To obtain a work order, a state employee would contact the bvm customer service division by dialing 1-877-347-9966 and selecting option "0".  Please have this information ready and available: 

  1. Your nine digit equipment number.  The equipment number can be found on the bottom left of your fuel card or on the middle of your vehicle registration card, under our street address
  2. The name and location of your preferred service facility that appears on the asf approved vendor listing 
  3. A compiled list of the vehicle services that need to be addressed.

Q. How are recalls handled? 
A.  You may choose any dealership to perform your vehicle recalls.  

  1. Contact the dealer for your appointment; please confirm (via vehicle identification number) that there is a valid recall and that the dealer has the parts to perform the recall.
  2. After the recall has been performed, please fax the recall invoice to the bvm @ 717-265-7781 or email @ ra-dgs_bvm_estimates@pa.gov

Q. What if it's after hours and i need to open a work order?

A: all after-hours, weekend or holiday calls are now handled by the capitol police.  If calling our normal bvm customer service number (1-877-347-9966 and selecting option 0) during one of these times, you will be connected to the capitol police who will assist.  Once your need has been addressed by the capitol police, they will notify bvm and one of our customer service representatives will contact the driver and create a work order the next business day.  If your need is not an emergency, please call our office during regular business hours (7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.).

Back to top of page

Bureau of Vehicle Management

2221 Forster Street,
Harrisburg, PA 17103
(717) 787-3162
(717) 787-0276 Fax

Used Vehicle Auction Inquires:

  • (717) 783-2325
  • (717) 783-4256 

Automotive Service Providers Inquiries:

BVM Accounts Receivable 

BVM Claims Division 

BVM Complaints  

BVM Records And Reports

BVM Rental  

BVM Telematics

DGS BVM Estimates 


M5 Administrators 

Commonwealth Garage

  • (717) 787-3933

Hours of operation
Monday - Friday
7:30am to 4:00pm

Customer Service Division

  • (877) 347-9966 Option #0

Hours of operation
Monday - Friday
7:00am to 4:30pm 

Emergency calls are handled after hours, weekends and holidays


Harrisburg area during business hours

  • (717) 724-6996
  • (717) 753-3088 

Statewide or after hours

  • (877) 347-9966 

Claims Division

  • (877) 347-9966 Option #5 

Operations Division

  • (717) 705-9301
  • (717) 783-2325 

Enterprise Rental Office

  • BVM (717) 346-3821
  • Enterprise Rental Agent (717) 232-0163 

BVM Auto Auction

  • (717) 783-4256

Vendor Registration