It supports a multitude of resources, uses, and values, including:
- Water and air purification
- Recreational opportunities
- Aesthetic beauty
- Plant and animal habitat
- Economic benefits through the provision of wood products
- Environmentally sound utilization of mineral resources
Pennsylvania is divided into 20 forest districts. Each district is responsible for protecting all forest land within the district from:
- Fire
- Destructive insects
- Disease
Field operations in each forest district are supervised by a district forester and conducted by staff. The district staff promotes wild plant conservation and private forest land conservation and stewardship.
Forest district staff also provide for the protection, administration, and management of state forest lands within the district.
Recreation in State Forests
State forests provide unique opportunities for dispersed, low-density outdoor recreation that can be obtained only through large blocks of forest.
Forest recreation is one of the most common ways that people connect with and enjoy the state forest. The state forest system provides bountiful opportunities for citizens to recreate and enjoy the forest.
However, state forests cannot sustainably provide unlimited recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities on state forest land are aimed at those forms of dispersed forest recreation that are not being provided by other land uses or ownerships and that are compatible with ecosystem management.
Find a state forest near you to see what recreation opportunities are available.
State Forest Management
Management of state forests is guided by Forests for All, the bureau’s strategic plan, and the State Forest Resource Management Plan.