Understanding Medigap Plans
There are several different Medicare supplement plans, and each is identified by a letter. The type and amount of benefits covered by each plan determines how expensive it is.
You must have Medicare Parts A and B to purchase a Medigap policy.
If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, also known as Medicare Part C, you cannot purchase a Medigap policy.
When you have a healthcare expense, Medicare (Parts A and B) will pay Medicare-approved amounts first, then the Medigap policy will pay its part.
Medigap policies generally don’t cover Long-Term Care, vision or dental care, hearing aids, eyeglasses, or private-duty nursing. As with any insurance policy, review the policy language closely so you understand what is or is not covered.
Prescription drug coverage is available under Medicare Part D. Prescription drug benefits are included in some Medicare Advantage plans but otherwise must be purchased separately.
One other important piece of information to note is that, unlike many employer or private insurance policies, you and your spouse must purchase individual policies. Your policy will not cover your spouse.
Need More Help?
Pennsylvania Medicare Education and Decision Insight (PA MEDI) is a statewide service operated by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging and is the known and trusted local resource for Medicare help. All services are free and confidential.
For more help or to get answers to your insurance-related questions, our Consumer Services Bureau can help! Visit our Need Help page.
To get answers to your insurance-related questions, our Consumer Services Bureau can help! Visit our Need Help page.