Vistas or scenic overlooks are a major attraction for many forest visitors. The best known and most easily accessible in the Rothrock is the Jo Hayes Vista atop Tussey Mountain along PA Route 26 at the Centre/Huntingdon County line. The view overlooks the State College area and several surrounding townships in Centre County.
Other significant sightseeing overlooks for the hiker include several spots atop Tussey Mountain that can be reached only by walking along the Mid-State Trail. The Standing Stone Trail, atop Stone Mountain and Jacks Mountain, also offers several great views for the hiker.
Additional breathtaking views can be found at Indian Overlook above the parking area at Colerain trailhead, and Penn Valley View, near the junction of Detweiler Trail and Thickhead Road.
A trip to the Trough Creek area can also be rewarding to the scenic vista lover. The hike along the crest of Terrace Mountain provides some spectacular views of the Raystown Lake area.
The auto traveler can obtain good views from overlooks along the following roads: Colerain, Pennsylvania Furnace, Bear Gap, Wampler, North Meadows, Kettle, Beidleheimer, Allensville, and Turkey Hill.