DCNR's Accomplishments

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is Pennsylvania’s conservation leader and chief cheerleader for the health and economic benefits of outdoor recreation.


Our educators, rangers, administrators, managers, and other staff work tirelessly to support new parks in our communities, protect our pollinators, serve visitors, fight wildfires, map what is underground, construct high-performance buildings in our system, and so much more.

Our Strategic Priorities

DCNR’s signature accomplishments to welcome all; make natural places resilient; and support the outdoor economy:

Outdoor Recreation

Outdoor Recreation

Outdoors for All

Outdoors for All

Conservation and Sustainability

Conservation and Sustainability

Fast Facts

Here are some fun facts and statistics that we're proud of from our work in 2024.


Programs offered by state parks.


people attended those programs.


environmental education programs offered.


school students taught about nature and conservation.


Forests added to the national Old-Growth Forest Network.

$85 million

in grants awarded to conservation projects across the state.