Business & Tech Standards

Information technology (IT) plays an increasingly critical role in the efficiency and effectiveness of the services the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provide for its citizens. The need for sharing information across all levels of government (federal, state, and county)is becoming more critical every day.

The Bureau of Information Systems (BIS) at DHS created and published the Technology Standards and Policies Compliance Document to be consistent with DHS's IT vision and mission statements (see the Vision Statement and Mission Statement, as stated in the DHS Information Resource Management (IRM) Strategic Plan).

The development of standards is a critical component for the successful integration of DHS' existing legacy applications with newer Internet and web-based technologies. This Information Technology Standards and Policies Compliance Document serves as an integral component of the DHS Information Resource Management (IRM) Strategic Plan by providing the standards and guidelines to which DHS and it's business partners will adhere in all IT development efforts. These standards will help support the level of interoperability required for ever-changing business and technological requirements.