Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Bureau of Recreation and Conservation

The Bureau of Recreation and Conservation builds connections between citizens and the outdoors through recreation enhancement, natural resource conservation, and community revitalization efforts.

The bureau partners with communities and organizations across Pennsylvania to provide grants and technical assistance support for local recreation projects, trails and greenways, heritage areas, open space, river conservation, and environmental education programs.

Bureau of Recreation and Conservation’s Mission

To be a leader in establishing partnerships for advancing conservation, stewardship, enhancement and access to Pennsylvania’s natural and heritage resources, and for providing inclusive recreational opportunities for all.

Who We Are

The Bureau of Recreation and Conservation is made of dedicated recreation and park professionals; environmental, urban, and regional planners; conservation and heritage area specialists; environmental managers; public administrators; landscape architects; and administrative support staff.

What The Bureau Does

The staff at the Bureau of Recreation and Conservation work to ensure that connections are realized between natural resource conservation and community revitalization and between citizens and the outdoors.

The bureau partners with communities and organizations across Pennsylvania to provide grants and technical assistance support for local recreation projects, trails and greenways, heritage areas, open space protection, river conservation, and environmental education programs.

Bureau of Recreation and Conservation Principles

The bureau’s work is guided by the knowledge that:

  • The long-term sustainability of Pennsylvania’s natural resources is in the hands of local communities, as only a small percentage of the state’s lands and waters are owned by DCNR.

  • Natural, heritage, and recreational resources that are connected to a community contribute significantly to its citizens’ quality of life.

  • The economy and health of our communities and citizens are directly tied to the availability of open space and recreational and outdoor opportunities.

  • A lack of planning, lack of connection to nature and parks, and lack of coordinated government services contribute to the decline of our communities and the health of their citizens.

  • Citizens who appreciate the outdoors and have access to recreational opportunities, creeks, trails, and paths are more likely to enact a natural resource stewardship ethic.

Bureau of Recreation and Conservation Values

The Bureau of Recreation and Conservation’s values include:

  • Being a partner with local communities, counties, land trusts, and nonprofit organizations to protect and enhance Pennsylvania’s natural resources and help build attractive, sustainable communities.

  • Connecting people to the places they love
  • Helping communities appreciate local natural resources by encouraging incorporation of green principles and native landscaping. We do this by supporting projects that increase biodiversity, plant trees, use green design in buildings, protect riparian areas, protect wetlands, manage stormwater naturally, and incorporate alternative small-scale energy sources into their design.

  • Supporting projects that provide accessible, safe, close-to-home recreation facilities; trail systems that provide places to walk, bike, and experience nature; protect critical habitat and cultural landscapes; and provide public access to our rivers so they become “front doors” to vibrant, livable communities.

  • Helping communities manage their growth, reduce the loss of open space, and develop tools that support responsible natural resource stewardship.

  • Being responsive to community conservation needs by providing timely and efficient technical assistance, guidance, and networking opportunities.

​Additional Information

Community Conservation Partnerships Grants Program Brochure (PDF)

Bureau of Recreation and Conservation Fact Sheet (PDF)

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Contact the Bureau

Central Office:

Bureau of Recreation and Conservation
Rachel Carson State Office Building
400 Market Street, 5th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301

DCNR Grants Customer Service Center:
FAX: 717-787-9577

Regional Offices:

For more information, please contact your DCNR Bureau of Recreation and Conservation regional advisor (PDF).