​​​​Pennsylvania’s Outdoor Recreation Plan

Every five years, states across the nation are required to produce a new statewide recreation plan to help guide their recrea​tion policies, programs, and investments.

The plan is needed to remain eligible for federal grants from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which are used to:

  • Build parks and historic sites
  • Conserve forests, rivers, lakes, and wildlife habitat
  • Provide access to recreation, hunting, and fishing

Pennsylvania has benefitted from more than $216 million in funding from the Land and Water Conservation Fund for projects across the Commonwealth since 1965.

2025-2029 Statewide Outdoor Recreation Plan

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and its Technical Advisory Committee for the Outdoor Recreation Plan have begun the process of preparing the next Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.​

    Recreation Plan Research and Public Input

    Public participation is a vital component in the development of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Recreation Plan.

    DCNR gathered feedback and insight from Pennsylvania residents, recreation enthusiasts, and those that provide outdoor recreation services and facilities.

    Over 8,000 Pennsylvanians share their opinions through online surveys and in-person feedback stakeholder meetings where they shared about their activity of choice, provided feedback about investment priorities, and shared opinions about what enhancements are needed for their recreation experience in Pennsylvania.

    The three surveys provide distinct experiences and insights into the outdoor recreation planning process. 

    • The Lion Poll (PDF), conducted in March and early April of 2024, is a quota-based invitation system that is representative of Pennsylvania’s population by region and, separately, by age/gender. 
    • The Public survey (PDF), conducted in both English and Spanish, was available between April and May 2024, and again in September of 2024. Over 7,000 outdoor recreation enthusiasts shared their opinions. 
    • The Provider’s survey (PDF) was sent to outdoor recreation professionals who provides recreational opportunities by managing land or water assets for public use. This included municipalities, land trusts, school districts, or other non-profit land manager or park provider. 

    The public will be able to comment on a draft of Pennsylvania’s Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan from February 3, 2025, through March 3, 2025. An online public input form will be made available, and 5 webinars on the five priority areas for the 2025-2029 SCORP will be conducted during this period. Priority areas include:

    • Promoting Community and Economic Development – February 3 – 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM – Webinar Registration
    • Advancing Health and Wellness – February 5 – 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM – Webinar Registration
    • Supporting Equity and Inclusion – February 10 – 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM – Webinar Registration
    • Addressing Infrastructure and Maintenance – February 12:00 PM – 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM – Webinar Registration
    • Progressing on Sustainability and Climate Change – February 19 – 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM – Webinar Registration

    ​2020-2024 Statewide Outdoor Recreation Plan

    The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has finalized Pennsylvania’s next Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (PDF)—the blueprint for delivering outdoor recreation services through 2024.

    In 2018 and 2019, the department collected and analyzed public input relating to the five priority themes for the plan:

    • Health and wellness
    • Recreation for all
    • Sustainable systems
    • Technology
    • Funding and economic development

    The department received input from 12,000 people to help shape the plan.

    The department presented 20 draft recommendations and close to 100 action items in October 2019 for the public’s reaction and feedback.

    The 2020-2024 outdoor recreation plan is being used by state agencies, local governments, and other recreation providers to guide outdoor recreation programs, policies, and projects.

    The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has developed Outdoor Recreation Access Interactive Maps that help implement Pennsylvania’s vision that enjoyable outdoor recreation is welcoming to all and accessible in every Pennsylvania community.

    The department has​ partnered with The Trust for Public Land and WeConservePA to ​answer two questions:

    • Who in Pennsylvania has access to outdoor recreation within 10 minutes of their home?
    • More importantly, who doesn’t?

    The interactive maps can help identify new recreation spots to increase equitable access.

    Web Map and Analysis Frequently Asked Questions Document (PDF) is available to aid users with the interactive maps.

    A limited number of hard copies of the recreation and trail plans are available.

    To request plan copies, please contact Lori Ross and provide your mailing address.​​