Boating Prices

A non-refundable $6.50 transaction fee is charged per slip/space on all marina, boat rack, off-shore and shoreline mooring space, and storage space reservations or registrations, including daily whitewater transient reservations or registrations.


Transaction fees do not apply to boat launch permits, whitewater passes, and inclusion on the waiting/transfer list.

Presque Isle State Park Marina
 ​Unit or Time Frame​Resident Price​​Non-Resident Price
​Cost Per Foot of Stall​Per Season​$41.50​$83.00
​Cost Per Foot of Stall with Utilities​Per Season​$46.25​$92.50
​Bascomb Holder - 18' Slip​Per Season​$404.25​$808.50
​Cradle Summer Storage​Per Season​$44.00​$89.50
​Travel Lift​Per Lift Per Foot​$5.25​$9.50
​Winter Boat Storage Includes Lift Out and In​Per Foot Per Season​$18.00​$35.75
​Daily Transient​Per Day Per Foot​$1.00​$1.75
​Daily Transient with Utilities​Per Day Per Foot​$1.25​$2.00
​Marina Waiting/Transfer List​Per Application Per List​$20.00​$20.00

Maurice K. Goddard State Park Marina
 ​Time Frame​Resident Price​​Non-Resident Price​
​"A" Docks​Per Foot Per Season​$19.00​$28.50
​"A" Docks Transient​Per Foot Per Day​$.40​$.60
​"B" Docks​Per Foot Per Season​$17.00​$26.50
​"B" Docks Transient​Per Foot Per Day​$.40​$.60
​Marina Waiting/Transfer List​Per Application Per List​$20.00​$20.00

Moraine State Park Marina
 Time Frame​​Resident Price​​Non-Resident Price
​Fingerless Dock​Per Foot Per Season​$25.00​$33.00
​Regular Finger Dock​Per Foot Per Season​$27.50​$35.00
​Large Finger Dock​Per Foot Per Season​$30.50​$38.50
​Offshore Mooring​Per Foot Per Season​$19.00​$27.50
​Dock Space Transient​Per Foot Per Day​$.55​$.75
​Offshore Mooring Transient​Per Foot Per Day​$.30​$.50
​Marina Waiting/Transfer List​Per Application Per List​$20.00​$20.00

All Other State Park Marinas
 Time Frame​Resident Price​Non-Resident Price​
​Cost Per Foot of Slip​Per Season​$22.00 to $30.00​$33.00 to $44.00
​Daily Transient​Per Foot Per Day​$.40​$.55
​Daily Transient​Minimum​$6.00​$6.00
​Daily Transient Dry Storage​Per Day​$2.25​$3.25
​Daily Transient Dry Storage​Minimum​$6.00​$6.00
​Daily Transient Winter Storage​Per Day​$2.25​$3.25
​Daily Transient Winter Storage​Minimum​$6.00​$6.00
​Marina Waiting/Transfer List​Per List​$20.00​$20.00

 ​Time FrameResident Price​Non-Resident Price​
​Mooring <= 7 feet of Shoreline​Per Season​$40.00 to $175.00​$46.00 to $200.00
​Mooring <= 7 feet of Shoreline Transient​Per Day​$2.25​$3.25
​Mooring <= 7 feet of Shoreline Transient​Minimum​$6.00​$6.00
​Mooring > 7 feet of Shoreline​Per Season​$79.00 to $250.00​$90.50 to $325.00
​Mooring > 7 feet of Shoreline Transient​Per Day​$4.25​$5.25
​Mooring > 7 feet of Shoreline Transient​Minimum​$6.00​$6.00
​Mooring Offshore​Per Season​$79.00 to $250.00​$90.50 to $325.00
​Waiting/Transfer List​Per List​$20.00​$20.00

Other Boating Prices
 Time Frame​​Resident PriceNon-Resident Price​
​Boat Dock - Private​Per Season​$50.00 to $100.00​$60.00 to $120.00
​Launch Permit​1 Year​$10.00 to $12.00​$15.00 to $18.00
​Launch Permit​2 Year​$18.00 to $22.00​$28.00 to $34.00
​Launch Permit​Seven Day​$5.00 to $7.00​$5.00 to $7.00
​Boat Winter Storage​Per Season​$130.00 to $500.00​$135.00 to $550.00
​Boat Storage Rack​Per Season​$37.00 to $100.00​$44.00 to $110.00
​Boat Dry Storage​Per Season​$125.00 to $500.00​$140.00 to $550.00
​Boat Trailer Storage​Per Day​$2.00 to $4.00​$3.00 to $5.00
Boat Trailer Storage​​Per Week​$10.00 to $20.00​$12.00 to $22.00
​Boating Whitewater​Per Reservation​$10.00​$10.00
​Boating Whitewater​Season Pass​$80.00​$80.00
​Waiting/Transfer List​Per List​$20.00​$20.00