Lake Marburg
Lake Marburg at Codorus State Park is a magnet for birds, especially migrating waterfowl and shorebirds.
During the spring and fall, ruddy ducks, mergansers, and scaups often float in large flotillas in the middle of the lake.
Near the edges of the lake are grebes, coots, and wigeon.
Yellowlegs, dunlins, and sandpipers frequent the mudflats of the lake to rest and refuel.
Osprey frequent the lake and can be seen diving into the water to catch fish.
An active bald eagle nest near the lake can be viewed from the classroom building overlook.
Watch the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Bald Eagle Nest Cam at Codorus State Park.
The wetlands in the coves and flats of the lake are another great places to see wildlife like:
Red-winged blackbird
Wood duck
The fields of the park are wonderful places to see white-tailed deer, sparrows, swallows, and bluebirds. Volunteers monitor about 175 bluebird boxes.
The forests of the park are habitat for thrushes and warblers, birds that are often absent from the open land surrounding the park.
The Common Birds of Codorus State Park (PDF) brochure lists the birds most likely to be seen in the park and in which habitat.
Remember that feeding wildlife and spotlighting are prohibited in the park. Always enjoy viewing wildlife from a safe distance.