Boating Opportunities
All motorboats must display a current boat registration from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. All non-powered boats launched in state parks or forests must display one of the following:
Boat registration
Launching permit from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Launching permit or mooring permit from Pennsylvania State Parks -- available at most state park offices
Boaters must abide by both the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s boating regulations and the regulations of the state park or forest district in which you are boating.
Life Jackets
All boaters on Pennsylvania waters from November 1 through April 30 must wear a life jacket -- it’s the law! Each person in the boat must have a wearable, USCG-approved life jacket! It is highly advisable to wear life jackets at all times, especially in dangerous conditions.
Children 12 years of age and younger are required to wear a life jacket on any boat 20 feet or less in length.
Boating in State Parks
Whether you like to quietly row on a small lake or jet around with the wind streaming through your hair, Pennsylvania state parks has a lake for you. If you don’t have a boat, many state parks rent boats for you to enjoy. Visit the Where to Boat in State Parks web page for the best places to boat, by motor size and lake acreage.
Boat Mooring in Pennsylvania State Parks
Some state parks have shoreline mooring, marinas, and/or dry land mooring areas.
For all areas, it is best to contact the individual park directly to determine availability of a space, cost, and how to secure a space.
- Shoreline Mooring - The shoreline mooring season is from April 1 to October 31.
- Marinas - Ten state parks with access to large bodies of water have marinas. Marina space availability depends on the size of your boat. The size of your boat determines the cost.
- Dry Land Mooring - Some parks operate dry land mooring areas for an annual fee. Space is assigned and the boat kept on its trailer. The season for this is from April 15 to October 31. Contact the individual park for availability.
Sailing in State Parks
All state parks that have lakes that permit boating can accommodate sailboats.
Due to the mountainous nature of the state, certain lakes are better for sailing than others. The parks marked with a sailboat symbol have the best sailing opportunities.
Inflatable Boats in State Parks
On Pennsylvania state park lakes, inflatable boats must be at least seven feet in length and made of high-quality, durable material. There are special regulations for inflatables for whitewater boating which are on the whitewater boating page.
Ice Boating in State Parks
For the true, diehard outdoor enthusiast, there is nothing like iceboating to stir up those inactive wintertime juices. Nineteen state parks currently allow ice boating opportunities, weather permitting.
Find out where there’s ice from the state park’s winter activities report, online from December until spring thaw. Ice thickness is not monitored. For your safety, make sure ice is at least 6 inches thick and carry safety equipment.
Ice Boating Safety Tips
Follow these safety tips while you are ice boating:
Test ice thickness with an auger before boating -- six inches of solid ice is the minimum recommended thickness for boating
Spread out -- crowds can put too much weight onto one area
Be aware of changes in ice thickness across a body of water -- perimeter ice is weaker due to shifting, expansion, and sunlight reflecting off of the bottom
Avoid areas with protruding logs, brush, plants, and docks -- these structures absorb heat, weakening the surrounding ice
Avoid areas with multiple or intersecting cracks, and standing water over ice
Use extra caution on rivers and streams where ice can appear thicker than it really is -- moving water erodes ice from below the surface
Venturing out on ice alone is not advisable -- take a friend along for fun and for safety
Wear a PFD (life jacket)
Always carry safety equipment and know how to use it
Check the weather and plan accordingly -- several days with temperatures above freezing will weaken the ice
Boating in Pennsylvania State Forests
Boating typically occurs on lakes and ponds in state forests, although some of the larger rivers on state forest land are good for boating too.
Pennsylvania’s state forests have several lakes and ponds larger than five acres that can be used for boating along with many smaller ponds. Most boating opportunities are within the following state forests:
Delaware State Forest
There are thirteen lakes and ponds within the Delaware State Forest. Boat launches are located at:
White Deer Lake
Peck’s Pond (two launches, also used by ice boats)
Little Mud Pond
Lake Minisink
Electric motors are permitted on all water in Delaware State Forest except in the following natural areas:
Bruce Lake
Egypt Meadows Lake
Pine Lake
Little Mud Pond Natural Area Pond
Weiser State Forest
Electric motor and non-motorized boats are permitted on two of the three reservoirs on the Roaring Creek tract within Weiser State Forest -- the 184-acre McWilliams’ Reservoir and the 31-acre Kline’s Reservoir. Four portage boat launches are available at the Klines and McWilliams Reservoirs. A limited number of mooring permits are available for seasonal storage of boats.
Check with the state forest district you wish to visit for detailed maps and information on what boating opportunities they have to offer please explore.
Explore River Islands While Boating
Bureau of Forestry has management responsibilities of all unwarranted and unpatented rivers islands in the state. These islands offer some excellent recreational opportunities.
The bureau partners with several volunteer groups that design, develop, and maintain river islands trails throughout the commonwealth. These volunteers also serve as trail stewards for maintenance, monitoring resource impacts, and tracking public use.
Many of these river island groups produce maps and brochures describing the trail. The trail maps will show access sites and river islands designated for day use and primitive camping.