What to Do
From hiking to biking, fishing to hunting, hang gliding to snowmobiling, Pennsylvania has a wide diversity of recreational opportunities in our state parks and forests during all seasons.
What to Do
Where to Go
Pennsylvania's outdoor recreation opportunities are as diverse as its people and places.
Where to Go
Organized Group Events
Commercial and special activities and organized events are becoming increasingly popular in our state parks and state forests.
Organized Group Events
Leave No Trace
By taking the time to practice responsible outdoor ethics we can ensure Pennsylvania state parks and forests remain premier outdoor recreation destinations for generations to come.
Leave No Trace
Staying Safe
Exploring the beautiful, vast Pennsylvania outdoors can be fun and memorable. However, the most important part of any trip is staying safe.
Staying Safe
Search and Rescue
DCNR is the primary coordinator for search-and-rescue efforts in its state forest and state park lands.
Search and Rescue
State Outdoor Recreation Plan
Every five years, states across the nation are required to produce a new statewide recreation plan to help guide their recreation policies, programs, and investments.
State Outdoor Recreation Plan
Office of Outdoor Recreation
The mission of the Pennsylvania Office of Outdoor Recreation is to unite, grow, and strengthen Pennsylvania’s outdoor economy.
Office of Outdoor Recreation