RACP projects are authorized in the Redevelopment Assistance section of a Capital Budget Itemization Act, have a regional or multi-jurisdictional impact, and generate substantial increases or maintain current levels of employment, tax revenues, or other measures of economic activity.
RACP projects are state-funded projects that cannot obtain primary funding under other state programs.
The Shapiro Administration is announcing funding releases for the 2023 RACP Funding Round. The Round 2023 Submissions-Awards listing has been updated. An official award letter will be available through the RACP online e-grants system. Funding recipients will receive an e-signature request via email to accept the award and to obtain a copy of the award letter. The award letter and additional RACP correspondence with instructions on the RACP e-grant process will be provided to funding recipients.
Next Funding Round Window:
To Be Determined
RACP Grant Process
The process of obtaining RACP funding has three distinct phases:
The pre-award process;
Pre-award Flowchart (PDF)
The post-award process and;
The reimbursement process
Each phase requires applicants to provide documentation that the project is in the public interest and meets the requirements of the program as set out in statute Capital Facilities Debt Enabling Act (PDF).
More details about non-state funding and reimbursable cost categories can be found in Section 1 - D. Eligible Costs in the Program Guidelines (PDF).
Contact Us by Mail:
Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program
Office of the Budget
Bureau of Redevelopment, Capital, and Debt
333 Market Street Tower | 18th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2210
NOTE: Requests for information in accordance with the Right-to-Know Law (RTKL), must be submitted directly to OBRightToKnow@pa.gov. Requests sent to any other email address listed on this website will not be considered an official RTKL request. Please see the Office of the Budget's Right-To-Know Law page for more information.
Be advised that any information included in the submission of an e-RACP Online Application (Pre-Award-Application) and PMP (Post-Award-Application) and any attachments thereto may be subject to the Right-to-Know Law in Pennsylvania.
Please select one of the categories below for more detail on each of the processes...
Candidate: Any entity that has an authorized eligible project and, subsequently, has submitted an e-RACP Application, but has not received an award. For project eligibility requirements, please see the Program Guidelines.
Applicant: An eligible entity that has submitted a formal PMP for a project that has received a RACP award letter. It may be the candidate itself, or if they are not an eligible applicant, a separate "sponsor" entity selected by the candidate.
Sub-Applicant: In cases where a RACP candidate is not an eligible applicant, the candidate becomes the sub-applicant and selects an eligible applicant to "sponsor" them and submit the formal PMP.
Grantee: An applicant that meets eligibility requirements and has received a grant agreement for execution. For grantee eligibility requirements, please see the Post Award Process Section of this website.
Sub-Grantee: An entity that, through the cooperation of a grantee, will use RACP funds for an eligible project.