About the Data Call
This data call is due March 6, 2023.
The entirety of the data call, including the cover letter, the data call questions (Exhibit 1) and the list of insurers that must respond (Exhibit 2) are available on this webpage.
Please note that insurers have the option to designate their NAIC Annual Statements as their response to the data call. If this designation is chosen, the Department will access the necessary Annual Statement data from the NAIC website and the insurer will have no further reporting requirement.
Submission Process
All insurers with positive medical malpractice direct written premium in Pennsylvania in 2021 (as identified in Exhibit 2) must respond to this data call. Data for more than one insurer should not be combined into a single submission. Submissions will be accepted via email with email attachments.
Thank you for your assistance and cooperation with this important study. If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Kost at (717) 783-4308 or by email at skost@pa.gov