The original forest was cut over from the late 1800's through the 1920's. Following this cutting and forest fires, a new forest of hardwoods emerged, consisting of more hardwoods and less hemlock and white pines.
In 1901 the first tract of what was to become the Susquehannock State Forest was purchased. Theodore Cobb sold the state 21,585 acres south of Coudersport near the towns of Austin, Odin, and Borie. By 1949 all the major purchases of the forest land had been made at an average cost of $2.50 per acre.
During the 1930's the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) established ten camps on the forest. Many of the present state forest roads and trails were built at that time. Many buildings put up by the CCC have been removed or replaced since the 1950's but several smaller CCC buildings can still be found.