KSCA Cadets Taking ASVAB
A critical component of the Keystone State ChalleNGe Academy (KSCA) program is post-residential phase. Graduates are followed by the KSCA team for two full years post-graduation. Keystone State ChalleNGe Academy cadets begin working on their post-residential plans early into the 22-week residential phase of the program. Introduction to career counseling, interest inventories, career fairs, and job skills guides them toward the “Three E’s” upon graduation– Education, Employment, or Enlistment.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) helps determine a cadet’s eligibility for military service and job training. The ASVAB also helps them identify strengths to determine a possible Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Cadets interested in enlistment use the initial ASVAB standardized test as a baseline for which they have an opportunity to repeat the testing after targeted instruction to improve their performance in verbal, math, science, technical, and spatial domains.
In Pennsylvania, the ASVAB is now considered as an alternative assessment as a pathway to graduation for teens struggling to pass the Keystone Exams. The KSCA can assist students by helping them pass the ASVAB and earn their diploma from their home school. This is one of several alternative actions the KSCA program can offer in partnership with the school districts to help teens earn a diploma.
Several of our graduates have enlisted in the military upon completion of this 22-week residential program. Recently we had the honor of witnessing one cadet being sworn in to the U.S. Navy, surrounded by his family, the KSCA staff, and his fellow cadets.
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KeystoneChalleNGe to watch our cadets in action and scroll down to witness the swearing in.