The Adult Community Autism Program, ACAP, is a managed care program that serves about 200 adults in in Dauphin, Lancaster, Cumberland and Chester counties. It is a fully integrated, comprehensive system of care that includes physical health, behavioral health, social, recreational, transportation, employment, therapeutic, educational, crisis, in-home support, and independent living services.
Benefits, Goals, & Features
Benefits of the ACAP model include:
- Person-Centered ISP – assessment based, outcome driven
- Behavior Support Plan (if needed)
- Crisis Intervention Plan (if needed)
- One-stop shop – continuity, flexibility, integration and coordination of services
- Team approach – with the center being the participant and the family/caregiver
- Based on the wants and needs of the participant
- Fully integrated – continuity of care
- More efficient provider communication and coordination of care.
The goals of the ACAP model are to:
- Increase a person's ability to care for themselves
- Decrease family/caregiver stress
- Increase quality of life for both the person and the family
- Provide specialized supports to adults with autism spectrum disorder based on need
- Help adults with autism spectrum disorder reach their employment goals
- Support more involvement in community activities
- Decrease crisis episodes and psychiatric hospitalizations
- Support development of peer and social networks
Some of the important features of ACAP are:
- Provides a holistic approach and integration of physical health and behavioral health, as well as home and community-based supports.
- Becomes participant's health plan
- Currently available in four counties only (Cumberland, Dauphin, Chester, and Lancaster)
- Support greater participation in community activities
- Keystone Autism Services and their network of providers (e.g., primary care physicians, dentists) provide most of the services
ACAP Documents
ACAP Agreement
- View the current Appendices to the ACAP Agreement.
Additional Documents
- Specialized Skill Development Infographic
- Career Planning Infographic
- Supported Employment Infographic
- Residential Habilitation Infographic
- 'Check out MyODP' Flyer
- 2023 External Quality Review Annual Technical Report
View the current Keystone Autism Services' Provider Directory:
Available Services
All physician services (including emergency services provided by a physician, psychiatric services, and direct access to a woman's health specialist to provide women's routine and preventive health care services). Other services are covered under Medical Assistance (fee-for-service): Inpatient facility, ambulatory surgical center, home health care, clinic-including family planning, transportation, renal dialysis center, laboratory, x-ray clinic, pharmacy.
- Audiologists' services
- Certified registered nurse practitioner services
- Chiropractors' services
- Dentists' services
- Health promotion and disease prevention services
- Hospice Services
- Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) services
- Medical supplies and Durable Medical Equipment
- Therapies: Speech/language, Occupational, Physical/mobility, Counseling
- Mental health crisis intervention services
- Non-Emergency medical transportation to services covered under the Medical Assistance Program
- Nursing facility services
- Optometrists' services
- Outpatient psychiatric clinic services
- Podiatrists' services
- Vehicle Modifications
- Visiting Nurse Services
- Prosthetic eyes and other eye appliances
- Respiratory services
- Assistive technology
- Career Planning (includes Vocational Assessment and Job Finding)
- Community Transition Services
- Day Habilitation
- Family Support
- Small Group Employment
- Specialized Skill Development (includes Behavioral Specialist Services, Systematic Skill Building, and Community Support)
- Home Modifications
- Homemaker/Chore Services
- Non-Medical Transportation
- Nutritional Consultation
- Personal Assistance Services
- Residential Habilitation Services
- Respite
- Supported Employment
- Supports Coordination
In order to be eligible for ACAP, a person must be age 21 or older, a U.S. citizen or qualified alien, reside in the service area, and meet certain diagnostic, functional and financial eligibility criteria.
Diagnostic Criteria
Have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using the most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) applicable at the time of the diagnosis.
Functional Eligibility
Must have substantial functional limitations in three or more of the major life activities listed below:
- Self-care
- Understanding and use of receptive and expressive language
- Learning
- Mobility
- Self-direction
- Capacity for independent living
Additional eligibility criteria
- Be financially eligible for Medical Assistance as determined by your local County Assistance Office
- Be certified as requiring services at the level of an Intermediate Care Facility (ICF)
- Not be enrolled in a Medical Assistance Home and Community Based Waiver program at the time of enrollment
- Not be enrolled in a Medical Assistance managed care organization at the time of enrollment in the plan
- Not be enrolled in the Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program at the time of enrollment in the Plan
Request An Application
There are two ways to request an application for Pennsylvania's adult autism programs: by phone, or online. Applications may not be requested via email or through this website.