Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism by providing comprehensive support and resources tailored to their unique needs to make an Everyday Life achievable for all Pennsylvanians.
There are a number of services that can be provided to meet the needs of an individual registered with the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP). This list of services is subject to change as service definitions change and waiver amendments are approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Please contact your Supports Coordinator or the County Mental Health/Intellectual Disabilities (MH/ID) Program to find the list of services and the corresponding service definitions.
If you have additional questions, you can reach out to DHS' Office of Development Programs
Toll-Free Customer Service Line: 1-888-565-9435
Toll-Free TTY Number:
- Residential Habilitation
- Home and Community Habilitation (unlicensed)
- Companion Services
- Transitional Work Services
- Supported Employment
- Pre-Vocational
- Respite
- Transportation
- Licensed Day Habilitation
- Home and Vehicle Accessibility Adaptations
- Therapy Services
- Nursing Services
- Behavior Support
- Supports Coordination
- Supports Broker
- Assistive Technology
- Specialized Supplies
- Education Supports Services
- Homemaker/Chore

Intellectual Disabilities Services
Intellectual Disabilities Services