Juvenile Justice Services

​Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA, P.L. 108-79) was enacted by Congress to address the problem of sexual abuse of persons in the custody of correctional agencies throughout the country.

PREA applies to all public and private institutions that house adult or juvenile offenders and is also relevant to community-based agencies.

It addresses both inmate-on-inmate sexual abuse and staff sexual misconduct. The major provisions of PREA include:

  • Adherence to a zero-tolerance standard for the incidence of inmate sexual assault and rape;
  • Development of standards for detection, prevention, reduction, and punishment of prison rape;
  • Collection and dissemination of information on the incidence of prison rape; and
  • Award of grant funds to help state and local governments implement the purposes of the Act.

Although the Act was legislated in 2003, the National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape were not published in the Federal Register until June 20, 2012. These standards are applicable to adult prisons and jails, lockups, community confinement facilities, and juvenile facilities. A juvenile facility is defined as a facility primarily used for the confinement of juveniles pursuant to the juvenile justice system or criminal justice system.

A large part of the act is devoted to creating a culture of zero-tolerance towards sexual abuse and sexual harassment. The Bureau of Juvenile Justice Services (BJJS) strives to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents committed to our facilities. As such, the BJJS has zero-tolerance of sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment against any resident in its custody. Anyone who suspects a resident at a BJJS facility is being sexually abused or sexually harassed is urged to contact ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313. There, you will be able to make a confidential report to authorities who will ensure an investigation occurs.

In order to demonstrate compliance with the Act, all BJJS facilities must be audited once during each 3-year audit cycle. The results of these audits will be published on this website for public review. 

Contact BJJS

Any questions or concerns regarding the PREA at BJJS facilities should be directed to:

Bureau of Juvenile Justice PREA Coordinator
Phone: 717-787-9532

PREA Audit Reports

Previous PREA Audit Reports can be obtained by contacting BJJS by calling 717-787-9532.

BJJS Documents

​Document No.



​28 C.F.R. Part 115

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Juvenile Facility Standards

​May 17, 2012

​Program Managment 1.14

Zero Tolerance of Sexual Abuse or Sexual Harassment

​Aug. 20, 2013

​​Program Managment 1.06B

Reporting and Investigating Alleged Child or Resident Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment

​March 18, 2013

​​Program Managment 1.09B

Management of Investigations

​March 4, 2013

​​Program Managment 4.05

​Response to Reports of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment

​May 1, 2013

​​Program Managment 1.26A

​Transitional Services

​March 18, 2013

    BJJS Reports

    BJJS PREA Audit Reports

    The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS), which is in part comprised of the Office of Children, Youth, and Families (OCYF) complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.