Norristown Farm Park

Nearby Attractions

Information about Norristown Farm Park’s nearby attractions is available from the Valley Forge Tourism and Convention Board.

Explore the Area

Norristown Farm Park is closest to Norristown Borough, which is the county seat, and is home to a zoo and many shops and eateries. To the north of the park is Collegeville Borough, which is home to Ursinus College and several healthcare research and development facilities. Like a typical college town, there are numerous shops, restaurants, and other interesting sites to see.

Learn about some of the area businesses and things to do from the Perkiomen Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce.

Nearby State Parks and Forests

Norristown Farm Park is close to three state parks, where visitors can enjoy recreation, education, and other activities.

Evansburg State Park

Evansburg State Park is in southcentral Montgomery County between Norristown and Collegeville. Evansburg offers a significant area of green space and relative solitude in an urbanized area.

Its main natural feature, the Skippack Creek, has dissected the land into ridges and valleys that create feelings of enclosures and provide scenic views. Popular recreational activities include hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, fishing, hunting, golfing, softball, and camping. 

Fort Washington State Park

The 493-acre Fort Washington State Park is rich in modern recreational facilities and historical significance. The park is popular with hikers and picnickers.

Birders enjoy the seasonal migration of raptors from the observation deck, and the park blossoms with flowering dogwood in the spring.

Ridley Creek State Park

Ridley Creek State Park encompasses more than 2,606 acres of Delaware County woodlands and meadows. The gently rolling terrain of the park, bisected by Ridley Creek, is only 16 miles from center city Philadelphia and is an oasis of open space in a growing urban area.

Recreational activities include hiking, biking, horseback riding, picnicking, fishing, hunting, and camping.

Other Nearby Outdoor Spaces and Natural Places

The Central Perkiomen Valley Park and Valley Forge National Historical Park are nearby and offer additional recreational and educational opportunities.

Pennsylvania Heritage Areas

Heritage Areas protect, enhance, and promote Pennsylvania’s historic, natural, cultural, and scenic resources.

The Schuylkill River Greenways National Heritage Area is Pennsylvania’s first designated Scenic River. It has been instrumental in shaping the nation’s heritage for more than 300 years, playing an important role in three revolutions: the American, Industrial, and Environmental.