These secretive reptiles are frequently misunderstood and feared, even though they are important links in the food chain. Timber rattlesnakes(opens in a new tab) help to keep the small mammal population -- and their pests, such as ticks -- under control.

Timber rattlesnakes may use trails, roads, or open rocky areas for basking.

View DCNR’s Timber Rattlesnake in Pennsylvania’s State Forests Brochure (PDF)(opens in a new tab) for additional information.

The Timber Rattlesnake Conservation Strategy for Pennsylvania State Forest Lands (PDF)(opens in a new tab) explains how DCNR is working with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to benefit this reptile on state forest lands.

Important Information About Timber Rattlesnakes

Pennsylvania State Forest Natural Areas Where Timber Rattlesnakes May Not Be Collected

State Forest​Natural Area
Bald Eagle​Mt. Logan
Rosencrans Bog
Tall Timbers
The Hook
Buchanan​Sweet Root
Pennel Run
Elk​Lower Jerry Run
Wykoff Run
Forbes​Roaring Run
Gallitzin​Charles F. Lewis
Loyalsock​Kettle Creek Gorge
Michaux​Carbaugh Run
Moshannon​Marion Brooks
Rothrock​Bear Meadows
Big Flat Laurel
Detweiler Run
Little Juniata
Sproul​Cranberry Swamp
East Branch Swamp
Tamarack Swamp
Susquehannock​Forrest H. Dutlinger
Tiadaghton​Algerine Swamp
Bark Cabin
Miller Run
Tioga​Black Ash Swamp
Reynolds Spring
Tuscarora​Frank E. Masland

Timber Rattlesnake Safety Tips

  • Be aware. Look around before sitting or reaching into piles of rock, logs, or boards, or under a shed or equipment.

  • Never pick up a rattlesnake, even one that appears to be dead.

  • Nuisance snakes near public places should be removed. Call the local conservation officer(opens in a new tab) of the Pa. Fish and Boat Commission for removal.

Avoiding and Treating Snakebites

  • Maintain a 3-foot buffer around a snake to avoid a strike.

  • Cloudy-eyed snakes are shedding and cannot see well. They may be more likely to defend themselves.

  • Remain calm and reassure the snakebite victim.

  • If possible, immobilize the affected area and transport the snakebite victim immediately to the nearest medical facility.

  • Do not attempt first aid measures such as incision, suction, tourniquets, alcohol, or drugs on the snakebite victim.

Additional Resources


For more information about timber rattlesnake habitat management, contact the DCNR Bureau of Forestry(opens in a new tab) at 717-787-3444.