“Four Chaplains Day” Ceremony at PSSH 

Pennsylvania Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home held a ceremony on Feb. 3 in their chapel to commemorate the 82nd anniversary of the sinking of the USAT Dorchester where 672 men paid the supreme sacrifice, including four chaplains. This tradition draws an audience of residents, active service members, and community stakeholders to honor an extraordinary example of faith, courage, and selflessness. 

Just after midnight on Feb. 3, 1943, the 368-foot ship USAT Dorchester, carrying approximately 900 as part of a convoy, heading from New York enroute to Greenland, was struck by a German U-Boat torpedo off Newfoundland in the North Atlantic. 

Amid the chaos, Lt. Alexander Goode (a Jewish rabbi), Lt. John Washington (a Roman Catholic priest), Lt. George Fox (a Methodist), and Lt. Clark Poling (a Dutch Reformed minister) helped soldiers board lifeboats and distributed life jackets. As the ship began to sink and the supply of life jackets ran out, the chaplains gave up their own to those who had none, staying behind. The chaplains were last seen on the deck of the ship, arms linked together, and their heads bowed in prayer as they went to their watery graves. Each chaplain was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Purple Heart. 

Four Chaplains Day is a time to honor and reflect on the courage, unity and sacrifice of four military chaplains from different religious backgrounds who came together during one of the deadliest moments for a U.S. convoy during World War II. 


Celebrating National Salute to Veteran Patients Week: Feb. 9–15 

National Salute to Veteran Patients is observed annually during the week of Valentine’s Day.

The purpose of National Salute to Veteran Patients Week is an opportunity to pay tribute and express appreciation to a special group of men and women – the more than nine million veterans of the U.S. armed services who are cared for in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, outpatient clinics, domiciliaries, state veterans homes and other nursing homes. It not only provides an opportunity to visit hospitalized veterans, but it also serves to encourage youth groups, community organizations, members of the public and veteran service organizations to become more involved as volunteers. 

To celebrate National Salute to Veteran Patients Week, volunteers from Rivers Casino and the American Red Cross joined the residents at Southwestern Veterans’ Center for an Ice Cream Social on Feb. 13.


BVH Residents Enjoy Super Bowl Parties 

The residents and staff at Hollidaysburg Veterans’ Home enjoyed Super Bowl parties with appetizers, beverages, and viewing of the classic football movie “The Replacements” to get excited for the big game!  

Gino J. Merli Veterans’ Center enjoyed boneless wings, calzones and pizza while watching the game during their Super Bowl party.  

Delaware Valley Veterans’ Home Philly fan residents were all geared up, dressed in green having their pictures taken in front of a football stadium backdrop, and ready to cheer on the Philadelphia Eagles in the game of the year!